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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Shelvey should not have been sent off. I think any fair minded neutral would agree, even if a few biased Blues can't. It's the Man Utd factor as far as I'm concerned, and the fact that they keep getting these wacky decisions from refs smacks of dirty dealings. It's the main reason I've totally gone off them recently, especially Ferguson, who when Jamie 'Arse licker' Redknapp said Ferguson was full of class, nearly made me choke. The guy is the worst loser I've seen, and totally lacks class.
  2. Ah, DK as in Sir Dalziel, not Destination Kirkby. Have history book will travel. It's better than Romey's match summary I guess.
  3. Hi mate. I knew there had to be a Sheffield Wed fan out there somewhere. Welcome to the board, and err ... hands off our nest egg. He's going to City in the summer for 5 billion gazookas.
  4. Thanks Mike, I'll take a look. Laughed at the Louis thing lol.
  5. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5623-QOSV-5250
  6. http://www.toffeetal...ton-discussion/ I only have 2 pages of threads in the Everton discussion forum. Am I missing something? Do I have a full permission access?
  7. Ah, yes, my telepathic skills should have known that - silly me. Try this: Completely exit from the Steam client. Go to C:\Program Files\Steam (or the Steam directory that was specified during installation). Locate ClientRegistry.blob and rename this file to ClientRegistryOld.blob. Restart Steam to allow the file to be recreated. Test the issue once more.
  8. I've looked for the older threads from this time last year, but they appear to be deleted. Do we have access to our threads for this period, to compare and contrast mood ?
  9. I think we have a team capable of beating every other side and a manager that deserves to get reward, so I'd be thrilled if we can play European football again next season. Our squad isn't big enough to win the league, but it is good enough to keep in touch with 4th place, or win a cup. What is for sure though, is that Everton are putting themselves back on the map, and hopefully investors will notice them.
  10. I've never seen any point to Facebook etc, or Twitter, but each to their own I guess. I think they were hard done to yesterday, but the sound of my heart bleeding keeps telling me it will be ok.
  11. That would get them relegated over 38 games.
  12. So on a whole, Liverpool fans are retards? Well, I'll go with that lol, but let's not get carried away with the actions of a very small number of people. We all have our fair share of idiots, and always will have. Hopefully they'll go down and we can whistle happy melodies once more.
  13. It's also the Internet, and anybody can pretend to be anybody, and write anything they want.
  14. I'm happy he is good enough at this level, and if you watch the extended highlights on the Everton site you'll see just how good he was at Swansea. His link up play was superb, as was his pressure on their defence, and he looks pretty quick too. He isn't a natural politician, but who is? Those who want shut of Vic make me shake my head.
  15. 'In Steam' ...... Try going to Steam / Settings / Account and you'll see the Beta participation thing. Press 'Change' and you'll see the options you need.
  16. I think his days are numbered any way, guilty or not. There is little point in players being in the way of the next generation. It is probably a decision that may well have been part of a deal with the FA, but who knows.
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