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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. well thats my thing tbh, i cant believe there was not a winger available at the time, we payed decent money for Billy, why get someone when you know its not really their natural position
  2. id love for the club to be run this way, i hate the way the premier league clubs are owned/run at the moment, everything about it is just wrong
  3. yeah i know i can see it from both sides tbh, its such a difficult thing to discuss, most teams had the poppy on last week but a few did'nt i know Chelsea did'nt and i think someone else did'nt either, cant remember who
  4. i still think he would be tbh Bill, he has had a rocky few months i agree, but DM has had that before, and even now he has it, i really think Lambert is the next up and coming manager, he really has something about him
  5. its that whole 85p in a pound thing, he seems to think he can keep saying that and everything is going to be ok, its driving me MAD!!!
  6. i agree with it tbh, there is a whole day of remeberance the following day, so why do we need to involve football with it? football and that stuff should be kept as far apart as possible imo
  7. agreed, im sick to death of these people who think David Moyes is the only manager in world football who can manage EFC, load of shite it is, there are plenty of managers out there who would love the chance to manage such a team
  8. in fairness, the centre is his position, he has said so himself now on a few occasions, yet Moyes still plays him out wide, if i was Billy getting played out of position in every game for so long now, id have asked to leave ages ago
  9. theres no doubt he has talent, but not sure if there is really a huge benefit to signing him, i cant see what he really would bring, we need more than what he offers i reckon
  10. dare i suggest drop him and put Billy in the centre where he actually looks as though he may be able to contribute something to the cause
  11. does anybody know if the Jain Group are here to invest/build the football quarter and not invest in the club, would that allow us to then borrow from the banks again against future earnings? as the cost of the stadium will be in someone elses hands? im slightly concerned that Bill may see it as a chance to appease the fans with some quick transfer cash
  12. i just know that Mourinho fucked himself up when he clipped that Barca coach round the head apparently, and some press conference, its only heresay at the end of the day, we wont know till Taggart actually retires
  13. he nearly left last season, he does'nt get on with the president i dont think
  14. ive heard from a Man U friend that Mourinho has no chance, because of the way he has acted at Real Madrid, and also Mourinho never stays in jobs for that long, and Man U is a dynasty, word is they want Guardiola
  15. im willing to see how the next 5-6 games go, other than Arsenal we should be able to pick up points from the other games.
  16. Have to say Avin i will agree with you on that, how the hell Johnson gets in any squad is beyond me, and ahead of Richards beggers belief, Micah Richards has had an awesome start to the season, and Jags should not be anywhere near our team at the moment let alone the England team
  17. like you he was a hero of mine, but he's 36 now, it would be madness, might as well get a new pair of boots for big Dunc and get him back in the team
  18. http://www.footylatest.com/everton-looking-to-snatch-italian-legend-from-under-tottenham%E2%80%99s-nose/25166 thought id seen it all recently, this is just taking the piss
  19. thats what everyone wants, but i just don't think Moyes has one
  20. Coleman was on the bench because of injury, and seriously, when fit how often is Cahill on the bench? and Osman and particularly Coleman are having shockers so far, im very surprised at Osman tbh
  21. Jags for starters, Cahill when fit, Osman, Coleman is not exactly setting the world alight at the moment
  22. i voted yes, but tbh i should have 'sat on the fence' reason being i think maybe we should wait and see what happens over the next 5-6 games which are all games e should be getting points from, if we cant get at least 12 points, then yes i do think its P45 time for Davie, as im really not sure he has it in him to change his philosophy that much, but we will see, lets give him a few more games and see what happens, but he HAS to change his outlook and fast, im fed up of hearing about how we have lost this player and that player, we still have some fucking good players left, and we are way better than the likes of Norwich or Swansea and look where they are in the table come on Davie pull your fucking finger out NOW!!!
  23. i did'nt see MOTD but i notice this comment is plastered across the peoples group + bu fb pages, if thats the case then he can just go right now as far as im concerned, they are exactly the sort of team we SHOULD be beating, sorry Davie your times up
  24. i dont think he ever had them to start with though lets be honest now, under Moyes we have always been fairly defensive, he is rigid with 4-5-1 which a few seasons ago worked nicely, but others have seen the flaws and changed, so why won't Moyes? because what he's doing at the moment aint working and the only difference really is Beckford, who lets face it was crap anyway, Arteta was always injured anyway, and when fit he had lost his way a while back, so i don't see the team is actually that different from before, it is a results game, and our results are not there, they are all over the fucking shop
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