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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. I like him, he has some decent thoughts on a variety of subjects and puts play to the idea that all football players are thick idiots!!
  2. Its technically my local club and i do feel for the fans but this is the second time this has happened so they deserve everything they get tbh
  3. It's very difficult to know how good he is, if anything it would have to be a loan, id hate to see us spend money on him, if we have striker money, then it needs to go on someone we know will hit the back of the net.
  4. I honestly don't think it matters, it's the mentality we have in this country which is the reason we will never win anything. Take the Dutch for example, they had i think 9 players last night who had/have played for the Ajax academy at some point. so they all generally play the same way and are taught to play the same style of 'Total Football' or basically short passing, quick movement, the spanish play a similar style of game right through all the La Liga, if its Barca or Valencia or whoever it's all the same, so that when the internationals come round like the Dutch they all just fit together in the team like a jigsaw, even in Serie A all the teams are very defensive, its the same style through the clubs in the league.Our problem with our Premiership is that the teams participating play such a varied styles of game, you have a team like Arsenal who play the spanish/dutch style then only a few league places away you will have a team like Stoke or even us at times, who will just hoof the ball from end to end, there is no consistent factor running through the teams, styles are so varied in this country which means when the internationals come round, you have player 1 who is used to smashing the ball out of defence up to his striker, now being told to pass 6-10 yard balls across the ground, it just does'nt work, we have deep rooted problems that start in youth football and we still have managers around who seem to think tough and quick is all a player needs, skill players are still getting pushed to one side, i honestly don't see us winning anything in the near future
  5. http://www.sos1878.co.uk/everton-news/kenwright-looks-to-inner-circle-sports/
  6. http://www.sos1878.co.uk/everton-news/purslow-takes-on-everton-consultant-role/
  7. apparently it was started because Collymore hurled abuse at a producer who had'nt done something he had asked for and Parry annoyed at the abusive way it was done, turned around and let him av it lol
  8. yes and no tbh, i may just have to continue with therapy side of things instead of medication im not sure yet, thats why im going to the CPN, id rather do the therapy as i like it, it lets me be open about myself and my thoughts in a risk free enviroment. I really do hope it works for you and stick with it if you can, i have tried loads in the past, some are good and some are shite, same as anything really.
  9. Stick with it, it's definatly worth it, i am now waiting to be appointed a CPN or Community Psychiatric Nurse for my next installment, just wish it would get a move on, i hate waiting.
  10. thats very diplomatic of you Mike, but i think you know what i meant really
  11. I just want to see a Neville special on Suarez, that will keep me happy!! (i know that sounds bad, but he is asking for it)
  12. This really, he has it all there to be top class if he pulls his finger out, dare i suggest that Moyes may not be the guy to do it though?(look i will be in trouble now) Thing is, i actually want him to become a decent player for us, im just not convinced thats all.
  13. yeah, i just can't take too Drenthe he does my head in tbh, so much ability but does'nt seem to know what to do with it apart from the odd flash here and there. I can see why he got a move to Madrid but i can also see why we were the only one's who seemed interested in taking a gamble with him.
  14. i did'nt say he was a better player did i? i said he's done more, and anyway Drenthe IS crap imo, but thats my opinion
  15. I hope not, he has shown up a few of the other players this season, it would be a shame to see him leave, can't see him being more than £1m imo, but he has done more than Gibson and Drenthe and it will be embarrassing for Moyes if we don't pick him up.
  16. I just find it odd that so many people turned them down
  17. Sorry but i agree with Romey on this, ive said for ages now that Coleman is pants, all he does is run quickly, he gets booked when he tackles anyone, can't cross, average dribbling, he's not really a wide player or a full back, imo he needs a couple of years in the Championship to workout what he is, the step up from the Irish league to the Premier has been to much for him imo.
  18. haha, he is actually not that bad compared to most, quite down to earth and funny.
  19. TV fashion guru :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gok_Wan Fat picture:http://www.thesun.co...lf-Gok-Wan.html
  20. That crazy Gok Wan guy of the tv used to be pretty fat, i remember seeing some pictures of him.
  21. Can't believe that Walcott is ahead of Oxlaide-Chamberlin
  22. 1. Jaguar, don't know much about them, and i find Tigers and Lions annoying, i kinda like it when you do actually see them getting their ass kicked, i saw a programme the other night with a Zebra killing a Lion. 2.The adaption of a species to it's surroundings over a pro-longed period of time. 3.From what i have seen they tend to hide in low bushes then stalk their prey attacking usually from behind, trying to drag it to the floor. 4.No 5.Many years ago on holiday in the US i had a picture taken with a lion cub, thats as close as i have come tbh 6.Companies like maccy d's destroying the natural world for their own personal gain, local poachers who kill to survive and feed families, and the private pet market
  23. Yes i feel the same, collecting up defensive coaches is not a good thing imo, we need someone who can work with the midfielders and forwards.
  24. Im not watching this but desperatly trying to find it and can't, its called 'Orange Sunshine' it's a documentary about the Brotherhood Of Eternal Love back in the 60's, the docu was made in 2007, but i cannot find it anywhere, i have the book that goes along with the docu, but no film as yet, if anyone is good at finding obscure things online or knows a good place to look please tell me because i can't find this anywhere and i really want to see it thanks
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