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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. i was watching this as it happened, i dropped a cuppa on the floor and just froze locked on to the tv not beliving what i was seeing, in all the time i have watched motorsport i have never seen anything like that, it was just horrible, i hope never to have to sit through that again, i am honest enough to admit that i shed a tear last night as i watched that
  2. they now want Evra banned if Suarez is proved to be innocent apparently
  3. how do you work that out? Coleman is not a midfielder, its there for all to see, Osman is not a wide player either, Saha was a striker a few seasons ago but not sure what he is anymore, yet we have a wide player and a hungry striker on the bench who came on a made a difference, Moyes managed to make himself look like a clueless muppet yesterday
  4. whilst i agree when it comes to Suarez, Evra has a history of accusing people of racist comments which have never been proved, so it will be interesting to see the outcome, and apparently when it came out after the game yesterday Dogleish pulled him up straight away and asked him if he had made the comments.
  5. im still plowing my way through FM 2011, now 2012 is out!!
  6. seriously? does that account for the fact he constantly plays people out of postion though? we can all moan at Kenwright and the board for the lack of investment, but blue Bill does NOT pick the team, thats down to Moyes imo, someone needs to say something to Moyes, its clearly not going to be Round, really not sure what the point of him is, but somone needs to do or say something, and the number of players in the team/squad who seem to have already accepted that we are going to do fuck all this season is alarming they all need a good kick up the arse and i include Moyes in that
  7. his weekly impression of a football player
  8. Vellios = legend if he does'nt get regular starts now then Moyes needs put up infront of a firing squad
  9. been saying that Coleman is useless for ages now, but i always get shouted at for it lol maybe useless is not the correct word, more like average
  10. interesting how its says Saha is expected to leave now, in January or end of season?
  11. seriously cant be arsed today, im far too tired :(

  12. and shit!! yeah where is Bergkamp? he was amazing, wow i will have to have a re-think now
  13. think id have Van Nistelrooy above Shearer tbh, always thought Shearer was hyped up loads, and Rooney above Ronaldo.
  14. why was'nt the weather nice and sunny yesterday like it is today, when i was freezing my ass off at Millbrook race track :(

  15. nice post Redside, i will be watching Spain tonight i reckon, i refuse to watch England, they drive me nuts, bunch of muppets with a manager who should'nt be within 100 yards of the job
  16. i would love to have seen this i bet it was hilarious
  17. Portal has always been one of my fav games, not played Portal 2 yet
  18. seen some cracking record collections on cash in the attic before though mike
  19. Some recent responses to questions i posted on http://www.theshedend.com 1.Andre Villas-Boas, second spell at the club, although this time as a manager, he's very young but has a good pedigree, Mourinho, Robson, he has had massive success in a short space of time in Portugal, what was the initial reaction to his appointment? MK Blue: I think many of us were happy to see a younger manager being given a pop at the job, and hoping for a bit of stability in the manager department. Geezer: I was pleasantly surprised. The majority of people (including me) though Guus Hiddink was a definite so to go for someone so young and as yet untested at the very top is a very bold move by the club Englishman: I thought a young, ambitious talented manager was just what we needed, so I was quietly pleased about it. TheWestwayWonder: I think the initial reaction was relief among the fans here because we have been looking for stability and this appointment seemed to point that. But I have to confess I was nervous thinking he wouldnt get off to a flying start and the management might pull the plug far too early. That hasnt been born out becuase the team has responded and we are off to a good start. More importantly, the team have responded to him, he knows the players, and can stay here for a while. Basically all the elements are in place. disillusion: Tbh I was quite disapointed when Carlo got the axe. You just cant sack a manager who just won you a double. But looking back now I realised I made a mistake. Carlo was indeed dead man walking and his case wasn´t getting better with picking same and same players every week when