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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. yeah lol Miss Dooley was kinda annoying at times lol
  2. looking for a documentary called Orange Sunshine, its about The Brotherhood Of Eternal Love, can't find it anywhere, if anyone has seen this or knows where i can find it, please tell me i am desperate to watch it.

  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01cl48b/My_Hometown_Fanatics_Stacey_Dooley_Investigates/ Just watched this, quite scarey if im honest
  4. Did you know the people that are usually the strongest are usually the most sensitive? Did You know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated? Did you know the one who takes care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it most? Did you know the 3 hardest things to say are I love you, I'm sorry, and help me. Put this as your status if you agree...

  5. we are certainly bringing in the youth players at the moment, lets hope they are good enough
  6. Frank Warren is on the radio accepting some of the blame for the other night miracles do happen then
  7. Agreed Mike, It was just horrible to watch that, i also agree with Mark in that Haye was just pissed that Chisora put a better fight up, added to the fact he wanted to challenge the klitchko's, but Haye has no boxing license and was there to commentate i think, not start a fight. Haye should be prevented from gaining another license and Chisora basically threatened to shoot and burn Haye, so hopefully they will just ban him for good, he's done loads of stupid stuff before and is just a nob.
  8. that's it, Denis will get played till he can stand up no longer, or gets injured then he will get a rest but it will be too late, Vellios should have had a go yesterday, no idea why he did'nt, he should be able to find the net against Blackpool.
  9. yeah i know it's a good place on here tbh, because everyone is mature and sensible and im not likely to ever meet in person anyone on here, so i do feel comfortable talking about things on here, it's a good place to let things out, better than Facebook, the last time i did anything like that it caused A LOT of trouble!!!
  10. Thanks, im being encouraged to be upfront about things, and bring them out in the open, it's the only way of dealing with them, otherwise they will just carry on eating away at me and get worse.
  11. That is something i have a lot of myself mate, i have anger issues and the most hurtful thing is that the anger side only ever manifests itself around my family, who are the people i should be able to rely on the most, depression is something ive only ever had in fluctuations but i lost a friend 6 years ago to it as she suffered badly and could take no more from it. Im glad that people are accepting mental health issues more now, i used to work in the mental health industry as a support worker and i had to quit the job due to seeing to many similarities between myself and the people i was looking after, i got to see how difficult it was for those with "inside issues" that saying about how "Just because i look well on the outside does not mean i am on the inside" rings so true, and finally people are starting to see that, i know at the moment there are a series of adverts on tv raising awareness on mental health, and i really like the idea of being involved with mental health awareness in some aspect or other, lots to do and think about anyway. Thanks
  12. Thank you for the kind words guys, i will have to get a routine for it and be able to manage it properly, it will take time i know, it will take time, but that i have a lot of.
  13. If Anyone Is Wondering Why I Have Chosen To Share This, It Is Because I Have Been Encouraged To Open Up More, So Im Trying To Encourage Myself To Open Up And Face The Problems That Have Been Eating Away At Me All These Years.
  14. Hey TT, I have spent the last few months undergoing a series of long assessments and IQ tests and psychotherapy sessions all which have amounted from years of self abuse and bad things happening around me. I have battles constantly with myself knowing im doing the wrong thing, but a voice in my head will make me still do it i have suffered from vivid hallucinations such as sitting at the local station and watching the platform move instead of the train, and having a huge panic attack from it, i have cowered in the corner of rooms thinking members of my own family want to kill me. I have fought with this since a teenager and last year i could take no more from it, and today i was finally diagnosed with a Schizotypal Personality Disorder. I am finally happy that i have some idea what is going on, but it's a big thing to have on top of already having epilepsy, it can be treated with medication and hopefully i can function normally and eventually get another job at some point. I know i have a tendancy to go off on one at some points, but seriously guys i can't help it, sometimes i just can't control what i say or do, and now i have a doctors note to prove it. I now await to see what meds i will be prescribed, some sort of anti-psychotic i expect nothing to heavy i hope as i want to work again at some point. This is a massive new chapter in my life and today is like starting all over again in some respects, i don't know what the future will hold tbh, at the moment i need to just get control of my head, but wish me luck anyway. anyone who wants to know more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizotypal_personality_disorder
  15. home at last after a long day, and a weekend of Buttle madness, best fun in a long time really enjoyed it, it was awesome to see everyone :)

  16. wow, i posted the original thread, then ive been away for a few days come back and find we have signed another player i got some catching up to do it seems
  17. agree 100%, they as a club have conducted themselves like complete amateurs, Dogleish has proved he is massively out of his depth as a modern day premier league manager, the way he turned on the journo asking him questions after the game was just child like, you would expect so much more from supposedly the "King" of Anfield, Suarez needs to be kicked out of the club and LFC need to look long and hard at Dogleish and where they are going under him.
  18. ok, maybe thats not the right title, what i meant was, maybe we are not seeing the best of him due to injuries, so should we just sell when we know we can get money, i was just trying to raise the idea, personally id sell others ahead of Jack
  19. I was only offering the option, personally there are others id sell before Rodwell.
  20. Just about to watch a documentary on youtube about the Weather Underground, the radical student group from the 60's/70's in the US and their campaign against Vietnam,Racism and the Government in general with lots of bombs.
  21. Well yes, our backroom staff leave a lot to be desired i do agree
  22. Maybe Ross has been showboating in training or something, i don't know, but you can imagine if he was doing nutmegs on the Cahill's and Nevilles and stepovers all the time, Moyes is probably having heart attacks, in which case i could slightly understand that maybe Ross was being a bit cocky and just needed a word in the ear. It still does'nt explain the continued stint outside of the first team, we need our best team every game, and we have a potentially the next Steven Gerrard at the club, we can't afford to not use a player like that when he is fit, Gibson has hardly set the world on fire, Rodwell is never fit, Osman is inconsistent (and unfit) and Felli is well er Felli sometimes he's a beast and other times he is shocking. GIVE THE LAD A GO DAVEY!!!
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