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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. The same Johnny that is continuously linked with a move away? Hmmmm .......... You can't realize potential sat on the bench or out with broken legs Matt. Other than being a hard worker, and a likeable guy, exactly what did Straq bring to the table that Moyes wasn't aware of? If he was good enough, he would still be here.
  2. Isn't it time some of you got off Anichebe's back ? The lad is a damn good player, and I'd like to see how many other of our players would sit on the bench every week without becoming fed up. Vic is an Everton player. Support him.
  3. Loved Rage, but was annoyed at the lack of game play regarding the quick ending.
  4. Have Borderlands and played a while on it. It's one of those games that is great once you play it, but doesn't grab my attention too often. I probably have far too many games and have lost enthusiasm for most of them. I'd be better just sticking to just one until I've finished it.
  5. Have you tried Hard Reset yet TJ ? It has great game play and there are some very nice graphics too.
  6. http://www.google.co.uk/search?num=10&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1680&bih=881&q=bulletstorm&oq=bulletstorm&gs_l=img.3..0l10.2116.5362.0.5881.
  7. I've just finished Bullet Storm, and thought it was a great little game. Loads of action and very colourful and picturesque. Well worth the money I paid in the sale.
  8. I have to take my hat off to Southampton and maybe send them a little good luck mojo. To have to play Wigan, City, United, and Arsenal in your first Premiership games is quite a task. Then they face Villa and Everton ha ha. Welcome to the Premiership lol.
  9. If you all hate the red shite clap your hands ..........
  10. Sticking pins in my Moyes doll. - MOYES OUT !!!
  11. Ever seen Silent Hill when all the mannequins turn on each other ?
  12. Their Chairman was interviewed yesterday evening and said no offers had been put on the table for Butland, and certainly not from Everton.
  13. I think many of us were slating Moyes for not having coaches with attacking backgrounds. Like always, when things are poor on the pitch, discussions are negative off it. If we lose today, Round will be a useless twat by tea time.
  14. "Wow, you look very smart today" Reply options: A ......... "Thanks very much, nice of you to say" B ......... "Are you saying I looked scruffy yesterday pal? " Hmmmm ....... Get my point?
  15. Hey soft lad - let Louis speak for himself and stop having little digs. Yes, I'm sensitive, but not overly so, and I think I'm able to decide for myself as to whether a guy misinterpets my intentions or not. I offer Round a bit of credit and guys are defensive? Get a fucking grip. We should all be positive.
  16. Why lately? Because he's had a lot of interviews lately, and I'd not seen much of him before. Stop looking for negatives in a positive thread. Honestly.
  17. Who is waiting for Sky? I said they seem to think it's on, that's all. When FIFA allow it, we can talk about confirmation. Until then, Everton haven't confirmed didley other than the proposal.
  18. I think Gibson has done well so far. I'm all for adding to the squad, but let's not overlook what is already working. SSN seem to think this is on.
  19. I'm actually warming to Steve Round lately. I didn't realise how positive and dynamic he is. Nice to see more of him.
  20. Lots of websites running with this, but I'm inclined to dismiss it for now.
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