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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. thanks for that i really do need to add an eye test on my to do list
  2. when have we finished above ALL the big money teams as you like to put it? that just sounds like a dig at the shite to me. In the league i can understand but it's no excuse for not winning a cup imo, dogleish has been sacked for winning a cup, getting to another final all in a year, Moyes has had 10 years to have ago at it now and has fuck all to show for it, whatever way, 10 years in football is along time, most clubs would have sacked him years ago, he has IMO 2 more years to get us back into Europe and looking half decent, then thats 12 years and if we are still hovering around the 7th and 8th position with nothing to show for it then, he can do one as far as im concerned, i don't think he has a winning mentality anyway and i know the off-field stuff does'nt help but nothing can be done about it. For the moment like i said, he probably is the right man, but i do think he needs to change his ways a bit, the fans are not going to sit through another start to the season like the last one.
  3. Not sure why everyone is dissing Martinez, he started the whole Swansea thing(something people seem to forget) and i think one day he will be a decent manger with the right resources, Wigan are just a stupid club, designed for failure and misery, anyone would struggle there imo
  4. haha, im going to need an ambulance at the weekend, i refuse to learn how to drive till i have the money to buy a muscle car of some sort, no other kind of car would make me happy so it's pointless, when i have the money, i will just get one. Myself, i prefer these, it's a 1972 Plymouth Duster.
  5. meh to all that nonsense, going to look at one of these with a friend at the weekend(not for me sadly i don't drive, my mates a petrolhead)
  6. No, at the moment it's not worth the gamble i don't think, stick with him for the moment, better the devil you know at times.
  7. Plenty of people on here and other forums seem to think he can do no wrong and is the only manager capable of running the club, which any half educated football fan knows is nonsense. There are 100's of managers in the various leagues in Europe, Moyes has done a very good job with what he's had, but no one can say that another person would'nt have done the same/better/worse. unless they are Mystic Meg of course
  8. The same reason that nobody actually knows what kinda of job another manager would do at the club, all these people saying that Moyes is the messiah and noone else can do the job need a serious reality check, as i have said many many times before, HE IS NOT THE ONLY MANAGER IN WORLD FOOTBALL TO WORK WITH LIMITED FINANCES, we have no idea what another manager would do/or would have done.
  9. I think he will run it down because he will wait and see if there is any sign of the club actually bringing investment in, and if not he will move on, he is not going to sign another contract if we have to sell to buy all the time, it just seems to have got worse and worse the last few seasons.
  10. I know, a 10 game ban though he needs to just give up now, they reckon QPR will ditch him anyway and i don't see who is going to buy him in this country
  11. I reckon thats because they had spent all that money and were expected to do a lot better than what they did do. Also the King Kenny thing.
  12. Barca have been shite this season, in Europe and domestically thats all, flopped is maybe not the correct word, Disapointing is maybe a better one.
  13. I think Moyes will run his contract down tbh.
  14. I can see why, i mean earlier on in the season, what neutral fan would have wanted to sit and watch us on their TV, Our own fans did'nt even want to watch us because the football was so bad, we have got to sustain a good run from the start, do well then the TV companies will want to cover EFC.
  15. Fuck knows mate, you know what he's like, next it will be an FA conspiracy against United to make sure City win the league, he's just a sore loser and a miserable bastard.
  16. I see he wants some sort of investigation into the 5 mins of injury time at City vs QPR
  17. Our club give off such positive vibes for the fans to feed off don't they?
  18. Are you sure about that? i remember a quote from a certain person about how "we would never sell Rooney for £50m" and he went for half of that, i don't trust them whatsoever tbh.
  19. I do hope your right, we are a completely different team with him in it.
  20. Im sure he does want to come here, we all want him to come here, but you know what we are like, i can easy see this not happening.
  21. The more i read about Pienaar the more it looks like we might not get him imo, if Spurs don't get CL then Bale will no doubt leave meaning the left hand side berth will be open, and based on his performances Harry might want to keep Peanuts. After such a run of good form other clubs are no doubt going to enter the bidding as well, and his twitter comments don't bode well either.
  22. Silva has been at he club for a few years and not broken through, so i can see the sense in him leaving, i know little about him other than he has ability but he is very inconsistent.
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