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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. So has Bily though and we know what the general view of him is, Beckford just did'nt have enough for me, thats why i think he was let go, but he cost us nothing, so it's worked out in the end imo
  2. Are you sure? 55 goals in 212 games is a poor return imo, its nearly a goal every 4 games, so err no thanks
  3. I do hope he gets to score a goal that will be well good, he deserves it.
  4. Its good to see Hibbo will get his moment he deserves it, but he kinda sums the Moyes era at Everton up for me, 'hard working but with limited ability'
  5. i just always thought he was playing way above his level, but then so is Vic tbh, he did always give 100% though, Abel Xavier anyone?
  6. id probably put Kilbane in there, a hard worker but an awful football player apologies for the weird posting hit quote instead of edit....
  7. Bakayoko has to be in there, and what annoyed about him even more was the second he moved to france he started scoring for fun there
  8. maybe so, but i just feel he will go on and prove himself, there is talent there, he just needs to get it out.
  9. I can, there is a beast of a player there waiting to burst out, i just think he's in the wrong league
  10. Thing is you just know he will get a move somewhere do well, then in 3 or 4 years end up at Bayern or Madrid, thats why we need a sell-on clause with him
  11. ok fair do's lol, i was just listening to something on the radio about it and because Luton had bean mentioned lol doh...
  12. On the subject of Luton, they have just sold 3 kids from the same family to Chelsea, talented family, interesting to see if any of them make it.
  13. nah, im not having this either tbh, gloves just are not right
  14. haha yeah i suppose so, but it's a bit of a drastic move to say the least.
  15. Yeah he was trying to get on a music course at the college at one point, he was never the best skater tbh, i used to skate and used to see him down the Lost Art shop in town, and it was music he was always on about, remember when he left EFC, i remember someone saying him and Moyes fell out because Moyes wanted to mould him into a full back, and he wanted to play in behind the striker, and because football was'nt his main interest, he just walked when he could'nt get his own way, slighlty stroppy teenager but still, why would you take a 2nd striker and make them into a full back
  16. We must make sure there is a sell-on clause with Bily, im sure when he will end up at a big club within the next 5 years, just needs to find the perfect level
  17. agreed, Beckford scored a hat-trick last night because he has found his level, the championship, not because he worked his arse off, or was good or anything.
  18. I actually think, in the early days Mcfadden looked as though he had a lot more than Rooney does, but he just could'nt be arsed, every week was the same apart from the odd moment, like the Charlton game, a complete waste of a career, i wish Moyes had shown Kissock the effort he showed Mcfadden, Kissock might still have continued with football as a chosen path.
  19. things are horrid enough as they are without seeing exactly how useless our first team is lol
  20. not got one myself, but my mum and sister both have one and swear by them
  21. asked on the Chelsea forum about Kalou, and most are saying he is not worth it.
  22. Well supposedly they fell out did'nt they and also the fact that i would have thought we might have offered him a contract by now, i find it strange we hav'nt
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