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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. SimonButtle


    bit scrappy from us at the moment
  2. SimonButtle


    Id like to see Moyes give Oveido a game today seeing Mirallas is out injured, doubt he will though.
  3. SimonButtle


    Good chance for us to increase our goal difference today, we need to if we want to stay up the table, 0-4, Jelly 2, Felli and Osman
  4. Watching Attenboroughs Kingdom Of Plants again, fascinating stuff
  5. overpriced and no way worth it, ive had 2 in the past, the second was worse than the first if that was even possible, build something for half the price thats better, although i will admit they do look cool, and when you have one out in public people do look at like, wtf kinda pc is that? the amount of people that would come and ask what it was.
  6. Holtby has got a decent level of European experience though including the CL, he would want CL wages imo, hence why i don't think he will come to us, so long as he doesn't sign for the shite im not too bothered.
  7. he can play anywhere along the forward line i think, i must say though now we have Mirallas, im not sure why we would look too Holtby, they are similar 'types' and although he would be on a free, he would be wanting big wages i imagine as he has been a CL player and will be looking for CL football.
  8. Why not? it doesn't matter what he joined for, his passing is shocking for a premier league player, even just a few yards along the ground it was going straight to a Sunderland player, thats why i was asking if he is 100% fit. We should be bringing Oviedo on and letting him have a run in the team.
  9. What i don't get with Naismith is, the more games he plays in the worse he seems to look. Is he actually 100% fit?
  10. whats this "i may leave bullshit' if you want to go play in the CL Felli, then go fuck off and don't mess us about and let Moyes reinvest the money, otherwise head down and concentrate on playing for the team and helping them finish in Europe at the end of the season.
  11. not giving a MOTM today, don't see how you can when the team only played for the last 15-20mins of the game, at a push id say Coleman deserves a mention
  12. well if we get the 3 points great, but in all honesty for 70mins it's been a horror show, just lets not give it away now.
  13. Felli is having a shocker today.
  14. well im not surprised at that tbh, we have been pretty shite imo in that first half, no link between midfield and attack and even less chance of one now Mirallas has gone off. Naismith so far has given every ball he has hit to an opposition player, i really don't rate him at all, Nev looks sloppy as always and oh i can't be arsed ranting anymore i will give them another 45min to change my mind.
  15. long rangers from Nev now, are we that desperate already.
  16. why are we playing with what appears to be no back four, they are invisible at the moment
  17. Same team as last week then
  18. Could it be that maybe she wanted you to watch the film with her Mike? that's defo a woman thing, and defo a woman thing to expect that and not tell you.
  19. Just listening to something on the radio and was wondering, how long does Rodgers get as a 'settling in period' it's all fine and well being happy with individual performances, but it's a results game at the end of the day. Any thoughts?
  20. They are large amounts, he must have been involved in it at a decent level, not really got much sympathy for him tbh
  21. Just listened to this It's essentially a documentary about the 'Amen Break' the most sampled drum loop in music. You WILL have head this, it's spanned 3 genres of music, Hip Hop, Rave and Drum and Bass and sadly the drummer who played on the original record died penniless and homeless, very interesting and a bit geeky if you like your music.
  22. SimonButtle


    Good report there Romey, i think the team just needs a bit of a kick up the arse myself, and keep Mirallas and Fellaini fit. As for Howard i think he has been a great servant to the football club and on his day he can be amazing, but your just never too sure with him at times, we have been linked to that Jack Butland kid for a while now, so Moyes is obviously looking for progression in that department.
  23. This was generally my main issue yesterday tbh, people just hanging around in the middle of the fucking pavement, i should NEVER have to step on the road to get past someone on the pavement, who is basically just standing there with their mates chatting shit pretending to wait for the bus when there is an empty bus shelter right next to them, go fucking stand in it and get of the pavement you morons. This annoys me nearly as much as people who cycle on the pavement and thats a very sore subject with me.
  24. Groups of people who insist on standing in the middle of the pavement or in aisles in shops. Been out to Brighton today with mother and she has even less patience than me with stuff like this, just move out of the fucking way ffs!! pavements and aisles are for walking not standing still
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