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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Nobody can force politics on somebody, especially in this country, so any player who doesn't want to wear it shouldn't have to. It's a very emotional and controversial subject, and best left to individuals to decide. Racism isn't just one way either, and not only black players or people suffer it, but every culture, including whites, so I don't think the emphasys should be put upon black sportsmen in particular. Fans not only should be banned for racism, or violence, but should have to respect fellow fans, in their behaviour in the stands, yet swearing, vile chanting, abuse towards officials, etc etc all tend to go unchallenged. To expect the Neanderthal element of society that is ever present at football matches to behave, when they're allowed to turn into tribal animals as soon as they take their seat is a bit optimistic. Anybody who has been to a game has seen the ugly side of human nature, and that's the sad thing, as it is a game, not a war.
  2. It's important not to get into a state of administrative OCD where forums are concerned. One of the worst things any admin can do in my opinion is to insist that all posts are made in the relevant threads that already exist. After a period of time, it is almost impossible for any subject not to have already been covered, and if a new member opens a thread, then don't moderate it by moving it into a discussion that took place in 1962. Forums need new 'fresh' threads in order to keep them interesting, and the quickest way to discourage new growth is to tell somebody a subject has already been discussed. It's fine if it has only been discussed recently, but on this forum in particular, we see a lot of threads revisited in order to keep things 'apparantly' tidy, and it can become confusing, and boring. Does it really matter if we start a 'Louis Suarez is a cheat' thread, and 6 months later have a 'Louis Suarez accused of racism thread'? People enjoy starting threads. Just let them get on with it, and only intervine with sensible and necessary moderating. Anything else is detrimental to the success of any discussion page. Another thing that really gets on my tits is when peeps open threads with somebody's name, for example 'Joe Bloggs' instead of writing 'Joe Bloggs sent to prison' or 'Happy Birthday Joe Bloggs'. Offering the viewer insight into the content of the thread within the title is more likely to get interest, and also get your forum bigger hits. As for closing threads, it is unnecessary, unless it is to put a stop to mindless arguments and flaming which have derailed a discussion. Deleting posts and threads is even worse, unless it's spam, as it destroys any history a forum has, and prevents any research, or fact finding, and prevents any comparison to new or old opinion, and so on. As long as threads are in an appropriate section, leave well alone.
  3. Stumbled across this guy, and thought it was worth sharing, even if it's not my normal taste in music.
  4. If we argue, it will get closed. Matt stinks.
  5. Avinalaff


    We have a bad December so need to start picking up maximum points.
  6. Why close 'any' topic? If the guy plays next game and bangs a hatrick in, or is found in bed with John Terry's ex, where do we discuss it?
  7. Tarrant does nothing but distract their focus with time wasting pointless chatter, and the boring 'same shit every week' theme to the show lost me long ago.
  8. Chorley fried chicken ? Like Kentucky but with more Ecky thump ?
  9. Damn, you are soooooooooooooo sexy. I miss you terribly.
  10. Only if he forgets to open his parachute.
  11. So, did ya watch a film then soft lad?
  12. The jury must still be out on him then, and possibly Gibson isn't quite as ready as we hoped.
  13. 3 Idiots was a nice film. It is the biggest film ever produced by Bollywood. You need to have a soft side to fully enjoy it though.
  14. W.E --- Edward & missus Simpson. Music is simply wonderful The Aviator --- Bourne actor owns airline. True story. Silent House --- New movie just out. Very well acted and very edge of seat. The Deer Hunter --- Classic Vietnam war movie. White men can't jump --- Basketball movie Zodiac --- Thriller detective v murderer Room 1408 --- Guy hires hotel room and scary shit happens 187 --- Teacher in a hard knock school. Schindlers list --- World war nazis v jews. Very likely to make you cry. Avatar --- Avatar is simply magical Silent Hill --- Very disturbing horror and one of best. Carrie --- 70's horror Jaws --- Are you serious about not seeing this lol? Crank --- Statham movie about being injected with a drug and needing a cure. Seven pounds --- Guy sacrifices self for others. 3 idiots --- Indian movie about 3 lads going to Uni. Has a mix of everything, from comedy to tears etc.
  15. A lonely place to die was good too.
  16. If you point out any you've not seen I'll offer my opinion on which are the best.
  17. Now now my little muffin. Some films in tuther thread for ya.
  18. OK, here are a few good ones: Blood Diamond W.E The Aviator Silent House The Shawshank Redemption Saw Hostel The Deer Hunter White men can't jump Green mile Zodiac Room 1408 187 Schindlers list Avatar 300 Train spotting Silent Hill Forest Gump No country for old men Saving private Ryan Gladiator One flew over the cuckoos nest Carrie The Matrix films Snatch Fight club Jaws Crank I am legend Titanic Seven pounds 3 idiots
  19. I've been downloading films for the family to watch for a good few months. Is it worth me listing a few of the better ones ? Kickass Torrents / Bittorrent / DVD Flick (if you want to burn them) are the programmes you need.
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