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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. FFS these are there for the taking if we want it enough, come on Everton!
  2. Sure, he was/is a decent player, but at what cost, both financially and to the progress of Shane Duffy, and the wages would be very high also.
  3. I think we can beat Man City. It will be a game of controversy, but for once the decisions will go our way and we will sneak past them 2-1 COYB!! Is Mirallas expected back tomorrow?
  4. He is our main goal threat, his job is score goals not drag other players away for his team mates, fact is we don't need to play direct so often and imo Felli would still be better next to Gibson
  5. I think because we always try to aim for Felli these days, that when the ball goes forward he often seems to be in a wide position, we need him back in the centre imo.
  6. Oviedo will at least get a place in the team then, although with Moyes who knows, he will probably have Distin in there.
  7. SimonButtle


    I think we can win this, COYB!!
  8. Could explain the recent poor performances, coz he's in a sulk, very petty if it's true though, asking to leave because you don't get on with one other player is childish imo.
  9. not so sure about that, he's a good shot stopper for a big man, but i do remember him being a bit flappy in the air at times, and injuries, was always talked of very highly, if we got him fit he could be a good signing.
  10. Not burst, but as said above our squad weakness is being shown at the moment, we have our best first 11 at the moment, outside of that there is nothing we still need a few more options from the bench, but as marco says, 5th after 13 games is a good place to be imo.
  11. We are not doing anything with it though thats the thing, you can hardly claim it's getting us the points we require is it? some Evertonians are equally blinkered imo and can't see past Moyes and think he is the only football manager who has ever worked under restrictive circumstances. Half the problem in this country is that we think the Premier League is the be all and end all, and anyone outside of it is not good enough, so once you run through the list of usual suspects, O'neil,Hughes,Lambert, you soon come back to Moyes. Point im trying to make is did'nt we go out of our comfort zone to get him in the first place? Im not saying get rid btw.
  12. Thing is, Heitinga was player of the season last year, it comes down to consistency at the end of the day Osman is the same imo. I often wonder does it have something to do with Moyes's tactic of sitting back in the second half of games. How many times have we all come on here moaning about how we only played for the first half of a game, then looked a different team after the break. We only ever play 45min of good solid attack minded football, playing to players strengths, smooth link ups between Pienaar/Baines/Osman etc etc. Then it's reversed to long balls towards Felli and Jelavic, and defending a 1/2-0 lead. How about we try the good stuff for 60-70min and see how we get on, the chances we have had in some of the games just in this season to build good early leads, and we have failed to take them imo.
  13. im glad i went out today, by the sounds of things we did our usual. Whilst we did start the season well, it does seem like haf said that Moyes doesn't seem to know what to do with all these attack minded players we have at the moment, shame as it's probably our best squad under him, cmon Davie sort it out
  14. Today scares me somewhat, so much so that despite being full of man flu, having a ton of college work to do and it pishing down outside, i am going to go out for the day as i cannot bare to stay in and watch/listen to the match in case we lose.
  15. I know what you are saying but i feel this is always been more a media led thing. I can't think of any Evertonians i know who would openly want Hughes as manager he's crap, he did ok at Blackburn, but has flopped everywhere else, but when talk of unrest or possible changes have come in the past, his name has been mentioned by certain journo's. When that day does come id rather look towards Germany/Holland/Scandinavia some good managers lurking in those countries waiting for a bigger stage.
  16. I thought more about how many would rather work under Harry than AVB, money is always a bonus though
  17. Looks like Redknapp is going to get the job then, interesting to see what happens in January, how many of the spurs players will he go for then?
  18. Well it's down to himself to be more consistent and help us get there then, im fed up of hearing him go on about CL, im really starting to dislike Felli, needs to shut his mouth and get his head down and focus!!
  19. Shocked tbh, i know they are not going to get into the next round, but still its just ridiculous
  20. good then, nothing against either Arteta or Cahill but i don't get this whole selling a player then bringing him back again 5 mins later(Cahill) might as well have kept him, and i just think we have moved on a bit from the Arteta/Cahill thing now.
  21. Have to say, i know it's only paper talk/internet but im quite concerned at some of the recent names linked to the club, not just Downing, but talk of loan moves for Cahill and Arteta the other day, do we really need to be going down this road?
  22. If and for how much i would imagine, i reckon if he thought he was likely to get say £20m out of a £30m(£10m-bank)transfer fee, then it gives him some money to play with.
  23. i didn't say i wanted him replaced, i don't at the moment, but to say that no one else in the football world could do the job is just silly.
  24. This is just a stupid thing to say, it drives me mad hearing this all the time, how do you know what another manager would do in charge? we have been stuck with the same one for 10 years, you would think we had actually won stuff under him.
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