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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. Moyes is having a laugh with this surely? Play to Jelavic's strength's then and you might get something back from him you clueless idiot.
  2. I said ages ago about doing this sort of thing from the point of just helping us clear the debts, i think it's a great idea. All id add is that imo we would need to sign more than a winger and a striker, probably another center back, pace through the middle and most importantly another goalkeeper. If we are going to build a new team then lets start at the back with a good keeper.
  3. Getting the ball in the back of the opposition net by anyway possible(without cheating obviously) is the name of the game, a goal is a goal at the end of the day. The game...well we won which was the important thing, and minus Fellaini meant we actually had to try and play some football for a change. We still looked very dodgy at times though, especially at the back and in the middle, Nev gave the ball straight to an Oldham player 11/12 times in the first half and i really would not be arsed to see the back of Pienaar. What has happened to Gibson btw, he used to look so assured.
  4. I honestly think Baines will stay regardless of what happens with Moyes or Fellaini. Lets face it, if Moyes goes no other manager is going to keep Neville in the team and Baines should be captain imo.
  5. 3 of those players are players Moyes has brought into the club himself, ie Oviedo,Vellios and Hitz, so if your saying they are not good enough then surely thats poor scouting/player selection from the manager then? and players on the bench should be good enough to play in the team otherwise there is no point in them being on the bench, again down to the manager imo.
  6. Your probably right mate, the whole situation just stinks at the moment, i find it unlike us to be so disjointed as we are the moment. It certainly seems like morale and effort is low which could possibly be down to Moyes and his contract saga. I can just him leaving in the summer and Fellaini following behind him after being sold to make a transfer kitty for the new manager
  7. I just don't understand why after 11 years of what have been relative success for Moyes, why has he all of a sudden decided to start digging his own grave and potentially ending everything on a very sour note. We need a comfortable victory against Oldham.
  8. This, they are all good players but there is not an mph of pace between any of them. Also as Zoo said earlier on id hardly be bothered if we saw the back of Pienaar in the summer, a huge let down since his return imo. Maybe he should have bypassed the haircut thing.
  9. I think we all knew that was coming didn't we, shambolic!!
  10. From about 75min onwards i couldn't workout what our tactics are anymore
  11. Did anyone else notice a we just had the ball wide right on the halfway line and then proceeded to work it across pitch and back to Howard so that he could hoof it all the way back to the Norwich midfield, what is the point?
  12. Well done Osman, but damm are we ropey at the back today or what, it's very concerning.
  13. It's not so much about the money it's about progressing as a team, a different manager may prefer different players and buy different players and play a different tactic from Moyes imo, it's impossible to say what another manager would have done with the given resources. I appreciate the work Moyes has done for the club but we have stagnated slightly and i think some of our tactical play seems very basic at times.
  14. No reason why we shouldn't, If senior players are not performing then switching them for a youngster for a game or two can sometimes be a good way of shaking them back into life again, and we have a few under-performers at the moment. I find it sad that Moyes doesn't make use of the youth team a bit more, it's not like we are blessed with an amazing first team squad We are small in numbers and if a player can do a job then we need to use him, who cares if he is under 20 years of age, how on earth are those guys ever expected to gain experience in the first place.
  15. Kareem Abdul Jabbar up front with Felli in behind, Jags and co can play all the hoofballs they want.
  16. Potentially if Laudrup guides Swansea to a cup victory at the weekend, then he has won more than Moyes has and done it in his first season with a smaller club than ours, which is also why i don't agree with the view that we MUST have investment to have success, it's nonsense imo. You gave Redknapp, Curbishly and Pardew as choices? really they are yesterdays men and would offer us nothing. Laudrup has obviously continued the good work done by others, has an eye for a player and plays the game in the right way, he is everything we should look for in a manager imo.
  17. Thing is though, if he did decide to play them it may wake up a few of the senior players and knock them into gear again. But we all know he won't.
  18. Im starting to wonder if this situation is having an affect on the players in the team. Many of them seem like they can't be arsed at the moment, it shone through in volumes during the game on Sunday. Has Moyes let on to the players that he will call it a day at the end of the season, and heads have gone down? I really think he needs to clarify his position with regards to his contract, because something is not right at present.
  19. Not sure it's just him, whilst we no doubt have some good talented players, whether they are good enough week in week out is another matter imo.
  20. I really thought we had a chance to beat them when i saw the team lineups, but as the game went on they just put a stop to the very little we had to offer. Im not that sure how much the pre game injury to Distin would have changed things, we really were that woeful at times today. We have just bought(and had on the bench today) one of the hottest young properties in the country in John Stones, and if he is as good as they say, then how can he be ANY worse than Neville? and if he is then we have potentially wasted our money imo. Also what has happened to Osman at the moment, we need him to produce if not bench him and bring Barkley back from loan, likewise with Pienaar and Oviedo. Even Fellaini today, let himself be bossed most of the game by Phil Jones who is hardly a world beater by any stretch, and Baines looked out of sorts this afternoon, he did'nt seem to know where to pass the ball at times. We just looked so devoid of ideas and threat today, really poor performance considering recent results between the clubs.
  21. The team selection has to be positive from Moyes today, and i think with the right attitude we can beat Man U today 2-1.
  22. I just think with Wilshire he is the 'man of the moment' more than anything, it will change to someone else before long, although i do agree with you that he covers a hell of a lot of ground during the match, but i find him greedy and he often is looking to run straight at goal when there is another ball on if you watch him. I will watch out for him a bit more from now on and see how he does.
  23. I struggle to see what all the fuss is about with him tbh.
  24. I just think Heitinga has gone from playing regular and well, making him player of the season last year, to starting this season from the bench simply because Moyes wants a left/right foot CB combo. Im not sure how much difference it really makes as i think all our CB are of about equal ability, but it certainly has wiped Heitnga's confident bully-boy mentality that he had, now it's the reverse. He seems scared to go near the striker at times, and instead of the assured balls on the ground we have seen from him in the past, it's all Jags-esq hoof balls now.
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