young and hungry guys sat on the bench at best. AVB has a clear vision and the type of football we play whilist lowering our average age drastically is a nice sight 2.Roman, has a slight obsession with winning the Champions League, yet its important for Chelsea to get a foothold over their northern counterparts who seem to be taking control at the moment, what do you think AVB brief was when he signed up, CL or make Chelsea strong domestically and build and replace the slightly aging team? Mk Blue: Definitely feel that his brief was to build a new team and I think that's shown by his signings. My guess is that he's been given 2-3 years, with top 4 as the only must, to give Uncy Roman the sexy football he craves. I'll take a scrappy 1-0 win over anyone, anytime myself but there you go. Geezer: "Win as much as you can by playing the very best football possible" Englishman: I think his #1 brief is to rebuild the team with younger players. A lot of our signings have been made with one eye on the future. I get the feeling he won't be sacked if we don't win the PL or the CL this year, provided the other signs are good. TheWestwayWonder: I have to believe it was for the latter because the ownership and board must realize, by now, that chopping and changing the coaching staff every two years will get us occasional high points but nothing in the way of sustained success. Not to mention that the high point of the Terry/Lampard/Drogba/Ballack/Cole crowd has seen its peak come and go. While we may challenge for the CL in the next few years, we will never be billed as favorites like we were 2005-8. If you ask most of us here to pick between the PL title and the CL, almost everyone picks the domestic honor. However, it would be a dream to win it in Wembley in a year's time. disillusion: I think the first priority should be to bulid a new and competitive team which ideally is a mix of academy products, talented youngsters from abroad and experienced players. Winning trophys should be a bonus. At least this year. But if they do come the sweeter they are 3.How do Chelsea line up now under AVB? is it much different to the way Ancelotti played? and do you like/prefer it? MK Blue: Early days still but the signs are good, I don't think I've ever been as positive after a defeat as I was after the game at Old Trafford the other week, if it comes off we're in for an entertaining few seasons. Geezer: It's very different to the way Carlo used to set the team up. AVB will change things frequently and adapt the team style accordingly - and yes I very much prefer it this way. Englishman: I'm confident with what I've seen so far. Unlike Carlo AVB is willing to bench big players who aren't performing and make changes when the team isn't playing well. After our performance at OT I was pretty upbeat even though we lost. TheWestwayWonder: I think the team is more vertical and direct (more about being fast than quick or clever in attack) but thats owing to the fact that we now have Torres, Sturridge and Mata. AVB's team now reminds me a bit of Carlo's team 2 years ago, when they were at their best. In their pomp no team could handle the passing and movement and I think this team will be the same with a heavier emphasis on pure speed when everyone gets going. disillusion: He like to change the shape of the squad a lot using 4-3-3, 4-4-2 and 4-2-3-1. The good thing seems to be that he has a plan b and with quite a deep squad there is always someone who can come in and change the game. 4.What have you made of your new signings, Mata is an excellent player, what about the rest? MK Blue: Not seen much of 'em yet, with the new keeper staying where he was for a season, Lukaku looks to be a beast of a player and once he picks up the pace of the game looks like he's got goals in him, mind you I once said the same about Carlton Cole, Moreiles you probably know as much about as I do, Does Sturridge count? If so a big thumbs up so far. Geezer: Oriel Romeu looks an outstanding prospect. Lukaku is a giant but still very naive at this level. I am confident he will come good as he adapts to the pace of the English game though. Englishman: Mata is a gem, Lukaku is talented but raw, haven't seen enough of Romeu. Sturridge is like a new signing and has also been promising. TheWestwayWonder: Mata is obviously fantastic, a star in the making. Sturridge has been worth the wait and should be a stalwart for years. Lukaku has all the gifts but will need game time and patience, and perhaps a loan spell somewhere. Miereles has been an absolute bargain because he gives us a bit of what we wanted from Modric but at a far lower cost. And we have denied Liverplod someone who was great for them