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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. Apart from the half time drinks boy, Jones looked all over the place the other day, they were saying on the radio about Jones in midfeild and Jags at RB
  2. He's probably the most in demand scout in the country at the moment, it will be interesting to see who Newcastle sign in the summer tbh
  3. No i don't think so, he has'nt been with Newcastle that long, there was a suggestion that alot of the players are players he scouted at City but because they are not big names, the City board had no interest in them, so he took his little black book up to geordieland with him and made the most of it.
  4. Id like to watch this if i could somehow(sad i know, but i went to school with this guy for years) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2093140/Francis-Mathew-Russian-Scottish-royal-seeks-TV-love-match-The-Batchelor-Ukraine.html
  5. It would certainly make me fork out for a football shirt again
  6. Graeme Carr is his name (his son is the comedian Alan Carr) i think previously he had been at Man City
  7. Been doing it for a few years now, when i still lived up in Liverpool i did a fair bit of indoor growing, but it was easy as every other house in my street up there had one on the go, but since moving down here, there is countryside a plenty, and lots of places to do a guerrilla grow, i have one place which is a 10 min walk from the house, the others in the forest and some more a few stops away on the train near a local river.Next year is the big one though, back to babylon, babylon was a place me and a mate found a few years back, 45min walk from the nearest road, and a fight with some of the biggest brambles and nettles you have ever seen, leading to a massive open space about 3/4 of the size of a football pitch, im already starting to plan for next years, only just started this years!! If your going to do it mate, then make sure you do a few, you always lose half to the rabbits and deer along the way no matter how much you try protect stuff, ive only got 20 on the go this year i don't expect to get more than 10 at a push. Babylon next year though, im going for 50-100 there, it's the sort of place you could live there for a month and noone would ever find you.
  8. It's amazing, it's doing wonders for my ganja plants in a local forest nearby, problem is the lovely weather has brought an increase in dog walkers meaning i can only get up there safely at, wait for it, 4-5am in the morning
  9. Shit match, england as predictable as ever, too score 1 and sit back for the rest of the game reminded me of us a little, like marco says, Downing and Milner offer very little imo, Carroll actually did ok, Phil Jones is not quit international level imo, and i think we will be on our way home before Rooney even gets in the team tbh.
  10. channel surfing and landing on the Eurovision song contest, and not just that Jedward were on!!
  11. http://www.clubcall.com/everton/everton-defender-wanted-1432636.html
  12. It's defo worth a watch it's well funny
  13. It's a cartoon, its well funny its about a secret agent (bond like) but he's clumsy as hell, he has a super hot sidekick(even for a cartoon character she's fit lol) and his mum runs the spy agency. Thats archer in my avitar, i think its on late one night on one of channel 5 extra channels like 5 star or something, but plenty of places online to watch/download https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archer_%28TV_series%29
  14. even i would'nt have said that, more master of the long ball.
  15. I honestly hope he does come through it, because if the big man does go he could play in that role and it would save us a fucking fortune, but i just have a feeling he is more Vaughan than Gerrard. hope im proved wrong.
  16. It's a game of opinions at the end of the day, and i think he has been a very lucky player over the years
  17. it's hardly having a moan its called having a discussion and looking at the different reasons for it, tell me dunc, how much daily practice do you put into being an uber-troll?
  18. Gerrard is one of the most over-rated player of the past 20 years, so a poor comparison imo, BUT i get what your point is, but likewise look at James Vaughan, and lets face it our injury record is hardly good is it.
  19. Not really, thats just the logical way of looking at the situation, honestly i don't think he will ever make it at the top level, and i think he's a championship player at the very best, and even thats pushing it imo, i would put his ability level less than the likes of Neville.
  20. He can't play on the right though, he has nothing to offer other than kicking the ball out infront and running past the man, he got found out after half a season, he needs a loan somewhere in the championship for 6 months to get some consistency into his game imo, i don't think he is anywhere near premiership standard at the moment, just look at the Liverpool game the stupid muppet nearly got himself sent off after 10 mins of being on the pitch because he was all over the place and ended up jumping in with both feet.We shall see anyway, Moyes seems to have an obsession with playing Osman on the right anyway, so Coleman needs to get past him first.
  21. Yeah its bad here as well Mike, i wish they would just hurry up and get it out over and done with.
  22. Dream on Matt, he's going to have to massivly change his game or change postion if he is to ever improve as a player, one trick pony who has been found out pretty easily, it's a shame, but i don't see Coleman ever being anymore than a backup option for us.
  23. Don't want him to fail, but having the same injury multiple times at a young age points to a weakness, and yes he has been brought back to early which comes down to poor physio/bad management which i suppose raises questions about the backroom staff, an issue which most of us agree needs investigating further, as we have a ton of defensive coaches an no attacking for starters.
  24. he's had the same injury 3 times and he's what 21-22, i agree with J, any hope of Jack being some sort of big time world beater are long gone.
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