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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. As much as i don't like him, i have a horrible feeling Lennon would be a success at GP if he is chosen, but i hope it's not him. Most managers are not going to talk up interest in the job at the moment because the season hasn't finished yet. The only ones who will are the likes of Hughes and MON who are clubless. Laudrup didn't completely rule himself out which was interesting, but the cost of getting him could have a serious impact on team rebuilding.
  2. no, but it's awfully forward thinking and quick of our board that's why i don't believe it just yet.
  3. Talkshite are saying that Mackay has been approached though. Not sure myself considering BK said on live TV yesterday that it was a shock and he only had a few names in mind, to the following day actually offering the job to someone.
  4. I know, i think everyone is just a little wound up at the moment thats all.
  5. At the end of the day though Matt, whilst i agree that it's been our best team, what have Kenwright,Moyes and that team actually acheived? Bill could do himself a lot of favours by making a quick(but sensible) appointment and giving that person a healthy summer transfer budget. There have been + and - to the Kenwright reign like you say, and it's only fair to look at both sides of the argument.
  6. But Hull have a rich owner, so he's come up into the Premiership and has more transfer backing than he would get here, a non starter(hopefully!!)
  7. Not keen on Lennon although he could bring Wanyama and Izaguirre down with him as straight replacements for Baines and Fellaini(should/when they both go) Stubbs and Weir is just a complete NO from me, id sooner apoint one of these Football Manager whizzkids. Martinez im still 50/50, personally id like to see Malky Mackay get the job. It will come down to what the board are prepared to spend in compensation and what they will give a new manager in transfer funds.
  8. You would like to think so haf, but with our boards track record i bet they thought they could just charm davie round at the end of the day no matter what happened.
  9. i can't see this dunc, it would play straight into the Blue Unions hands, they would love it. Kenwright needs to sort it early otherwise the BU will be after his blood More worried about a potential exodus of players myself..
  10. Excited and now a bit nervous after reading that about MON and Hughes. It's the start of a new era, Moyes has built the last one and done very well with it and it's got him the biggest job in the game.
  11. Oh well, it looks like the ball is now rolling, lets face it we all knew this scenario may come along one day and unless BK can suddenlly produce a blank cheque from somewhere Moyes will go to Man U if offered, he would be crazy not too imo. My worry is that does this mean Baines will go with him? Felli was always going to go in the summer anyway, but it looked as if Baines would stay. Id hope that if he did go along with Felli and maybe even Heitinga, that the new manager( Martinez?) gets all the cash back to strenghten the squad, there should be at least £40m from those 3, allocated straight into the team. Kenwright can keep the banks happy with money from the new tv deal and any prize money gained from this year. If it is Martinez he can bring that McCarthy with him, he looks very promising.
  12. based on this season, no chance
  13. SimonButtle


    Whilst i was pleased we didn't lay it on a plate for them yesterday. Other than the Distin incident i don't think we ever really looked like doing anything, which i find a shame as they are a beatable team these days imo. One thing though and im really not sure how much more i can put up with it tbh. Individually our midfeilders are all good players, but collectivly as a unit they are just useless imo. Mirallas wants to be Roy of the Rovers and do everything himself all the time, the Ronaldoesque runs are all fine and well when they come off(twice so far) but he needs to find and cement his place in the team first, he's still not even playing 90 mins yet. Osman is too inconsistent for the top level imo. Gibson always looks as though he's playing at 85-90% to me(i know he has only just come back last game, im talking generally though) I think probably because he is worried about when his next injury is coming, and Pienaar has just lost the plot, the whole partnership he had with Baines just looks dead in the water now. Whether it's Moyes or another i think despite the urgent need for a 20 goal a season man, i don't think we should even look at strikers till we have a sorted out our midfeild, so many games this year have been thrown away due to poor midfield displays, and then it obviously knocks on to the forwards as well. An urgent priority imo.
  14. SimonButtle


    I just hope to god we don't sit back and hand the game on a plate to them. I can't cope with that crap.
  15. Sunday will be a big factor in the 'should he stay/go saga' for a lot of the fans i think. Another derby farce and it could be curtains for Moyes imo, but with Vampira out for them, it's got to be our best chance in a long while.
  16. SimonButtle


    how is Osman still on the pitch? awful again today
  17. Eventually he could do. Not at the moment though, he needs to learn his trade first. Phil Neville will be a top manager one day im sure of it.
  18. I think that sounds like a promising partnership, Martinez and Neville. Although i do think Neville has manager written all over him, and potentially a good one at that
  19. I don't think it's Baines tbh. I think the sudden decline of Steven Pienaars form means that their usually formidable partnership just isn't there. However as i said in another thread, Moyes has Oviedophobia sadly, so for now we are stuck with Pienaar and stuck with a slightly subdued Baines.
  20. Based on todays performance we do need some rebuilding. I think we need a few replacements before we would even look at 'squad buys' Due to Moyes Oviedophobia we might be looking for a left sided player if Pienaar continues in this run of form. I think Jelavic may leave in the summer, not sure why just do. thats on top of us already needing to sign a striker. Our central midfield needs strengthening, Gibson is a good player but will always be in/out with injuries, Osman is inconsistent and you really never know what you get with him. We have needed to sign another midfielder option anyway, hence the attempt with Fer, This in the background of the probable transfer of Fellaini at some point during the close season. Heitinga i think will probably go with Fellaini during the close season, hopefully Duffy will finally get a chance to show what he can do. Then there is a replacement for Mucha who looks like he doesn't want to sign a new contract, and an argument can be made to say we should be looking for a long term replacement for Howard as well soon. Lets hope some of the youngsters can make the step up, we make some decent signings and have a good pre-season.
  21. Poor showing from us overall today, a complete lack of a team purpose and some poor individual performances also. Pienaars decline at the moment is quite spectacular, and it seems to have knocked Baines's confidence a bit also. Mirallas looks as though he is going to be quite in/out, and a clearly still knackered Osman can be added to the list, i was surprised when i saw his name included tbh. I just think games like today(against the lower teams) should be our bread and butter games, where we build up our goal difference and let the likes of Barkley have the runaround. Yet somehow we continually manage to under perform in them and show our weaknesses. the game today showed why we so badly need some more options within the squad, even when he did eventually change it there wasn't much to choose from in terms of needing someone to save a point from an important game. Overall very poor today, we can play so much better.
  22. 70mins gone and still nothing, why won't he change it?
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