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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. I think we need to reserve judgement and speculation. They are paying a lot of money, so if the guy isn't in the condition we require then it would be sensible to take a step back. I'm sure we'll all know sooner than later what's happening.
  2. Not the best thing to scroll down to when the family are around.
  3. If we were interested, I think his agent would have been told to shut it, so can't see this being a goer.
  4. Can you imagine Jagielka hoofing the ball up to him?
  5. Thanks Steve. And Mirallas, Very good mate.
  6. Sounds like a job for 'Lemon Aid'.
  7. Video interview. Can anybody translate? http://nos.nl/video/467507-fer-over-zijn-transfer-naar-everton.html
  8. I don't get the horse thing, regarding his girlfriend living in a block of flats. It's not like if she lived in a semi, she'd have just put the £22k horse in the back garden. The horse would surely be in stables, no? Any way, according to Fer, he'd already thought of everything, and isn't as daft as folk make out.
  9. By the look of the smiles, it's probably more than he'd get serving burgers at Macdonalds.
  10. Perhaps Moyes threw the name out so Rogers or Redknapp would pounce.
  11. Similar to the Darkness stuff. Glam rock licks. Nothing wrong with the guitar making a noise again.
  12. We expect to win against every team we play, and find it difficult to take when teams like Chelsea steal a victory. I'd say Moyes has done quite a bit for the club, and the team, and the fans during his tenure.
  13. Sometimes a little out of the box thinking pays off. We are due good fortune this season, and maybe it is a turning point.
  14. Boltons goal was top class football, and undefendable.
  15. Who are the proven strikers you wish to sign ?
  16. He was born in Brazil, so will make our squad dead ace.
  17. You know, it's probably just my opinion, but I trust Moyes, and our scouts, to do what's best for the club. We don't have the slightest idea what we paid, but I'll bet it isn't as much as folk think. There is no reason to think that Fellaini will be replaced, but there is a possibility that he has been sold already, and allowed to stay at the club until the summer, which might explain a bit of spending money, but I try to think positively, so I'll hope it's an extra player, and another great signing.
  18. http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.rtbf.be/sport/football/etranger/allemagne/detail_une-attaque-de-camargo-mirallas-a-everton%3Fid%3D7916286&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dborussia%2Bm%25C3%25B6nchengladbach%2Bigor%2Bde%2Bcamargo%2Beverton%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26tbo%3Dd%26biw%3D1600%26bih%3D1031%26tbs%3Dqdr:d&sa=X&ei=u5UGUfLDDvOU0QW5tIHoAQ&ved=0CEkQ7gEwAg
  19. I can't find it again after trying so probably bull about Pienaar. The German striker has some legs to it though. Plays for Borussia called Igor something or other.
  20. No, they didn't. I deleted them from my Photobucket account without realising they would disappear from here. Apologies.
  21. I just hope the rumour about Pienaar going to Inter is bollocks. Have we signed a German striker too ?
  22. Nah. Never good to bite your tongue mate. I just get a bit pissed off sometimes, and prefer to be honest than say nothing. If Mike had the courtesy to reply to pm's it would all be sorted without the need for a thread. If I don't start any more threads for a while, they can't delete them. Simple.
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