and who they replaced with the likes of Adam and Henderson. disillusion: Mata is an exciting player and I think we have missed like him, who can open up defences with his intelligence and passing. The game looks much better and more fluid when his in on. Meireles is a solid player and I expect him to get even better once he gets to know the other players a little better.Romeu is one for the future and hopefully he gets a start against you guys in the Carling cup. Lukaku is a beast and only 18 so has a long career ahead of him. Hopefully gets some chances and his first gal for the club soon 5.Was Torres worth the hassle? i read a post on here the other day, a few of you seemed to think that maybe tactics were being setup to be all about putting the ball through for him, whats the verdict? lets be honest, do you really want cast-offs from "the sh*te" MK Blue: I think Torres has suffered by being put into a system that's been finely honed for 7 years or so now to accomodate Drogba. Took a while to convince me that he had any future at the Bridge but his performances so far this season have been a vast improvement on last years. Jury out but quitely optimistic. Geezer: As you would have seen there has been much debate on this site about Nando. I'm in the for camp especially now that we have a manager who knows how to get the best out of him Englishman: Chelsea never learn when it comes to expensive centre forwards...Fleck, Sutton, Sheva etc. Torres' last few performances have given me hope. I'll only give up on him if he's still misfiring by May TheWestwayWonder: Seeing the player of the last few weeks, I think he will be worth the hassle in the long run. His signing was partly about marketing, imo, otherwise we wouldve gotten Aguero or someone younger and cheaper. But once he starts bagging goals again (he has definitely turned a corner) and gets to the same level of visibility and marketability, the club is going to be much better off for it. He may never be the TOrres of 2007-8, but I am confident he will be good enough to score alot here. The bottom line is he has a good attitude (despite what the press would have you believe about "slow" teammates) and his mentality is what most of us were worried about. The talent clearly hasnt gone anywhere. disillusion: I rate Torres very highly and he seems to get back to his old self. The red card couldnt come any worse time as he looked to had his touch back. But I expect him to start as soon as he gets back as Didier (as hard it is for me to say) isn´t a starter anymore 6.Originally i was going to ask if you thought Lampard had seen better days, but then he went and scored 3 at the weekend, so clearly he still has some life in him, but for how long, he has been such a key figure, and would be difficult to replace MK Blue: He's fat, he's finished, he's overrated and he only scores flukes and deflections, dunno how we've put up with him for as long as we have. Geezer: Lamps still has much to offer - how long for? How long is a piece of string. He is extremely fit and looks after himself so he will play in the majority of games this season as long as he does what is required of him. Englishman: I think Lamps has a lot to offer us still. We may have to use him more sparingly now though. How do you replace a midfielder who gets 20+ goals and as many assists season in, season out? TheWestwayWonder: I am hoping for a Scholes/Giggs like next few years from him. Retaining his fitness, playing alot, but being spelled alot as well. But as of right now I think he still merits a place in the big games. We have too many young, talented options to automatically hand him a place. ANd he will be nigh on impossible to replace because as a midfielder he is a one of a kind. Nobody has played that far in midfield and scored that much, he has it down to an art form. The best we can hope for is someone to be as composed in front of goal, and that production picks up elsewhere. disillusion: He would be very-very difficult to replace. He is not a guaranteed starter and will get less and less time as the time goes but still a very important player on and off the pitch. There aren´t many players like Lamps in world football. 