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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. haha The beginning of the end for me, those were the days
  2. I thought he wanted CL football, i can't see him going there tbh.
  3. Yeah i guess they would be good signings although, would we still sign Pienaar as well? and would both those are the wrong side of 30 so not exactly encouraging youth, and Park does'nt really offer us the missing creativity or wing play we so desire, having said that both would be useful additions to the squad.
  4. Yeah but he's not wanting though is he, he is just assuming they want him back and if not he can just get on the blower and ask them to come back, Feyenoord hav'nt gone out of their way to show interest in him over the last few years, so why does he assume they are going to want him back all of a sudden, i just think he needs a MASSIVE reality check, thats all.
  5. No, i have no issues with him other than the fact that he thinks he's some sort of footballing genius, and he's not, we gave him an amazing oppertunity to rebuild his career and he through it in our faces, and once again he seems to think he's just going to walk back to Feyenoord, er Royston mate, they might not even want you. thats all. For all he bought something new to the table for us, and it is a shame it did'nt work out, you can't deny Drenthe as a person is a complete tool.
  6. The guy is a fucking idiot, he seems to think he can just walk back into a club, and that Feyenoord actually want him, and if not then he is going to call them and tell them. Drenthe needs a serious reality check, he's a failed individual who can't establish a career anywhere and should probably save everyone the bother and take early retirement then he can just move back to Rotterdam, which is essentially what he wants.
  7. a stoned koala is the best description i've heard of Crooks
  8. Laughable, pair of clowns who can't fight either, although i hope Haye loses
  9. Well done to Jelavic, lets hope it keeps it up and we get a good start next season
  10. This, if it happens it's a complete piss take.
  11. I know what you saying and he did have a couple of good seasons, no doubt, but he is approaching 30 and we need to be looking to the future, he is the most error prone out of the 3 CB (although when Distin makes an error its usually more costly than errors Jags make) so we need to look at other options, maybe i am being over critical, i will admit that, but i just never saw the big attraction with him thats all, to me he has always just been an average CB and no more, we all seem to agree the better partnership is Heitinga and Distin, not Heitinga and Jags.
  12. Yes, and who's fault is that? whenever Moyes has had money he is only interested in buying defensive players, if we had a 4-4-2 of 4 defenders, 4 midfielders and 2 strikers, the more creative CM just moves forward slightly into the hole making a 3, its about who gets brought in and we have bought a lot of defensive minded players under Moyes
  13. Villa have been linked with him loads i know that
  14. maybe its because he is not worth what we asked, lets face it Wenger is not the best defensive judge, tbh im more annoyed at dunc going on about internet warriors, its cheeky as fuck. Before i moved down south i went home and away when i could, on my mums side of the family we can trace links back to the days of St Domingo's, my great granddad, granddad and uncle have all been involved with the club over the years in some capacity or another, i have blue blood in my veins and i don't need some silly little troll telling me i have no right to a say because i don't go to a game, that club has had PLENTY of my money over the years, and until blue Bill and his cronies either leave or put some effort into things for a change, then i will hang on to my money for now, thats my choice, but it certainly does'nt mean i should just stop supporting them.
  15. Who? and Jags gets England recognition when there is nobody else to play, ive never rated Jags since day 1, i thought he was crap at Sheffield Utd and i certainly don't remember clubs lining up to sign him.
  16. ? oh sorry i forgot you are a super fan and know everything, Jags is crap, he was before he came here, when he came here and still is imo, hence MY OPINION thats what a forum is about dunc, and stop calling people internet warriors you just make yourself look like a prize cunt tbh, not everybody is in a position to get to games for a number of reasons but many want too, stop being an internet troll, in any case, untill i moved here a few years back, i went as much as you did anyway.
  17. makes no difference whatsoever, you can still play with different formations, it will always still be 11 players
  18. Why not do something totally out of the box and give Duffy a run in the side, he looks as though he will be better than Jags anyway.
  19. Surely the box to box thing is what we want Barkley for, he is supposed to be the new Gerrard after all, if we get Diame or another ahead of him, i would'nt hold any grudges against him if he asked his agent to get him out of EFC
  20. ok was'nt sure, his music is not too everyones taste
  21. no its a repeated hamstring, not good. ive heard people saying sell him, but we would be lucky to get more than £5m for him at the moment.
  22. Rodwell should be back by the start of next season, and Osman is not a wide player, and if we hav'nt signed another winger by the start of next season Moyes needs shooting, Junior i only mentioned because he can play there, and is one to come through in the future, i just don't think a player like Diame is that much of a priority
  23. That was the main one i had trouble with, and the longest thread
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