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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. I can see what your saying, but i see no reason why we can't go in for him, he will be on a free transfer.
  2. Moyes was at the Norwich vs Blackburn game the other week watching him apparently?
  3. I think both areas need looking at, Cahill and Osman are both over 30 much like Hibbert as you said.
  4. Id heard it was the Mancs, so yes it will be a long old summer by the looks of things.
  5. Come down here and i'll take you down Bognor Regis lol there are some women down there who are a walking horror film.
  6. Fellaini and Gibson are defensive midfielders, Rodwell is just a ghost and can't be counted, Barkley(not sure yet) Osman is very inconsistent at times and Cahill is finished, hence why we would be looking to bolster the middle of the park.
  7. Tried this twice this morning and it's timing out.
  8. http://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/sport/clubs-line-up-for-10m-midfield-man-1-4474748
  9. I know i got them valued at the same but thats only because Royston seems to be a difficult player who isn't going to get any kind of big money move, he won't ever have a high value because he is so difficult to work with, maybe a wrong valuation for Jarvis, it was only an example off the top of my head. I want to see us making a move for Hoilett, he is a better player than Drenthe, thats who we should be looking at imo.
  10. no chance, Drenthe is never a £10m player id say a £4-5m at the most, he is very raw and has a lot to learn bout the game yet before you can put him in that bracket, we could get someone like Jarvis from Wolves for £4-5m, maybe a bit more, last week they were talking £10m for Adam Johnson, Drenthe is nowhere near that level of player imo.
  11. The bulk of his team was built by Pardew anyway, it was he who signed Lambert.
  12. I agree, but they play scarily well together, and we all know Davie does like to play people out of position at times.
  13. It's quite strange, but Fellaini and Jelavic actually play quite well together upfront, i wonder if this is a future possibility.
  14. it won't let me vote in the MOTM poll, it's just timing out and then i can't get on the site for like 5mins
  15. Great game, some poor defending at times, but a good result, great header from Jeli
  16. None of us really have any of the answers, i know what your saying, he would be putting himself out for a public execution at that price, he might be a lot of things, but i don't think he's that stupid, but like marco said, his many mishaps in the past have made it difficult now for him with the fans, and to be fair he only has himself to blame for that. Stopping now, no more BK threads.
  17. Skill Neville in midfeild then, oh great
  18. Why would'nt they though, he is the root cause of the clubs problems, or if it's not him then it must be St David, but some fans seem to think he is immune from criticism don't they.
  19. Im not BK bashing (yet) im saying IF it is that kind of fee, i was told a few weeks ago that United are interested in Baines, so we will see what happens during the summer.
  20. Why is everyone moaning about the price, if you read the article they are getting away with that because of the Clubs bloody finances as per usual, i posted about this in the matchday thread the other day, it's going to happen as far as i know but hopefully for a bit more than £5m, BK has A LOT to answer for if £5m is the most we are going to get out of Baines
  21. I agree, and i did just that for a number of years, but ive learn't my lesson. Alcohol is the biggest drug of them all though and how many people overdue that on a regular basis?
  22. Sure, im sure some of my mental health issues are related to taking too much acid in my early 20's, i smoke weed due to muscle spasms and sleep issues, i have epilepsy, whilst i don't have many fits these days, some days i wake up and my muscles shake loads and its very uncomfortable and it can be embarrassing at times, cannabis tends to put my body out for a while as it blocks paths in the brain that are causing the electrical impulses giving me the spasms, I only smoke certain types of cannabis as well, so im not smoking the shitty wet ten bags you get on the street these days, it's got to be the real deal, if i can't get it, i will put up with the spasms and that till i can(and yes, ive tried a million and one things from the nhs, and still do, the last one i tried has gone on to give me a rash all over my legs that now i can't get rid of
  23. Thats the thing, im not actually bothered we lost the semi-final, and im not bothered that we lost it too our closest rivals either, what bothered me was the manner of the defeat, to go and play on a stage like that and perform the way we did was nothing short of embarrassing and the club should have refunded money to people who bought tickets to watch that crap, like you said it showed most of us why we will never win under Moyes no mtter how stable he keeps us.
  24. This, although not my prefered option, i am willing to put up with Moyes for a bit longer, but he MUST adapt.
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