7.Are there any Everton players you would like to see in the Chelsea line up, i know Chelsea have been linked with our latest talent Ross Barkley, possible replacement for Lampard? MK Blue: Cahill, admired him at Millwall, like an exotic David Speedie. Geezer: I have always admired Tim Cahill. Jack Rodwell seems to get rave reviews but I haven't seen enough of Barkley to form an opinion of him as yet Englishman: Don't know much about Barkley but Rodwell looks a fine player. TheWestwayWonder: I would love it if we got Rodwell. Hell of a talent and will be a star some day. Other than him, I was always very impressed with Bilyatinov but he has faded quite a bit lately. And a player like Cahill is the kind any team could benefit from becuase, despite his talent limitations, I have seen few more dedicated to the cause. disillusion: Cahill has always been a great player in my eyes but not too sure he would get to our first XI anymore. I haven´t seen too many Everton games lately but I remember Jagielka being absolutely fantastic last year at Old Trafford against ManU. Haven´t seen too much from Barkley. I heard he did well against our reserves last week. Need to see him more to get an opinion about him but I doubt he is a much better prospect than Josh. 8.Who is the most important player in the Chelsea Team? and why so? MK Blue: Given the sea change at the Bridge it's pretty hard to tell at the moment, John Terry would be the obvious candidate, but my choice would be Drogba. I know he's not the most popular player among other supporters but I don't think I've seen many better team men down the years, hope the club find a role for him when he stops playing. Geezer: I think that now, unlike previous seasons no one player is now the most important. As AVB frequently says to the dimwitted media (who just don't get what he's trying to say) it is about the team. The team need to perform in the same way no matter who plays. His philosophy is beginning to take shape and the club will become even stronger as the season goes on and the players become familiar with AVB's philosophy Englishman: In past seasons, Lampard, DD, Cech and Terry. So far this season there hasn't been a standout. TheWestwayWonder: Right now, its Ramires. If we are talking in general, then its still John Terry and hopefully will be for a few years more. As he settles in, Mata is the one to keep your eye on because I think he will be as good or better than David Silva by this time next year. disillusion: JT. NO question about that. Captain, Leader, Legend. 9.Can you offer a genuine threat to the 2 Manc clubs?(personally i hope so) MK Blue: Happy to be in the background, let them slug it out all season and we'll take 'em on the blindside Geezer: Yes we can Englishman: Yes we can, although unfortunately I think we'll fall just short this season. TheWestwayWonder: I think so, but I think you will have the top-3 there in some form. I would rate our chances even with the Mancs and just above City. disillusion: I´d like to think we can. I am sure both of the Mancs will have a bad run sometime during the season and we need to make sure we will be on guard when they do. 10.And talk of a new ground must boost everyone at the moment, you are the last big team to move? MK Blue: If it's inevitable and the club retain a SW postcode I'll live with it, but would never leave the Bridge by choice. Geezer: Mixed reaction on the site again as you would have seen. Clearly the club need to do something to move with the times Englishman: Feelings are mixed. I'd only support a move if there was absolutely no way of expanding Stamford Bridge and if such a move was to a sensible location and in the club's best interests. TheWestwayWonder: You can see how controversial a potential move is over at that thread! All of us would love to stay and expand, but if the club believe there is no way to do this, and really make an effort to include the fans in the process as they have so far, then I see a positive outcome to it. But all of us would rather stay and see the ground redesigned. A name change would be absolutely unthinkable. disillusion: Mixed feelings. We´ll see what CPO will decide. 11.All Clubs must eventually become self sufficient soon with the new rules, do you think the Roman will stop bankrolling the club at some point, it can't go on forever. MK Blue: Check the blogs mate, this one has been repeated over and over again for the last 8 years, as sinister oligarch chairmen go I think we got lucky. Geezer: A new stadium may have some part to play in this Englishman: I think FFP is unworkable, but that's for another day. Obviously we can't rely on a billionaire forever, which is probably what this stadium move is about. TheWestwayWonder: Our financial numbers creep up every years and have now surpassed the biggest English clubs besides Arsenal and MUFC. If FFP is designed to make the elite a "closed shop" at the top then we are already in that door. ROman's spending twitch in January was really just a knee jerk response to our awful season, and designed to ensure we stayed at the top (and it worked by firing the team up and saving our season) so hopefully he doesnt need to do that again any