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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Quit calling United players 'gash' on match day, or it will come back to haunt us. Welback is a very talented player in my book.
  2. A foot in mouth moment Phil ? If you class your time spent here without a trophy as a failure, then you kind of put that bracket down for everybody at the club, which has been anything but over the last decade. Football is not a fair game, and the teams that have won a trophy outside the big money sides are far and between. Some have paid the price with relegation.
  3. Is that why he looks like he's been running into Walls ?
  4. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/819077-top-10-fastest-players-in-the-2011-premier-league#/articles/819077-top-10-fastest-players-in-the-2011-premier-league/page/9
  5. Rooney is proper quick Pete. http://www.ftbpro.com/posts/ian.stewart.palmer/41536/the-premier-league-s-10-fastest-players http://www.caughtoffside.com/2009/08/23/top-ten-fastest-premier-league-players/
  6. Rooney is one of the quickest in the Prem. Chicarito, Valencia, Cole, Nani, Evra, Rafael all have pace to name a few.
  7. Flippineckerslike Anybody would think Neville is 65. Lay off the lad. He's an Everton player and has given us 8 decent years.
  8. Surely you can't say United have no pace ?
  9. And furthermore, can somebody ban that Mick8535 ? What a trouble causing cunt he frigging turned out to be.
  10. THIS IS 'NOT' THE MATCH THREAD DALZIEL ! And as for swearing ..........
  11. I enjoyed it. You have to have a thick skin in parts, what with the use of certain vocabulary and violence, but overall it was very good.
  12. If I formerly introduced a guy to my family, and he started to use the word 'cunt' I'd be offended, and if he persisted after requests to bite his tongue, I'd probably put him in hospital rather quickly. If however, you were sat amongst friends in the pub, all swearing, and I came in with my wife etc, it would be my own fault if I sat next to you, but strictly speaking, I'd expect 'anybody' to use a little tact, should women or children be around. It's fair to say we all swear, but the key is knowing when to tone it down a touch, especially when we are clearly in company where it's not appreciated, and certainly guys swearing in their own company is fine, as long as it's not at the top of their voices. I don't mind people smoking, but I don't want it in my face, if that makes sense.
  13. I think the acid test is would you use certain words during a job interview, or whilst in front of a judge. Stephen Fry is welcome to his opinion, but it doesn't make him correct.
  14. Cunt is a horrible word, used only by people incapable of expressing themselves with any articulation or self respect. The first time you read it, any opinion of the author is diminished.
  15. Most of us are a bit more mature here Mick. Ignore the monkeys during banana time.
  16. Yes, I agree. Last season, their defence was superb. I had 2 of their defenders in my Fantasy team throughout, but they look shaky now. NOTE Mr Moyes: Spurs haven't sat on their lead. Straight away they try for a 3rd.
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