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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. much improvement needed second half. COYB!!
  2. Quality start to the match there from us
  3. Reading that suggests that Moyes/The Board and their famous dithering skills came into play here somewhat, as it sounds like we had money through most of the window, yet waited till the last few days
  4. Hong Kong Phooey, all you need is a dressing gown and face mask. cheap as
  5. A poor window from us if thats the case, Stones maybe a good buy, but he's not needed at the moment.
  6. Wow, i seem to have totally missed something this last 24 hours, last i heard it looked like we were signing a Dutch midfielder? i need to read back a few pages it seems.
  7. Of course we don't but this is and has been a huge problem with the club for many years, even i can see an argument for Kenwright and his cronies staying on, if they would just get on board a commercial person with a proven track record in the sports industry(even entertainment to some extent), the sort of person who would have an instant list of 20 different money making opportunities based around Felli's afro for instance, it's something we have lacked for a long time, i think we have failed to make the most of a few situations like this over recent times. As for Baines as a brand, have to disagree Av, he's a local hero. looks like he could be the 5th Beatle and is probably the best left back in Europe at the moment, i think with the right backing his profile could be huge and much bigger than Felli, he has a crazy haircut, and he's a good player, but he's nowhere near the top midfielders in the game imo.
  8. Fellaini, we don't need him like we need Baines, we have done a without Felli in the past but Baines accounts for so much more, defending, attacking, free kicks corner kicks, penalties. He's priceless imo.
  9. The first time ive jumped out of my chair for a long time, it's well fucked up, but very good. Not for the faint hearted though, a very heavy subject to take on in a tv format and in such graphic detail, i look forward to the rest of the series.
  10. Felli played a large part of tonights game in midfield with Osman behind Jelavic, imo the problem lies with Pienaar and the fact he seems to be half the player he was at the beginning of the season and also that i think the partnership between him and Baines has been worked out by the other teams in the league, Baines can still offer a bit more overall, whereas Pienaar just looks lost at the moment imo, and as Avin said our midfield area needs some serious attention, it's lacking big time.
  11. Confidence is defo a huge thing for strikers but im starting to wonder whether he is simply not quite as good as maybe we first thought, and he was lucky last season, something needs to change with him and fast.
  12. Not sure where to even start with that, Jelavic needs taking out of the firing line, Pienaar looks a shadow of the player that started the season(it must be the hair thing) plus i think other teams have him and Baines sussed out now, which worries me as thats always been our best option. Good to see Mirallas back in the team we really need him, and im sick to the back teeth of our back 4, namely Jags and Distin hoofing it, thats sunday league stuff, just fuck off with it will you.
  13. Nev and Naismith in the midfield tonight, cmon DM you can do better than that surely
  14. Overall, i have mixed feelings towards Moyes, but i will admit that at the present time he is the only man for the job and hopefully he will stay on for a while longer at least until we can sort out some sort of new investment and direction off-field. However something in the back of my mind makes me think, that at the end of the season he's going to call time on his tenure at Goodison Park. We will see.
  15. I fancy Moyes to have a crack in Germany or abroad somewhere, i honestly don't see him at Chelsea or United.
  16. I can't even believe you lot are even having the Osman-technical debate, and Avin, technical is usually short passing, long passing, dribbling, set pieces, turn of pace and thought, Fellaini is not really what you would regard as a technical player, his passing is often quite poor for instance.
  17. Rumour on the the radio that Suarez could be Guadiola's first signing at Munich, his brother is Suarez's agent, they reckon for enough money he will be gone.
  18. Someone needs to have the heart to tell him it will be a wasted journey, i don't know why we even look at young goalkeepers, they will never play for the club.
  19. looks barrel chested and stocky ala Rooney imo.
  20. We have money for loans, im sure we can find a non-youth loan striker available? as for the others Jelavic couldn't score an open goal at the moment, Naismith shouldn't be near the bench, let alone the team. Vic well he's just Vic, he looks like he might score a hat-trick one week, the next week he looks like Moyes has taken his Smarties from him. We have to try and bring someone in, we simply cannot operate with such a small squad, forget europe if we don't imo.
  21. Moyes has already stated he would like to try his hand on the continent somewhere, Germany seems like a possible destination if he left due to the recent links, i certainly can't see him going to Chelsea. The Adkins thing is crazy, i hope we batter them on Monday and the fans walk out the stadium, im annoyed i can't go it's only down the road
  22. Moyes must have someone lined up surely? otherwise i find it a crazy decision, the squad is already small and we have just loaned Barkley out,
  23. If we sign a striker it needs to be someone who is(or has the potential to be) a proven goalscorer, if not from this country then hopefully someone from one of the better European Leagues. The right man competing would hopefully push Jelavic back into form, and push us into a CL spot. I really think the Korean League is out of our league for now so to speak Any striker coming in though i reckon is only going to be on loan any way, i don't see us signing anyone/
  24. There's no doubt his overall game is way off premier league level for many of the above reasons. What i don't get is that him and Jelavic had a partnership at Rangers, so why does Moyes insist on breaking it. Jelavic was excelling the virtues of Naismith when he first came, they have never really had a go together in the middle, we should try it.
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