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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. Such a tragic story, it should be an individuals choice whether they choose to live or not, came across this a few times in my years of doing care work it's such a touchy subject.
  2. Thought id turned onto the funny farm channel or something, Jarvis - £10m Fletcher - £14m The shite were bad enough last year with Downing,Carroll and Henderson but this is just taking the piss now
  3. Thats all you got then Dunc? not heard the one from a few years ago about BK losing £3m in a London casino and club resources being used to settle the debt As for the BU they have praised the club on plenty of occasions, im not sure where you get this from. Plenty of praise is given if you look as Dave Kelly and his BU morons think everything from Jan onwards is down to their influence on the club, deluded tw*ts
  4. Heitinga is the best CB by a country mile Avin, he's calm, passes(rather than hoofs) postionally he's good, he's solid and good in the tackle, proven international player, id have Heitinga/Jags. Distin is still good and going strong, but you get the impression there is an accident waiting to happen with him at times
  5. Can't believe there is even a discussion about this, all other signings will be mean nothing if we suddenly decide to get rid of our best defender, and to a club who could be rivals, Is Moyes ready to sacrifice our best man for the sake of a left/right foot combo, cmon EFC sort this out pronto!
  6. Me too tbh, he showed a fair bit of promise at one point, still only 24 according to wiki, i think Defour has had some injuries over the previous seasons, hence why he has never really got a big move anywhere.
  7. Vanden Borre is back in Belgium with Genk Witsel plays for Benfica Defour plays for Porto(i think) not sure about the other 2
  8. nice choice of motor there Mike, see the occasional Zonda round this way, none that colour though i prefer the mint condition AC Cobra that the guy at the end of the road has tucked away in his garage and uses about twice a year id be out in it every day if that was me.
  9. Niang off to Milan according to various twitter sources
  10. I think the only time they have EVER graciously accepted any kind of defeat was when Barca tore them a new one in the CL final a few years back at Wembley, their fans and manager are the most miserable, negative and non-giving-credit to others mob in the game. They might be the biggest club in the world, but that doesn't always mean they will win and play the best, and if it hadn't been for De Gea we could have beaten them 3/4-0
  11. Felli, world class tonight totally chainged my opinion of him
  12. What a result!! Felli was a fucking monster god how i wish the transfer window was closed
  13. Thought Naismith might get a start
  14. Good luck to the lads tonight, we can beat the mancs easy if we want to, i can't wait to see how we line up 2-1 EFC
  15. I explained why i had originally used that term, please stop trying to make more of it than is needed Tell you what, forget it, im fed up of this fucking site anyway with its little TT gang, im outta here
  16. Ok then i take back the Only in America thing then, but in no way shape or form are they bigotries, i have VERY personal experience of an incident like this, someone i spent most of my childhood days with is now in prison for a spree murder of his family, you have no idea what the hell i have been through or who i am, so don't dare tell me i live in a bubble please, and whilst you say most Americans don't own a gun and all that, well sadly the evidence suggests otherwise, but you clearly have a view and are not willing to have any kind of conversation of any kind about it., so yeah stick to football
  17. started with what? because yet another pointless act of violence from the country that near enough invented the fucking word has happened once again? im fucking sick to the back teeth as everyone is, like i said 2 friends of mine nearly got caught in the Norway bomb last year, but Americans do seem to love their guns and the whole macho shit that goes with it, it's pathetic if you ask me and it keeps happening over there because of the stupid laws and culture over in that country, you have the stats up the page? it will always be possible to get firearms, fuck i know where i could get one in the next hour if i wanted one, but they NEED to sort it out in the USA once and for all, at least give the innocent members of the public that get caught up in this crap a half chance, rather than spending their lives walking round with the threat that any person they work/live/know can just walk into a shop and come out with a bloody machine gun ffs, at least in the UK it takes a bit more effort to get hold of of that sort of thing, hence why it happens less here. It's all so blatent over there, whenever i visit family over there i hate it
  18. Oh i know it happens everywhere, god sake i know 2 people who where exactly where that Norway bomb went off the day before it did!! but it does seem like Americans just want to get tooled up and let rip at times, gun laws vary from state to state over there with some being very tight to others in the southern states where you can basically own any kind of weapon you want, also the people who do it in the US seem to be far more random than people like that Norwegian guy who was all about race and Nazi crap, a fair few of those US shootings over the years have had no real motive behind them, the classic being Brenda Spencer which as everybody knows was because she " Didn't like Mondays " and this guy today seems to have done it as a staging out of a Batman scene from 25 years ago, i dunno, Mike put up some stats i see which say the majority of these happen in the US but i do get what your saying mate
  19. Right, i know i said i wouldn't post anymore Twitter stuff, but this has now come up a few times today and i feel i have to post it: According to @ITK_TRANSFER (reliable source) Everton have had a bid rejected for Peter Crouch Please note i did not write the (reliable source) bit, that was part of the tweet.
  20. Only in America, mindless morons that are out there, really, seriously, what the hell was the point of shooting a load of people at a movie premiere
  21. no, a bit of orange peel would sort that out i reckon
  22. what brand do you buy, id get a months worth out of a 50g pouch, i might give it a go
  23. actually on the subject of young Ross, i read something the other day that said he is eligible to play for Nigeria via his Grandfather
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