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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. A - Liverpool B - Sunderland C - Arsenal D - Villa E - Chelsea F - Fulham G - QPR H - Stoke I - Spurs J - Swansea
  2. You took your time ha ha.
  3. Duffy will get his chance if he keeps working hard. He looks a good player, but Moyes will be looking to win something this year, so I really can't see fringe players getting too many opportunities unfortunately. The lad is but 21, so as much as we all want him to get his chance, he has all the time in the world to get where he needs to be.
  4. Never heard of him. http://www.evertonrumours.co.uk/
  5. What do you want him to stay? "I wasn't getting a agme at Chelsea so the step down had to happen"?
  6. Big fan of Bowie. It might grow on you.
  7. Oh oh ! http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&tbo=d&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=moyes+schalke&oq=moyes+schalke&gs_l=hp.3...66.5073.0.5456.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1357316858,d.d2k&fp=1b06cd1115cee478&biw=1680&bih=881
  8. How is playing him against Cheltenham going to prepare him for the Prem? Moyes has stated why he chose the team he did, and we won, so we have to respect that. Moyes will have his own ideas about young Shane, and his readiness. It could be that he wanted to give the existing Centerbacks an easy match to sort themselves out. Even if we play Shane week in week out, he still has no experience at this level, and a loan deal to get him that experience is best. He'd probably be out on loan now if we weren't thin on the ground, so the arrival of one or two more defenders would give him that opportunity. If we could get comfortable leads on teams he might have been given a few outings, but all of our matches have been tight recently, and the timing hasn't been good.
  9. Is this why he said he would honour his contract with Everton? If he doesn't want to leave, it's worth very little.
  10. So tough shits for the syndicate ha ha.
  11. Avinalaff


    Maybe it's to deter buyers?
  12. Look Mr Forren, are you pigging signing or not? You can't know how long this freaking month is going to be for our fans if we don't get a fix quick !
  13. It's nice to see we appreciate Victor. He deserves positive reward for his determination and belief.
  14. Avinalaff


    Why can't we keep a clean sheet? Unbelievable.
  15. I was surprised he came back from Wednesday. He seemed to be doing well there and gaining confidence.
  16. We're not quite the little people fighting off the evil Ogres just yet. We were the rich club once, and as things stand, we are in a better place than most.
  17. Hi matey. I must say it's a nice change finding a Welsh member who can put a sentence together on here (ahem). Hope you stick around. Reading the same boring crap from our regulars is quite a test of endurance for educated articulate folk like one's self.
  18. It's not as nice when the door they hold open for you is the exit lol. PS ... Let's spam Bills thread.
  19. I pooped in just to annoy you Rubes. x
  20. We don't need to lose Distin. We just need a bigger squad, and the occasional rotation doesn't do older players any harm.
  21. It's a pointless thing to have really. It's a bit like a secret place for kids to call their den. Anything that takes discussion from the forum isn't good for the forum.
  22. Do you mean jamming the whole box in her gob so she can't speak? Mine's a Fireball. Thanks very much.
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