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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. I don't really want us taking players on loan anymore tbh, either we use what pennies we have, sell a Rodwell, or give youth a chance, loans just mean we watch someone do really well knowing there going to fuck off at the end of the season, im fed up of it now.
  2. there stacking up on his doorstep at the moment, we need a good result for confidence, and Moyes needs it to win round the fans again.
  3. Seaman admited he looked a twat in this, he hated it.
  4. Haha, hey i know my grammer and spelling and all that is crap, but it's 17 years since i was at school, and even then i did'nt go that much.
  5. http://goodisonglory.wordpress.com/2012/03/20/moyes-stable-or-stale/
  6. If you think watching the likes of Neville and co hit long balls up to a non-existant striker is some of the best football you have seen, then im even more worried than i was before mate
  7. Do you mean that money that up until recently is more than what Mr Wenger had spent? they have won a league and cup in that time, remind me again of all that silverware we have. you wanted alternate names to Moyes, O'Neil,Rodgers,Lambert,Freedman,Poyet,McDermott,Adkins,Hughton plus whatever is out there on the continent(scary to think that Bilbao team last week cost less than Fellaini, and most of it from inhouse coaching)I think any of those would do the same or better than Moyes. The problem is many fans have just accepted Moyes, and can't see change, and the thought of change scares them especially with the off-field situation with Blue Bill and cronies, but as has been said by many more educated than me, 10 years under most chairmen without anything to show for it, and he would have been sacked years ago.
  8. im not juding him on one ressie performance, he has good write up's in all the games he's played, and Rodwell seems to be living off the back of one game against Man U and since then has spent more time on the sidelines than on the pitch, believe me i so wanted Jack to be the next big thing, but he really seems to have hit a brick wall in his career
  9. maybe not this season but he is getting a lot of plaudits in the reserves, and watching the ressie derby, id say his all round game is better than Rodwells
  10. I understand, but he is little use to us it seems, and i think Junior will step up soon and take his place.
  11. Rodwell is way to injury prone, he needs to go in the summer imo, we just can't rely on him. it's a shame but true.
  12. Are you talking about South today? i noticed you are in Southampton, im only up in Chichester, so we get that here, 6 out of 7 days in a week they get the weather wrong.
  13. I do have some worries about this game, we will either win or get battered, sadly i fear it maybe the latter.
  14. Have you still got the watch Mike? those watches are worth a shitload now lol, nice 70's prog haircut btw
  15. Good, and im glad it's only a year also
  16. Sorry but that's bullshit mate, Moyes is not the only manager in world football who has ever worked on a small budget, and many have done better than him, im fed up of people saying that no one else could manage the club, it's crap, also there is plenty to criticise Moyes over, he has done well i guess, but don't forget under any normal chairman, Moyes would have been sacked years ago, there is not many get 10 years in a football job without anything to show for it, on the wages he earns.
  17. I apologise for not getting every single minute detail correct, it was something i was told years ago ok, no need to be an arsehole about it ok.
  18. Whilst im highly critical of Fellaini myself at times, i do think it's more of a tactical problem, which comes back to Moyes, i think if anyone it should be Rodwell that gets sold, i don't think he has ever progressed that much, and he does seem injury prone, and watching that Junior kid play for the reserves, he looks as though he will be a real player and will soon be pushing Rodwell.
  19. The point IS valid though, as our "can do no wrong manager" seems to think he can be that all round player and play further up front. So surely that raises questions once again about the tactical ability of Moyes. Thing is J, if Felli is as world class as some of the fans make him out to be, then sat in the middle of the park, he should be taking it on himself to be a quarterback type role, and he should command the central area a lot more than he does, and he could sit there and play passes through, it's not like any of the other midfielders do it. It's up to him tbh, if he wants to be seen as a great then he will take the responsibility on himself and show everybody how good he is, otherwise he will stick to doing what Moyes tells him and nomore. It's down to Moyes imo, and his tactical limitations.
  20. He is right though, i don't think we will beat Sunderland, they are decent at home, and add to that a potential tie against the shite, our cup run is over imo.
  21. i do feel you man, this is the one tie i really did'nt want, i was hoping for Spurs
  22. It's tricky tbh, whilst there is an argument to say Moyes's time maybe up, it's as though we are stuck in a rut at the moment. Even the most hardcore of Moyes supporters must admit that in 10 years you would have expected him to move on tactically/technically at least a little bit, but he seems to be incredibly stubborn, and after 10 years we still don't really have a plan B to offer in games. However whats the alternative? well due to the situation with Blue Bill and his cronies, i don't think there is one tbh, i think there are plenty of managers who can do the job, but with uncertainty and the Buffoon Union in the background, i doubt any of them would want to touch us with a barge pole at the moment. I think we are stuck with Moyes for the moment, like it or lump it.
  23. Bolton have cancelled their game against Villa on Tuesday night.
  24. Cardiff and Swansea should be playing in the league of Wales imo, at the end of the day Scotland as a nation wants to separate from us, so why should we let them come and play in our football league. Although there is an argument that says without Rangers and Celtic in the SPL, that it would become like the Scandinavian leagues, where the teams are very much part time or academy type teams, and it would encourage/produce more quality young talented players who would get more chances.
  25. yeah i saw something about this, think it's rubbish tbh, imo they have to stay in their own country. I thought the Jocks all want to be independent from the English anyway? they defo can't play then. pipe dream imo
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