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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. Well that's certainly a bit of a confidence boost for the lad anyway, sounds from twitter that he has linked with Felli quite well
  2. Think that was more about the fact that the team in general were shite at that time, and Barkley wasn't playing any worse than any of the rest of them tbh, it seemed like Moyes was pushing the blame on to him a bit, that's how i saw it anyway, others may have a different view. Hopefully it will have made a difference to Ross's game, although he does still look a bit raw, i think let him have a run against the smaller teams, and then give him 15-20mins against the bigger ones.
  3. thats unusual, pipe tobacco smells a lot as well, i don't smoke loads of rollups tbh, maybe 2 a day, weed is more my thing mainly because cigarettes don't stop the stupid spasms in my arms, whereas with weed, im just too stoned to even notice them lol
  4. I agree, they are hardly being linked with what you would call big names anymore.
  5. especially smoking pre-made cigarettes they cost a fortune for a pack of 20 now, hence why i switched to rolling tobacco a few years back
  6. yeah i guess, but i don't smoke a huge amount, and i smoke my weed pure so i don't mix baccy with that, so a pouch lasts me a fair while, but like Mike says, the chance of winning something is very small.
  7. i agree Mike, the amount of times i have gone in somewhere to buy a lighter or a pouch of baccy and have to wait behind 5 people all spending their dole money on scratchcards and lucky dips, you end up standing there for like 20 mins
  8. What i want to know is will Jack have to earn his place back in the team or will he just get it back as he does seem to be one of Moyes favourites, Gibson and Felli look really good together, i feel Rodwell needs to prove he is worthy, i see the same problem happening at CB, i hope to god jonny keeps his place, preferably with Distin, but the chances of Moyes leaving Jags on the bench are slim to none i would imagine. i have a stomach churning feeling that Heitinga will be on the bench next season
  9. Chatting with my mum about how much better i feel on these new medications at the moment, no weird episodes for nearly 2 months now, im starting to feel like there maybe light at the end of this very long dark tunnel
  10. To be fair to Ross though, Fellaini was doing that in the first team when he first joined us, the guy could'nt pass over a few yards without giving the ball away(he has vastly improved this and i think would be a great person for Ross to learn from)
  11. Yeah and their looking to sell for £20m, a £15m loss in one season
  12. That would be real nice, but highly unlikely
  13. Im not saying they don't know stuff, but there are better people out on twitter for EFC stuff than FO that's all i was saying, it's pretty easy to tell who knows the most, you only have to see who follows who, you can work it out from that who the real ITK people are, but its very hit and miss at the moment, which is why like i said id rather wait and see.
  14. The complete love-in that seems to be going on today for Ledley King and the fact he has retired, he was a good player and had his fitness been better would probably have been England captain, but guess what, his fitness was crap and he hardly played and some of the superlatives being used by various journo's and radio/tv people are becoming ridiculous, if he had played for us, you wouldn't have had any of this rubbish.
  15. i can only read what i see on the screen, and they do retweet other peoples stuff, and ive seen then things come up on other so-called ITK long before it's come up on FO But it's all dubious info tbh, and thats why like i said the only way to know for sure is too wait till Sept 1st
  16. tbh, im more worried that he will try to knock Barkleys talent out of him because he is not defensive enough
  17. Maybe with Naismith here now, there should be no excuse for playing Osman on the wing anymore. One thing Moyes HAS to cut out this season is this playing players out of postion, IF we ever do get Pienaar then we now have players for the left and right berths so there should be no reason to ever see an Osman/Rodwell or a Barkley out on the wings again.
  18. I've been saying the Coleman thing for ages now, he simply is not good enough, he was found out after a season, at £60k it was worth a gamble, but i really think he is lacking in a few major departments. As for Osman, if he had any kind of consistency to his game, he certainly wouldn't be playing for us he would be playing for a team in the CL, the guy has skill in abundance, but he will have one amazing game, then vanish for the following 2 games.
  19. Fourth Official get their info from the likes of Lcab and @johnmerro1, FO are probably 4th on the list of good EFC 'ITK' for the club, i certainly would'nt rely on them for info, but what i would say is most of the EFC ITK are coming up with very little so far, @johnmerro1 is the only person who has been reasonably accurate, Lcab is posting very little stuff, THT is just retweeting loads of other peoples stuff, info is limited this year.
  20. probably, but im trying my best to stay away from the transfer threads, and twitter and the suchlike, it's very frustrating at the moment
  21. I have decided to adopt a new policy of wait till Sept 1st, when the window is finally shut and lets see who we have signed then and if we have let anyone go. Im fed up of hearing about Pienaar,Holby,Hoilett,Pranjic all of them, so im just going to sit back and watch from now on.
  22. As you can imagine they are getting it from all angles
  23. The Apples - Chemical Sniffer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3EgqYe9UnA&feature=related
  24. he is, different people saying different things we won't know till he's finally in an efc shirt.
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