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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Everton v Swansea http://www.matchhighlight.com/latest-goals/england/premier-league/everton-v-swansea-city/
  2. Everton v Chelsea (League cup) http://www.matchhighlight.com/full-match-game/everton-1-2-chelsea-league-cup/
  3. Everton v Arsenal http://www.matchhighlight.com/full-match-game/premier-league-full-match-game/arsenal-1-0-everton-2/
  4. Everton v Stoke http://www.matchhighlight.com/full-match-game/premier-league-full-match-game/everton-v-fulham/
  5. Everton v Liverpool http://www.matchhighlight.com/full-match-game/premier-league-full-match-game/everton-0-2-liverpool-2/
  6. http://www.matchhighlight.com/full-match-game/premier-league-full-match-game/everton-v-norwich-city-2/ I found the above site, and thought it was worth sharing. It shows highlights of 'full' matches from many different leagues. Not always in English, but who needs commentators? The above game is against Norwich, but there are others to watch if you search. Maybe the Spurs match will be available shortly. Who knows.
  7. http://www.101greatgoals.com/gvideos/tottenham-2-everton-0-2/ Highlights for anybody interested.
  8. No, you didn't. You said "Avinalaff hel make you eat your words ya fuckin asshole!" I'm sure Toffeetalk will be doomed without such posts huh? Get it into your head, that Shane is one of many, and not everybody will think the same regarding his performance. Nobody slated him. Folk disagreed over whether he should get motm. I think Nev deserved motm. If you don't like that, then you need to have a word with yourself.
  9. I don't have a Twitter account, and yes, I watched the match, or are you incapable of checking the match day thread before asking? As for the picture, it's in support of Shane, not a piss take, but then you presume the worst, because you don't put your brain into gear.
  10. That's it lads. Shane Duffy's Uncle Mark has decided that if we don't vote for Shane, then we're 'fuckin arseholes', so if you don't want to be called a 'fuckin asshole' by Shane Duffy's Uncle, then get voting for Shane Duffy right now. We can't have Shane Duffy's Uncle Mark getting upset because his nephew didn't win motm in his 29 minute debut. Don't forget .... vote for Shane ..... now ! Markduff said so, and what Markduff wants, Markduff gets.
  11. Yeah maybe, but you certainly won't. There is a squad, not just Shane, so get used to it that not everybody will think he won motm inside 29 minutes. OK pal? And don't call me a 'fuckin arsehole' on the forum, and then ask me to enter in a conversation with you via pm. It's one or the other. I'm sure Shane will be glad to have you supporting embarrassing him.
  12. The words brown and nose spring to mind. but who am I to argue?
  13. If it's regarding our performance, then it's the constipated pile driver that sticks out of the water like a petrified sealion and has to be physically pushed down the hatch like the launching of the HMS Titanic, as regardless of what we do, the damn thing seems unsinkable.
  14. Yeah, I saw that. Losing Distin will be massive. Any word on him?
  15. Your clever Mike, I'll give you that, though 29 minutes, isn't enough for a motm performance. Neville has taken stick for ages, but tonight, he continued doing his job while others looked out of their depth. Duffy froze on that half way line, and conceded a throw in. It's not a biggy, as it's his first run out for ages, but no way was he the moth mate. That's just crazy.
  16. Drenthe looked pretty fit to me, so why was he on the bench, whilst other wankers were on the pitch? We sat back for long periods, and played passes of a few yards, which highlights our inability to take responsibility. Everybody is looking for everybody else to do something. I'm surprised we didn't have most of our players sent off, as they are a complete waste of time, and that's supposed to be a bookable offence.
  17. What about the rabbit in the headlights moment at the half way line? His header was miles over the bar too, and he played only 29 minutes. Sympathy votes make a mockery of the motm.
  18. Phil Neville didn't do too much wrong to be fair. Who ever voted Duffy is just taking the piss.
  19. We're officially fricking clueless. Absolutely incapable of creating an attacking shot. It really is frustrating.
  20. Deflection again. We really are shite. I feel sorry for lads who go to the away games.
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