time soon. You are also (finally) starting to see the emergence of the young and cheap, like Sturridge, and youth players like McEacheran and Ryan Bertrand, plus the scores more we have out on loan. If they can take the financial burnden off the owner by coming good, we should be set up nicely with wages falling and revenues rising. A new stadium is obviously part of that too. City are investing a sh*tload to get a massive complex built around Eastlands, the bill footed by the owner, and they will rake in money hand over fist towards their FFP numbers so an obvious, but smart loophole if Roman wants to go that way. disillusion: Who knows. I already thought that the spending days were over and we´ll start using more of our youth product. But then came BANG, Torres, BANG, Luiz, BANG, Mata. With the FFP I doubt he will ever spend mega money again and that´s why he brought AVB to freshen up the squad and get rid of expensive, old, dead wood. 12.What do you think about Everton as a club and their manager David Moyes? MK Blue: Always liked Everton, your neighbours probably have something to do with that. I was always impressed by Everton's white collar but not cuffs kit in the 60s and 70s, the big semi circles behind the goals and arguably the best ever ground advertising, do you remember the huge Fred Perry ad on one side of the ground, that was superb. Geezer: I have nothing but admiration for the job Moyes has done under extremely difficult and demanding circumstances. Plus any yeam who play in blue can't be all bad :-) Englishman: Moyes has done an excellent job, considering the circumstances he's in at Everton. TheWestwayWonder: Its a grand old team ( ) and club, and I think of Everton almost as a second club in my mind. Unless they are playing chelsea I always root for them because of solid fans, workman like players, and the continual ability to punch above their weight. Moyes has done outstanding with what he has been given, the only blemish being the money he spent on Fellaini a few years back. I was sorry you were on the losing end in wembley a couple of years ago, but I think a new, wealthy owner is just around the corner for Everton. Aside from that, great manager, and would have been my odds on favorite to succeed old red nose up until a couple of years ago. I admire alot of your players (Baines, Howard, Coleman, Osman, Bilyetdinov, Cahill). Hopefully Drenthe is world class for you, and fingers crossed Rodwell and Barkley do turn into stars disillusion: Nothing against them whatsoever. You have been the ones who always seem to raise your game a lot against us and that I dont like. The last time we won against you at the bridge was long time ago but I do hope that we get the better of you this time Moyes has done a fantasitc job with the rescources given to him. 13.How do you see the relationship between the 2 sets of fans? MK Blue: Got a bit tense after the semi 2nd leg at yours a couple of seasons back, but before the game we'd been in the Royal Oak and had a great time with the Evertonians, Stanley Park Arms always used to be good for a beer and banter too. Not a club anywhere near the top of my hate list, Goons, spuds, 'ammers, MK Dons and Sutton Utd are the ones that leave me frothing at the mouth. Geezer: All of my experiences with Everton fans have been good. The recent cup final proved this where I saw fans happily mingling in pubs and on transport - no way would this have been possible with the red side of your city Englishman: The Everton fans were classy at the 09 cup final. The mutual dislike of Liverpool probably helps a bit too! TheWestwayWonder: I cant speak to that but I know we both hate Liverp**l. I just wonder who hates them more! Aside from that I see Everton as Chelsea of hte mid-late 90s. Very little money, hearty overachieving side, mounting debt, in need of a new ground, and an chairman who nobody is really sure they can trust. I hope it doesnt get as bad for Everton like it did for CFC, with the situation becoming a crisis that was only rescued by a wealthy benefactor. God knows what wouldve happened without Roman. disillusion: It´s mostly been good. We both hate your neighbours so that´s all you need 14.Do you feel sorry for Everton in their current situation, struggling financially to compete with the others? MK Blue: Sorry if this sounds harsh but no, swings and roundabouts, and I don't imagine any of the big 5 from the 80s were sending love to Chelsea when we were battling to stay afloat and hold on to the Bridge, and I had probably my best time ever supporting Chelsea during what were the worst years in the club's history, success is overrated it's your team that counts. Geezer: Yes - if any club