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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. David Moyes will officially resign as Everton chief on Tuesday evening!This comes in the wake of the Manuel Fernandes fiasco! Moyes was livid with the board for letting another catch 'slip through the net' he feels he to was duped into believeing Eveton's new found ambition!. when all along it was an evil ploy to get a 'yes'for Kirkby vote off the gullable supporters would'nt blame him if he did, would you?
  2. Listen mate, i just wanted to know when the two players concerned are going to be able to play for the team, thats all. Ian Ross has just been on talksport saying that yakubu won't be in till the middle of next week, i noticed he avoided the subject of manny though, so 1 down 1 to go. As for mature attitudes, you started off by calling me a plonker, thats hardly a mature attitude to debating now is it? anyway, i have to go to work in a moment, and do not wish to get in an argument with you over something so stupid. yakubu's in next week so it's just manny now.
  3. Everton to tie up double deal of Fernandez and Yakubu today. Expect a late bid for Stewart Downing too, Fans voted yes to new Kirkby stadium. A source of mine close to Goodison has confirmed that Fernandes signed for the blues last Saturday, however a decision was made even before the signing to keep the press announcement back until Yakubu completes his signing today (Friday). Everton wanted to unveil the Fernandes signing along side their most expensive aquisition, Yakubu, at planned press conference at Goodison Park on Friday evening/ Saturday morning (pre EFC v Blackburn fixture). Moyes apparantly still has a sum of up to 5 mill to spend on his squad and has three defenders who he is currenltly showing an interest – although I have no further info at this time on this. I have heard the Manny Fernandes was the "on" that Moyes had to give up on in oder to sign the Yak. The ginger one decided that a forward was more of a priority. I hope that this is not true as I also understand the Man City and Pompey bags are now trying to get him. I was hoping the hold up was due the 3rd party, but sadly it appears not. Everton will confirm and parade there 2 new signings tomorow (Friday) at 10:30. Althought Fernandes signed over 5days ago and Yakubu signed today. Everton wanted to pospone the coformation to coincide with the ballot results. Which will confirm the move to Kirkby. From a source inside Goodison Park, Yakubu will sign tomorrow, Fernandes will sign before the 31st cut off dste. Also another two players will come in Johan Vogel will sign and expect a surprise bid fro Andy Cole on loan.
  4. i am entitled to have my say mate, and these are just MY FEELINGS on things, and it's you thats the plonker, you can't even spell prisoner when it's there on the screen in front of you! maybe you should ask mummy and daddy for a speak and spell for christmas. I just wish everything would hurry the fuck up so we can make our mark on the league, we have a really good chance this year to break the top 4 if we want.
  5. yes, mainly cause i'm moving away down south in a few weeks, but kirkby sucks! so like goldfish, it's away games for me now only EDITED FOR SOMETHING TOTALLY NOT NEEDED OR RELEVANT
  6. i agree that it's the 'everton way' but it's not good enough and moyes has to share some of the blame we are struggling to get a team together at the moment, most clubs take a few days to sign a player, everton seem to take weeks, i know everyone is a bit wound up this morning, but the club are really annoying me at the moment. they could'nt run a sex show in a brothel.
  7. BK is on some sort of power trip he just likes the fact he can say "look at me i'm a chairman of a football club" he knows as well as the fans do that he has'nt got the funds, or resources to run the club, and i do think he will bail out, towards the actual move but he's bound to insist on still being some sort of head figure at the club so he can get his free ticket and plate of sarnies each week, maybe this is why Robert Earl is starting to move onto the board ever so slowly, maybe thats the plan.
  8. why have we wasted a week on trying to sign a player who still possibly might not get a work permit, and where the fuck is manny? all we ever seem to do is just dither about.
  9. I'm kind of glad that i'm moving away from the city now, cause i ain't ever gonna pay to get into kirby, as much as i love the club i can't support this, the vote was a waste of time, and that was shown by the no-voters, BK and KW decided along time ago that kirby was the only option they were willing to entertain.
  10. Everton have signed Manuel Fernandes for 6m which could rise to 8m also yakubu will sign after being left out of the Boro squad against fulham on saturday the fee is said to be 11m Leighton Baines is set for his full Everton début after Joseph yobo picked up a knock in the Spurs game. out going still could be Andy van der meyde with leon osman and Steven pienaar firmly in front of him a report in Holland suggests he could be on his way to benfica as part of thr Fernandes deal. Steve bruce is looking for a centre midfielder and I heard on a though sites that birmingham are after James Mcfadden from Everton for 5 mill. faddy for £5m!!, bite their hands off for that.
  11. but what happens if big vic goes to the african cup of nations? and vaughan isn't properly fit, we'll be left with one striker, i don't care what anyone else thinks but cahill is NOT a striker and especially not when we are going to be in such an important season with league/europe and i think it is about time we made a go in one of the cup competitions also.
  12. i just think the price is quite high considering we will loose him for a month to the african cup of nations at the most important part of the season, i reckon he'll be a decent signing though and he'll score more than AJ will. and yes i'm glad we did'nt spend £6m on smith coz he would'nt have offered anything to the team.
  13. only coz wenger would'nt pay the £15m, but i do agree with you on yakubu, i don't want us paying out £11-12m on yakubu way too much imo.
  14. how big is his contract then? he's been here for a few years it must be half way through already, and he never plays so all he's doing is taking up the place of someone who DOES want to play football for efc, even if it's just one of the kids in the youth team.
  15. we should just cut our loses and cancel his contract imo.
  16. I'm with you mate, i hope we don't qualify either and then mc clown can get the sack, and we get someone else in. BRING BACK SVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Ahh.. and i thought it was just my shit heap of a computor that was doing it, it does it when i go on a few other forums that i'm registered on also it's a pain in the arse
  18. welcome to the site mate, you'll find plenty of rs haters here!
  19. That has to be the craziest thing ive heard in along time, man u, chelski, arsenal and numerous spanish clubs have all shown an interest in the past, arsenal did last season but were put off by the £15m price tag. are you saying that you don't think he's good enough for us then? we all know that you wanted smith, and i can see your point with yakubu, but huntelaar is in a different class to smith. as for the dutch league, i lived over there for a while in the days of the VDM ajax team, and it aint that bad.
  20. Everton will try and sign Dutch striker Huntelaar for 12m mill from Ajax. Everton are in desperate need of a striker, and need a striker with a different playing style to johnson. Also Everton will make a bid for Newcastles Steven Taylor for 4 mill also seeing Neville go the other way.
  21. it's only really neville, hibbert, carsley, and stubbs who look for the long ball all the time, if we get manny, when everyone is fit three of those players probably won't be in the team. i could'nt understand why jagelka did'nt start last night and hibbert did, was he not fully fit or something?
  22. SimonButtle


    Fuckin hell! i did'nt expect that 3-1 at half time, some loose defending at times though. Come on blues lets have 5!!
  23. i think Neville is worth keeping for his mental attributes, skill wise he's pretty ordinary, but he's by far our best leader and he seems to have taken the club and it's fans to heart by the way he talks in interviews.
  24. SimonButtle


    heard on the radio it's back to boring old 1 up front tactics....yawn yawn
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