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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. I don't know what they are complaining about, their disciplinary record under Wenger, has at times been shocking: Viera, Petit, Keown, even now they have a few in Wilshire, Mertesacker, Sagna, and Diaby. They were good, but not good enough. Simple as.
  2. It was a total waste, the Arsenal CB were much taller than Vic and won every ball, we might as well have stuck Fellaini up front. We gained a point from a match that we would probably have lost in recent years, Barkley showed he has something to offer the first team, needs to sort out his pass selection though he has some bad habits there. The back four were immense throughout the game, faultless. I thought our problems lay in midfield, Pienaar looks almost a different player at times, im coming to the conclusion that if an offer was to come in the summer for him we should take it. Gibson i find very indifferent, he had a few good challenges, but he gave it away a few times. Maybe we will go back in for Fur in the summer again, who knows? Overall im fairly pleased with tonights result.
  3. SimonButtle


    Missed most of the first half for various reasons, how we doing?
  4. I think if a decent offer comes in, Jelavic might go tbh. Somethings just not right this season and its more than form, i think if Moyes stays he MIGHT move Jelavic on. Im not really sure what to think about it tbh, the guy has had a barnstorming 1/2 of a season with us scoring for fun, then in his first full season has looked like a fish out of water at times, and this time i will give benefit of the doubt and say that i think it's not just down to the Moyes striker curse, theres more to it with Jelly imo.
  5. Id like to see us go for Sessegnon at Sunderland, especially if they go down, scores the odd goal too. Also a striker is a must, im not sure who though. It needs to be someone who is going to get us goals regularly, and that sort of person costs money.
  6. Think it all depends on the opposition tbh, he certainly hasn't been a bench player for the last 2 seasons, and Coleman has only just got the RB position this season remember.
  7. You didn't think there was a tad bit too much hoofball at times then? A good result overall though.
  8. Prior to the game then yes, i would agree but during the course of the game whilst we did play shite, they were no better and we should have won it.
  9. Gave it to Gibson, thought he played well today.
  10. As much as im glad we are 2-1 up, surely we can offer a bit more than this?
  11. FFS, i only went downstairs to the fridge and we are 1-0 down already, what happened?
  12. Id hate for Lennon to come anywhere near here, and like Zoo says im starting to think Moyes may stay, simply because there is not really any other club for him to go to that suits his requirements and that would take him on due to his lack of trophy wins.
  13. People seem to have short memories, he was our player of the season last year. the fact the manager benched him from the start of this season can't of help his confidence. Moyes has to shoulder some of the blame for Heitingas poor form, although when he has played Heitinga hasn't helped himself in any way shape or form with some schoolboy football at times.
  14. We need someone though, especially if Mucha goes, bet yeah, young keepers + EFC is usually a bit of a career killer, in terms of progress i mean.
  15. My view would be that i think overall as a squad, yes they are much better than us. However the current Man United squad imo is vastly over-rated in terms of some of their recent teams/squads. Also im not sure who it was that said it, but i don't think Nani is any better than Mirallas tbh, need to see him for a bit longer though.
  16. Out of interest, does anyone think if Moyes does leave and sign for a new club. Do you think he will come back for any of the players? we already know Fellaini will probably leave anyway. Would he try to poach Baines maybe?
  17. He's club captain for starters. And for all his many shortcomings i do think he gets other players going at times.Moyes loves him, i bet he's one of the first names on the team sheet for some games.
  18. I think most of the Stoke fans would probably agree with you. A shite game for the most part, some of our tactics and general play at times was just hilarious. Mirallas scored a cracker though and i hope he is not hurt to badly, he is clearly becoming a vital part to the team. A good 3 points in the end.
  19. http://myevertonnews.com/fortuna-dusseldorf-name-the-price-for-everton-target/
  20. The fans keep him in the job thats why, it's not just that there have been all sorts of silly stories the last few weeks with regards to Moyes and the whole contract thing, it looked like he was going to throw those 11 years service away and end everything on a sour note. I don't see what is wrong with asking for a bit of communication from Moyes/the club do you?
  21. Full marks to Moyes for saying this, but why now and not a few weeks ago putting the fans minds at ease.
  22. I don't think any of our CB are particularly good, they are all of an average premiership standard, i see no reason why he shouldn't be given more game time.
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