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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. good to see someone's positive, but i think you maybe jumping the gun slightly, whilst Drenthe changed the game yesterday he came on far too late in the game, yesterday convinced me that Moyes has run out of ideas tbh, all that possession, those shot's and nothing to show for it, and the lineup yesterday was shocking, the like's of Cahill and Neville need never pull on a blue shirt again unless its a major crisis, and you mentioned Hibbert, well i watched him closely yesterday, and i now know why he hoofs it all the time, it's because he can't pass the ball on the ground, not even 6 yards across the deck, which at that level is not good enough. Im happy we rescued a point, but the general standard yesterday at home, against Norwich was not good enough, and ive had enough of the excuses, when is Moyes going to admit, he is to blame, because he damm well needs too.
  2. Moyes and all the backroom staff need to have a serious sit down and make some decisions, there are 2 or 3 players in that squad who should only pull on a blue shirt again if it's on an emergency basis. and looking today, we have to come up with a plan B also, whilst we made changes eventually it was pretty much the same sort of game plan...VERY pissed off with that today, i honestly don't know how much longer BK+Moyes expect the fans to put up with this shit, and as the worlds no.1 superfan BK should know this.
  3. Gave it to Stracq, he looks as though he is actually half decent and certainly far better than Saha, who sunk to new depths today imo.
  4. 20 shots on goal, 10 on target, and not until the 80th min do we actually score, glad we scored, but its pathetic really.
  5. Given a bit of time on the pitch Denis actually looks alright
  6. Gueye off and Neville/Osman still on?
  7. Denis for Cahill, bout bloody time!!!
  8. How can Moyes not see we need a change at half time, at the moment id rather keep Blue Bill and get shot of Moyes, the man has run out of ideas clearly!!!
  9. anything tbh, i said it was a poor lineup from the start
  10. im actually in amazement at how shit we are
  11. Gueye doing well, but Saha truely is shite
  12. 5mins gone and we are already on hoofball.....
  13. In a game we really NEED to win, i find this one of Moyes most strange selection choices to date.
  14. Vellios, Barkley and Coleman not on the bench, what the hell is going on?
  15. good to see Gueye, but Neville and Osman ahead of Barkley again...tut..tut..
  16. Quite agree dunc, i don't think his stats are actually that great from what i can remember, but he will lift the whole team no doubt about it, but i was looking at the Buffoon Union FB page this morning, and you would think we had signed Messi the way some are going on about him, when i dared to suggest people maybe jumping the gun slightly......well im sure you can imagine the respones i got.
  17. i want to see us making a cheeky move for Defoe, especially now Spurs are out of europe
  18. me too if im honest, but we really need the 3 points today and against Swansea otherwise we are going to be in real trouble
  19. Sharp was on the radio this morning, he did'nt seem to fussed about this.
  20. It's a MUST win at all costs!!!
  21. haha, yeah i know sadly its not the real thing but it looks and sounds very like one though, loads of scally boy racers round here, and they always try it on with my mate soon as they hear the engine noise, and they fail badly lol, incidently there is a place down the road from me that rents classic cars out, and you can hire an original AC Cobra for the day at a cost of £500!!!My mate has also just ordered some new kitcar from Holland which is based around a Toyota MR2 and its a replica of a Lamborghini Reventon, crazy amount of work needed though, he reckons it will take at least a year to put it together.
  22. other than Donovan, no one tbh maybe a striker, but it will be someone shit like Zamora or Jelavic.
  23. The latest post from the Buffoon Union on Facebook: We have recieved a number of comments and criticisims from various people. Highly critical of certain supporters been barred by this group. We spend far to much time removing innapropiate, foul and abusive language. It will not be tolerated by this group. Nor will pro or anti Moyes or Team status. Go on any number of forums, they do it better than us. If not try the Blue Union forum. We will not support or oppose the manager or the players. All posts doing so will be removed, if it continues we will bar you, end of. It any Blue Union supporters want to start a Moyes Out, a Kenwright out or even Blue Union out it will not be on these pages. Do they even know what they are protesting against anymore?
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