deserves a wealthy donor it is Everton Englishman: I wouldn't say I feel sorry for them, but I do find Everton's current problems strange. They get good crowds, they don't spend much and they sell a player for £20m+ every other year. Where is it all going? TheWestwayWonder: Yes, absolutely. Its utterly baffling how a team can be so good and yet slip financially so much. People love to blame Chelsea for the fact that some teams max themselves out financially in a bid to compete, but thats not whats going on here because your club and ours never chase the same players. The likes of City have benefited you given they paid about 5x the worth of Joleon Lescott to sign him. Everton are not like these teams living beyond their means, there just seems to be nothing coming into the club. I read a recent interview saying Kenwright claimed you were making negative revenue from merchandise sales. I dont even know how thats possible, but its shocking if true. A fixer or an interseted owner will turn the ship around because I see you as a potential second Villa. WIth a good manager and an owner willing to pump a modest amount of money in you could be collecting top 4 scalps every season. I honestly do believe you will be dug out of this with a Randy Lerner-type owner. disillusion: Little bit yeah. 15.The game against Everton coming up, last time Beckford scored a cracker, and pretty much nailed Carlo's coffin shut, how do you see it going this time round? MK Blue: Dunno, but hope your luck from the derby holds out against us. Geezer: Difficult to tell. You have always been a hard nut for us to crack. It will be interesting to see how AVB adapts the team to play because if your game against Citeh is anything to go by you will be superbly set up defensively Englishman: Everton have been a bogey side for us lately. I expect another tight, scrappy game. TheWestwayWonder: I think we win a close one. disillusion: Hopefully we will nick it but it wont be easy. 16.What will be your strengths and weaknesses that Everton should watch out for? Mk Blue: Another dunno, but Ramires can run forever, Fatty has still got a mean eye for the ricochet and Drogba is still a monster of a number 9. Kalou. Geezer: Strengths are playing between the lines which the team are getting better at as each game passes. We are still prone to the long ball over the top though because we seem to be playing a much higher line than in recent times. We are also very weak at the back post on corners and free kicks Englishman: Strengths: Mata and Sturridge have added an extra dimension to our attack. Weaknesses: we've looked shaky in defence all season, especially set pieces. TheWestwayWonder: Weaknesses: set pieces, our RB will be vulnerable if Bosingwa plays Strengths: quick counters from the wing, transition play in midfield, the trickery of Mata and the pace of Anelka and Sturridge down the wing. Ramires Ramires Ramires disillusion: The strengths should be the attacking line which should cause you a lot of problems as you havent had the best defences in the league this season. Weaknesses are definately set-plays and I expect Cahill causing us some problems from them. I hope AVB and his team will spend some extra time on the training ground to solve the problem. 17.What do you think the final score will be when the teams play? Mk Blue: A diplomatic 2-2 thriller. Geezer: I never make public predictions on scores but I do know this will be a very tough game for us to win Englishman: I have to say Chelsea win but a 0-0 or 1-1 wouldn't be a shock. TheWestwayWonder: 2-1. Cahill, Mata, and Anelka to score. disillusion: 3-1 at the bridge. 1-1 in Carling cup at Goodison. 18.Where do you think both teams will finish this season? Mk Blue: Really like Moyes so I'm plumping for 6th Too superstitious to make a Chelsea prediction, but after seeing 3 of them avoiding relegation still gives me a thrill. Geezer: As long as we finish above both sets of mancs and you finish above the red side of your city I think we'll all be happy Englishman: Chelsea 2nd or 3rd, Everton 6th or 7th. TheWestwayWonder: I hope and think we will be first, and I think Everton will finish 8th or higher. disillusion: Top two finish in the league will be fine by me. I expect Everton to finish the season as they always do and finish 7th-8th. Thanks to all the guys over there, so many people responded, a freindly bunch
  20. yeah i bet, at £250,000 interest a week no doubt
  21. not really bothered tbh, im dubious as too whether we should be spending that sort of money on a 15 year old anyway
  22. i know sad, apparently on some radio station they asked Amanda Knox would you?
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