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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. SimonButtle


    bit harsh is it not? making his debut, offered no guidance whatsoever from Fellaini and sold up the river by Naismith for the goal.Im still really pissed at Heitinga for that stamp more than anything. Diouf or not, he can fuck off somewhere else if he wants to do that sort of stuff imo
  2. There truely is some world class plankton out in society, i just don't get this chanting/praising of disasters.
  3. Great win from the team today, we need to sort that middle pairing though.
  4. i think we will win but people are taking swansea lightly imo. They have some good players, Michu, Dyer in the middle are both playing well at the moment, we need Fellaini back in the middle. I know there is some doubt about Hibbert, hate to say it might not be a bad thing it would keep Neville away from midfield and into right back and probably force Fellaini back into the middle. I don't see Moyes dropping Distin as he is the left footer, but it's him that should be dropped(if either are that is) i think it will be a good game.
  5. http://www.clubcall.com/everton/striker-ruled-out-for-a-fortnight-1471980.html
  6. SimonButtle


    he did, but he also showed everybody exactly why he will never be a first team starter, he could not even control a simple ball through the middle, the basics of the game, but then next minute he's turning off the defender to bury it in the bottom corner, frustrating!!
  7. SimonButtle


    Im still trying to get my head around that match on Monday, we were brilliant at times in that first half, the movement and passing down that left hand side was a top class display and finished with a top class goal. Sadly we are just not able to carry things on, we always just fall into this mode after we get goals, it's so frustrating at times. Im not sure how much more evidence Moyes needs on the Jags and Distin thing, it just does not work simple as!! Said plenty about P Neville in the past, so i won't bother with that, another hugely frustrating night from Victor, we saw what he CAN do, and also what he DOES do most of the time, im really not sure how he still holds a place ahead of some of our youngsters, i feel sorry for them. Mirallas looked good in the first half, he looks like he has got some real skills, needs to pass a bit more though, but looks like a player who could create something out of nothing. Fellaini looks like he is being sussed out by teams, so time to move back in the middle with Osman, Swansea have good midfielders and it will be tough on Saturday.
  8. happy birthday for yesterday
  9. Baines, amazing first half in particular from him.
  10. http://www.clubcall.com/manchester-united/battle-on-for-torino-star-1469854.html
  11. SimonButtle


    I like this idea, the YNWA thing is just going to cause far too many arguments, and we will never hear the end of it, i bet the buffoon union are loving the idea of YNWA being played at GP
  12. He might get some bench time now Gibson is out and Barkley is on loan for a month.
  13. only picked that up off the BBC today mate, didn't see yesterdays posts up there
  14. Interesting article on young Baxter http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/19522021
  15. Know a few saints fans with living down here, and they all rate Lallana very highly, and he's very versatile but the other 2 are a joke, Sterling is 17 and there must be a few U21 ahead of him surely, and Livermore has started a few games for Spurs under AVB. I feel sorry for the likes of Osman, also that Dyer that plays for Swansea surely deserves a call up ahead of Livermore, i think Hodgson's reign is already showing the early signs of being exactly as predictable as Eriksson and Cappello, just look at the other night, back to the Gerrard/Lampard nonsense. England will always be the same until the structure and culture of the FA changes imo
  16. like i said before, we all know he is going to move on at some point.When he arrived at the club, within the first few weeks his old man was talking him up for a move to Chelsea, but he has a good time on his contract left, he's still young so let's get as much as we can for him.
  17. surely he can do that as a member of the coaching staff? he offers us nothing in a playing capacity anymore
  18. like Zoo said, i doubt he would go in the January window(unless silly money is involved) but if we get another season out of him, and just try and get as much money as we can for him, we all know he is going to move on at some point.
  19. I just never understand this leaving it all till the last minute lark, doesn't makes sense to me however exciting it is for the fans.
  20. Not sure what to make of this, i don't know much about said player anyway tbh but by all accounts he is good so it's highly annoying to lose out. what does it mean for team now though, more Neville in midfield? will Barkley still go on loan somewhere. If we really wanted this player should we have left it so late on in the day? nevertheless we still had a very good transfer window by our standards, we are getting a good little squad together.
  21. should we put forward your name/description as one of those 'kids' seen hanging in Dalziels area? lol
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