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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. If you become an alcoholic mate, it is harder to kick than Heroin, so bear that in mind. As for dreams, they are generally hand in hand with current worries, and things on ones mind. Trying to apply logic to stuff, and dwelling on / contemplating things will have you dreaming lots of weird shit.
  2. Remember ....... this is a site that welcomes fans of all clubs, but it is an Everton fan site first and foremost. As much as you get a buzz from enjoying our club, and that also of other clubs, your emotions are probably not too troubled by whether Everton win or Chelsea win, or whether Fellaini stays here or goes to Chelsea, Everton fans on the other hand support their team with all their heart, and as much as we have a little soft spot for almost 'all' other clubs, as sport fans, we really don't have soft spots for the Sky teams, or the billionaire owned teams, as it is their money and investment which prevents our own club, and many like us from having a fair environment in which to compete. When you think how close we are to breaking into the top 4 places this season, and then have those rich twats attempt to dismantle our team before our eyes, you can imagine we would have little patience for Chelsea fans coming on to our forum winding us up, but at least they would be Chelsea fans, and not European fans who half like them, and half like someboddy else, so they know what it feels like to experience defeat against us, not to mention their own highs and lows. Can you imagine then, how niggly it is, to have a Belgium lad with no roots to our club, telling us how great Fellaini is, and how much better he is than any other player in our team, at the exact same time he is linked with a transfer. Can you also imagine how niggly it is for that Belgium lad to be a Chelsea fan too ? It reminds me of the ship in a force 10 gale, when all are puking their guts out except one guy, who is laughing, and whistling, and loving the splash of the waves. That is why you get negative responses, and that is why you need to be a little bit tactful while all this shit is going on.
  3. That looks cool Mike. If people think because a crocodile is small though that it's not dangerous, they might want to consider the jaws on my Staffy are probably 6 inches across from cheek to cheek, and from ear to nose about 8 inches, and he crunches pretty much anything he wants to, and those Crocodiles jaws are 'much' bigger. I laughed slightly when the lady stroking it was looking towards the camera.
  4. Bill, we get on just fine, but if somebody joined my forum and pm'd my members with the url of a similar site, I'd be pretty pissed about it. If they then had the cheek to open a thread to complain they had no replies, I'd probably go round to their house with a hammer and a pair of pliers. I admire your thick neck though.
  5. Why don't you just link the forum?
  6. I'd choose Moyes over 'anybody else'. Best young manager in the game by a mile. Lots of managers can win things with Porto, Chelsea, Madrid etc, but try doing it in the Premier League for 10 years with zilch money.
  7. Agents after their percentage plus a wage rise. With a few players, we are quite a team. No reason to rock the boat just yet, but as stated, money.
  8. Straight up? Not as part of a bag or shoe lol?
  9. Yeah, I thought about volunteering. I have a life long love of animals, so something I always wanted to do. Of course, that doesn't mean picking up a shovel and being a free lacky. It's the contact etc I like.
  10. Do you actually work in a zoo? I've been thinking about working with animals, be it zoo or safari park. I always wanted to stroke a lion.
  11. Jeez, I go out for an hour and it's over. What sort of evil is this?
  12. Strictly speaking, unless somebody watches the reserves etc, we don't know much about him. I remember somebody on here talking about 'Barkley kid doing well' and the next thing was we were all frothing at the mouth declaring the next messiah. Moyes doesn't have it in for our young players. It's in Moyes' own interest to make them the best they can possibly be, so just because they're not on the pitch doesn't make them out of his plans.
  13. What a crap comment to make. You are terribly insensitive. Let's get 'im lads.
  14. Too much emphasys on the young lad. There was a time that kids his age wouldn't be anywhere near the first team, so strictly speaking we should stop expecting so much, and stop being impatient with his development. There is no need for him to be the next superstar. Let's just allow him to be ready when he is ready.
  15. You don't know me very well if you think I'm one to appease other folk on here, or say the popular comment. I say it like I see it, and wouldn't win any popularity contests here no doubt, but they let me stay.
  16. Are you prepared to be a good boy if I grant it?
  17. I was just pointing out that Champions league and big crowds are not a deal breaker.
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