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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. what a shame just heard on the radio, so sad but i know he had been ill for a while.
  2. just got home from Scotland to find a nice fat cheque from the tax dept that is like 2 years overdue, one fucking happy bunny here :)

  3. went to my first rugby match today, Melrose vs Gala, really enjoyed it, and was just stood next too and casually chatting to Gregor Townsend, as you do :)

  4. sorry Av, but thats utter shite, it really is, Tollis, Saha, Cahill are all capable of scoring goals on a good day. whilst i understand no one would want to come anywhere near us at the moment(who could blame them) im just about at my limit with Moyes this season, he has run out of ideas imo.
  5. it is 4-5-1, because Cahill contributes fuck all to the team, so we only have one upfront at the best of times, if we were playing with 2 upfront, he would start with Strac or at least he would, have a 3 pronged attack, it's far to negative for my liking, lets face it, its pretty much 4-6-0 a lot of the time
  6. Seriously if Moyes is even thinking of offering him a contract, then he can just go now please
  7. The Operators I have wanted this for ages now, its a book about a section of the British army known as 14 Company or "The Det" i found out about them through my brother who is a political journo, They were setup in the 1970's to combat terrorism in Ireland and are more secretive and more elite than the SAS or SBS, they had proper James Bond style cars with guns and gadgets built in to them, It was also the first elite service to accept women into it, it was all plain clothes, and the training process was intense, and they all had Bruce Lee levels of unarmed combat skill, and knowledge of every conceivable firearm you can think of. I love all this sort of stuff and im looking forward to getting stuck into it, ive just finished a book about mercenary soldiers as well, which had some scarey info in it, money seriously IS the root of all evil.
  8. well we will see when he signs for the manc munch bunch at some point, and tbh, there is a hell of lot Moyes does'nt see Av, for starters he seems to be the only manager who still thinks 4-5-1 is a viable tactic, a few years ago yes, but not anymore, its done to death and people know its weaknesses and they pick us off so easily its scarey, and he has no options, it appears to be the only formation he actually knows, and the fact that certain players should not be near a blue jersey let alone in the team unless we really are desperate, we all know he has his favourites mate, i could go on but i can't be arsed and want to go read my new book.
  9. We can't put pressure on them i do agree, but we do need to give them game time, the likes of Barkley should be in the team a bit more than at the moment, sadly in the modern game, players hold all the power, and if they don't get games their agents just engineer them a move to somewhere they can play regularly and we can't afford to lose promising players because they are getting pissed off at sitting on the bench or playing in the reserves all the time.
  10. awesome story, showed it too my sister who lives in Cardiff, both of us had a good lol
  11. if the sprouts are scored at the bottom, then they don't need long, more of a simmering process
  12. not the point, its the behaviour of a thug, and it was hardly the first time either
  13. finally got the ultimate geek toy, a Rubiks cube :) been after one for ages now

  14. yes, Evra has a history of accusing opposition players of making racial remarks or flying elbows against him, if you believe him he is the most hard done by player in the game, can't help feeling sometime when he comes up against an player who is giving him the run around (not difficult imo) his fail safe is too run to the ref and start crying. BUT Suarez is an animal, and you only have to look at his playing history in Holland to see he is exactly the sort of player who is going to make racist remarks to a fellow pro, and that's before you even get to that whole biting incident, which imo he should have banned for life from the game for.
  15. what is the point to religion, all it does is cause grief to people
  16. Exactly, you think they would be more interested in Barkley who is widely regarded as a major star for the future, and has/is already been playing for the u21's even though he's not getting much first team action. Rodwell really has'nt done a huge amount and he's been round for a few years now.
  17. we had to get rid of Yak, and we had seen the best years of Arteta, his injury record was crap, i never expected any more than what we got tbh.
  18. http://www.metro.co.uk/sport/oddballs/885691-72-year-old-pensioner-is-britains-oldest-goalkeeper#ixzz1hLb1YY4F
  19. we really don't need Pienaar back, why do we want to sign someone who has only played 3 or 4 games in a year, and walked out on us in the first place, a bad move if it happens imo.
  20. Yes, ive seen a few people saying this now, it's all so bloody complicated, i can't help feeling if/when it ever does come out, we will find that Bill has borrowed money from the bloody tea lady, and whoever else was around at the time.
  21. Earl and Kenwright then are the big holders, as much as im not a Kenwright fan, the more i read and i have to say i did'nt expect Earl to have that big a portion, im starting to think he might be behind the hefty price tag, i think Earl has more to do with this than we may think, don't forget BK owes money in private loans to Earl, thats why Earl said he would not lend Kenwright any more money till we had a new stadium and a way of generating the income for him to get a return. I am seriously dubious about the board and its members at our club, let alone the chairman.
  22. SimonButtle


    The bench is better than the first team
  23. a quote from the ever brilliant Mario Ballotelli: The FA are willing to ban someone based on one person's claim with no evidence...In that case, the whole Man United squad racially abused me
  24. Merry Christmas to all, however not looking forward to 9 hours in a car tomorrow with my sister yapping to her mates on speaker phone the whole way up to Scotland, but it's a free lift and has saved me £130+ it was going to cost on the train!!
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