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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Are you telling me to stop telling you? ... Marco didn't get it. He's just licking arse.
  2. Jay, I was taking the piss out of your claim that you were joking. Psychic, psychotic, physics ? You listen to Marco too much. He's a bad influence on you, and a terrible terrible stirrer of smelly stuff. If you want to see Suarez in a wheelchair, and writing using a paint brush in his mouth, don't let me stop you. It's ok after all.
  3. Only if you're joking, and need to get out of looking a twit.
  4. Excuse me Mr Sherlock, but I might have written psychic, but it was obvious I was joking, and meant to write physics, as I'd been reading a science thread on another forum. Are you stoopid ?
  5. I don't think you like Liverpool very much Pete. I'm psychic like that.
  6. I said psychotic. Are you dislexick or something?
  7. He wasn't joking. That's just his way of trying not to look like a twit, and instead looking like a bigger one in the process.
  8. My opinion is that anybody who wishes an injury on another person is a proper twit. Anybody who makes that opinion public, is more than asking for a negative response, so it's amusing me a little that the guys who think it's ok to make stupid statements, seem to think it's not ok for somebody to challenge them.
  9. Look Jay, what the heck is with you mate? Your comment had no connection with any thread, no quote attached, no reference to anything else, and came immidiately after Kohen posted that Borini was injured. There isn't a single hint that you were joking, nor even a smiley, and to be fair, I'm not the only one that took offense, or thought your comment was way over the top. If anything, my further 'twit' comments was in relation to all who stated they actually 'did' want to see him injured, if you read back. or If you want to start acting like a spoilt kid throwing a tantrum because somebody on the Internet had the audacity to dare associate you with the word 'twit' then go for it Jay, but you'll just look a bigger twit in doing so. Maybe our psychic powers and telepathic understanding should have known you were joking, so it's clearly other peoples fault that your comment was taken badly, huh? Grow a pair Jay, and quit acting like everybody else is at fault, and not you.
  10. Honestly mate, I thought you were ok, but I see you have a side I can't be arsed with, so do me a favour and have a word with yourself. No more from me.
  11. While you're on your high horse mate, there were 3 or 4 comments from various members, and you took it upon yourself to start justifying your own comments, which in fairness makes you look worse, as opposed to just taking the stick on the chin. I personally think anybody who makes a comment like that deserves all they get in terms of response, so it's a bit lame of you to make a fuss when you have a choice whether to press submit or not. You'd get called a lot worse than 'twit' in a different environment, let's face it. It's schoolboy stuff mate.
  12. I was a bit disappointed we got the penalty to be honest. It reminded me a bit of United getting decisions, as though we were entitled to have a goal.
  13. You're too soft. I say ban him and force him to wear half mast pants with frilly pink socks.
  14. What reaction 'did' you expect after saying "I hope he gets crippled in the next game" ? Come on TJ.
  15. I've been run over in real life as a kid, and had a lucky escape with only broken bones and flesh wounds, so that video just makes me shake my head.
  16. The thread has turned into a 'Who's next to admit to being a bit of a twit' thread. Suarez and many players like him are developed in an environment were diving is encouraged, and coached. It becomes a natural part of their game plan. We have players in our own team who don't mind falling over a bit easy, but to wish injury on players is a little childish, and a little bit of attention seeking, hoping for reaction.
  17. I thought our overall performance was crap, and quite naive. The only way to play well against San Marino is to actually encourage them to come out of defence, All they did was pen them in and try to walk through them. The amount of pointless passes was boring. I'm not convinced at all that the team are good enough for tournament play.
  18. I always thought Pennant would have done well with us, even if he has made some silly mistakes in his life.
  19. On 2nd thoughts, give up the guitar and go seek help.
  20. It's the least of my worries. I went to a sunbed place last night with the missus, and after pursuasion agreed to have a go. I was advised to have 9 minutes. I already had a bit of a tan from Cyprus, but didn't account for the bits that didn't see the sun, which are now very burnt, very red, and very sore.
  21. I can't recall his name, but all he did was belittle San Marino, and take the piss out of them.
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