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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. tell him you have done a bit of research and there are a lot of those cars on the market at the moment, and even the mint ones are not shifting much past 6K
  2. I am giving him credit for the way we have played 2nd half though Dunc, i honestly never thought he had that type of game in him, thats why i said its up to him to see that we keep that momentum up now. Peanuts would help a lot as well, he just makes everyone around him play better.
  3. What once in ten years, and remind me where that has got us again? like i said it comes down to settling for second best, which to me is what Everton has become because of the chaos off pitch, and it goes against what the club is all about, its sad thats all.
  4. This maybe the reality of the situation, but it's settling for second best imo, and goes against the club motto and everything it stands for, and it's been allowed to go on for too long now and i include the PJ era in that, which BK was part of, it just frightens me how many blues are happy to settle for it, i find it very sad
  5. Do you seriously think Moyes has ever put any kind of pressure on Kenwright over transfer funds/wages, i mean ffs, it's like SteveO said a few weeks back, they are perfect for each other, Bils under no pressure from Moyes, and Moyes is under no pressure from Bill. Also if that is the case then he and his board should be sweating blood trying to sort it out, and there is just no evidence to suggest that, this is maybe where the club are going wrong with their "we wont talk to any fucker policy" they seem to have at times
  6. We need a strong start, we have to be looking to get back into europe again next season, as for money thats down to BK, and has Moyes got the balls to stand up to him and say "come on Bill, look what happened in January, a bit more and we can really do something next season" i really hope so, because with the right signings i do think we can have a good season, if we can keep damage limitation in terms of Baines/Fellaini preferably neither, then the future is promising.
  7. you can get flawless quality though on the correct sites, all the payed sites do is redirect to the free sites, i know i used to set up scams like that when i did a bit of hacking years ago, its an easy money maker, my advice would be to hunt round for reliable free sites there are good ones mate
  8. Hardly, they have kicked me off there fb page twice, think they are a bunch of tossers tbh, a combination of things got us playing like that, Moyes decided to open his eyes for once, we brought Pienaar in, and finally we got a striker who knows where the net is It's now down to Moyes to see if we can continue the momentum at the start of next season instead of our usual slow dross till xmas time
  9. Exactly, you can see he is not up too completing a full 90mins anymore
  10. This is my point, whether you want him in the team or not, there is no way next season that Cahill should be ahead of Ross, or another striker if we do bring one in, Tim is a backup player now imo.
  11. But IF he offers more than what we have then he needs to be involved, why play players out of postion because you are scared to play a youngster incase his confidence gets knocked, hows the kid ever going to get any experience, a few games in the Carling Cup is not the answer
  12. very difficult when you have a chairman who has been proven time and time again to be a complete fraud, and despite claiming to be the biggest evertonian in the world, thinks nothing of telling the fans a string of porkys all the time, and then a manager who has shown his preference is too defend first and score second and nick one-nil wins in games, just look at how the atmosphere changed towards the end of the season when we played a bit.
  13. Yes, I do keep an eye out for the reserve games and youth games, i just think we are looking for that no 10 type, which seems to be his prefered position, and if he's good enough then he's old enough, more sense to me than making an accomplished DM into a support striker/no 10. It's just my view at the end of the day, otherwise once again we are just going to be top heavy with defensive players on the pitch all the time
  14. I disagree, the fans need something to get excited about, Rodwell is not going to do that, neither are Moyes tactics, Ross needs games, he is being recognised at U21 level so it just looks plain odd to be ignored at club level in that situation, he will be gone before we get a chance to see him, lets try and be a bit more positive next season, he is an attack minded player after all.
  15. Any streaming site you pay for is a con basically, you don't need to pay for any match,tv show,movie or any other thing, don't ever get hooked into signing up for one of those things, all it's doing is taking your money and re-directing you to a free site
  16. Exactly what me and the old man said to each other when we heard it just before.
  17. I thought Rodgers had just been appointed as head coach, i heard that they are still hoping to appoint Van Gaal as the main bigwig?
  18. I think it smacks of the fact he can't find anyone else to play there, clearly we have no money to buy anyone to play there, and it sounds like he does'nt want Ross there either, can't make his mind up, yet another negative step from Mr Moyes imo, and i do feel for Barkley he must be getting so frustrated.
  19. haha, tbh what im pissed about is the fact that they know my face now, and the fact my mate runs the local Headshop as well(where i do the occasional days work) now compromises that, thing is i know them now, and one of the girls is a fairly regular customer in the shop, so if they say anything i will know where its come from, and i will see they get banned from the shop.
  20. I have spent a alot of time there, £40 on seeds, did a 45min trip x 4 with 60 litre bags of compost on my back, my mini greenhouse, tools, and other stuff, probably about £100 worth of bits, bearing in mind im on the dole at the moment and i spent a fair old while saving for this stuff, its wound me up big time, good job i still got some more on the go!!
  21. RAGING!!!! Went to visit one of my "outdoor gardens" today and as i came over the fence and down the hill, i smelt tell tale smells, knowing my ladies are far from ready, i knew that someone was smoking nearby, to my absolute horror i came through the trees to find 2 girls and a male about the 18-21 age, playing round with my stuff, and touching the plants. Some seriously strong words were said about how much they have cost me in time and money and all i got was abuse back, i ended up telling them if they knew what to do they could have the plants and do what they wanted and stormed off before i threw all 3 of them head first in the river(believe me when i say i was very tempted) I know it goes with the territory with stuff like this, but still im NOT a happy Simon at the moment
  22. Saw an advert last night on Sky for Sinbad, that looks amazing, starts next month i think, always used to love those films as a kid, so a tv series will be interesting, lots of special effects and fancy camera angles, lots of action, i look forward to this one.
  23. Nobody else was rushing to get them though, i know we were linked wtih Ba, but his injury record scared alot of the other teams off, like i said, the rumour is that he scouted most of these players at City, but because they were not big names, City had no interest in them.
  24. Oh fuck off, it was a good start to the day till i seen this, cheers bro
  25. Stewart Robson the former Arsenal player on talkshite this morning "Theo Wallcott is nothing but an athlete with a pair of football boots on" Quite true having said that
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