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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. SimonButtle


    Agree with this, i think his best position is in behind the main striker, he can just take the ball and run at the centre backs.
  2. haha i know, didn't know where to put it, i don't really want to start a thread for those 2 injury prone squad players, and it's only from toffeeweb, so here seemed best.
  3. http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/12-13/rumour-mill/22842.html
  4. don't think so, i read something the other day that said he was still a few weeks away yet.
  5. he's played both, i have not watched RM for a while not sure how they are lining up at the moment tbh.
  6. Whats been funny about this is that listening to talkshite the last few days the amount of fans from other clubs who have come on quoting stats or talking about games when their team played against us and we controlled the game. Basically supporting us and saying Gerrard is talking shite, they have made themselves look so stupid. I agree with marco, Rodgers should stop the players from speaking for a while before they say anything else stupid, he's said enough on his own already anyway.
  7. More a recommendation, was out this morning and my headphones packed up, so nipped into HMV and for £20 i got a cracking set of can-style phones, the sound quality is fantastic, much better than the i-phone style ones i was using, bright white they are too with Atari on the side of them, i do like a bit of retro.
  8. yeah i know that, and Ramos is a full back it was just point out that Real do have some tough nuts unlike StevO said.
  9. Not sure about that mate, Ramos and Pepe are ruthless most of the time, especially Pepe.
  10. Hopefully he will be back, we look a different unit with him in the team.
  11. Gerrard complaining about us! apart from his free kick he was invisible yesterday, it was one of his quietest derby games.
  12. I think Jelavic is the type that needs all the focus on him and then he will thrive from it. look at when he came in last season the attention was focused on getting the ball to him and he was knocking them in for fun. Now though the focus is more on Felli and he's also now playing in front of Jelavic on a regular basis. I think Mirallas or Naismith would be better behind Jelavic so they can put the ball through for him, and i think he would prefer to play with one of them rather than Felli. One thing i noticed yesterday was the number of balls that were over hit from midfield for Jelavic to run on to, but he's not the quickest and he needs it into feet imo, he also spent alot of time out wide i think also because Felli was pushing forward, and id rather have Jelavic in the middle.
  13. not a bad performance in the end, thought we should have won it though, we had some cracking chances in the second half to go 3-2 up. Mirallas looked immense during the first half, we have some real quality there, lets hope he's not injured too bad, Jelavic was really poor today, he reminds me of Berbatov a bit, brilliant one game anonymous the next, i was pleased with Naismith today he finally looked reasonably comfortable alongside everyone else, Felli wasn't fit, Neville had one of his better games in recent weeks but still showed that he contributes very little in all honesty, that dive was genius though Back four looked ok at times, Coleman is getting better and better each game, i expected trouble with him today, and he proved me wrong, he was my MOTM, and i must also give a mention to Gueye, i think today finally convinced me that ive seen enough of him to know that he's not good enough, lets give Oviedo more game time he looked to get forward when he came on, i think today with Pienaar missing and Vic, and Felli not really fit, we had limited options on the bench and even with the quality we brought in during the summer we still have a thin squad. nevertheless, a good point considering we usually lose against the shite but it should have been 3 and it could be argued that it should be their 3 so im happy with the result.
  14. Gave it to Coleman, i was really worried about him prior to the kickoff but he showed how much he's improving as a player and he could have scored, well done Seamus
  15. Quite nervous, im not convinced by that lineup, Neville and Osman in midfield and Naismith who is struggling for form imo.
  16. how many of us are watching the football league show tonight then? sounds like Ross had a stormer today
  17. I reckon Neville should play at RB tomorrow, they rested Stirling the other night and the thought of Stirling against Coleman makes my stomach turn, there's a red card waiting to happen there imo, sure Neville will get skinned for pace but he is less likely to fly in than Coleman is, i really hope we win this game but we always seem to fold up against them.
  18. Leftfield feat Lydon - Open Up (Dust Brothers Remix)
  19. If Felli is back then that is icing on the cake for me, if we can't be these the way they are playing at the moment i don't think we ever will, like haf said we have a real good chance to put some serious pressure on Rodgers, so lets just go fucking do it for once.
  20. Jobs and Job Interviews, i should be happy that i have an interview tomorrow for a job doing exactly what i want to do and full time, but should i get it then i will have to quit college, and i don't want to do that but at the same time i can't afford to turn a job down, something is telling me in the back of my head that i don't want the job( i DO want the job, it's perfect) i don't cope well with stuff like this.
  21. i only watch the documentary and sport channels most of the time Mike, sure there is some pure rubbish on stuff like American History Channel, avoid 'Storage Wars' at all costs but they have some good stuff on Discovery Channel and Discovery Science and National Geographic,Eden.
  22. Have to admit i have a fascination with a late night tv documentary type show called X Machines. It's all these ridiculously over-sized diggers,dump trucks and ships and crane's and tunnel boring machines it's quite fascinating watching these things work but at the same time i find something slightly disturbing about the technology side of things in a sort of, if thats now what's next sort of a ways.
  23. SimonButtle


    We got a point, could have been more, some strange tactics at times, and some mixed performances i put that down to the tactics changes though. Pienaar was stupid today and i guess that means he will be out the derby next week then?
  24. good signing imo, hopefully this will put an end to the Neville in midfield nonsense that seems to be the way at the moment.
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