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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. agreed,agreed,agreed, i hope this does not come off, its such a step backwards
  2. yeah, i saw something before that said we are still after Eagles, boo hoo!!
  3. Even crazier this morning, they are saying its £24m!!! for Bent lol was'nt Tevez only £22m and i cetainly know who i would rather have out of those 2 £24m for Bent is just insane, and where the hell are Villa getting that from anyway?
  4. yeah, who would you rather partner, an exciting prospect like Gyan? or a proven lump of lard in Heskey? i don't get this at all tbh
  5. Oh God, i hope that does'nt mean he will end up part of the peanuts deal, plz no, Keane is finished now
  6. well thats what i thought, i hope so aswell, i don't rate him tbh according to the press association, they have not agreed terms yet http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5gYnbsyCAoVWuwuYSBZc0CzmXjMuw?docId=N0203771295276722399A
  7. no it was'nt as baines had come out and said, but there was something again either yesterday or the day before again about baines for £12m
  8. just seen a couple of comments somewhere else saying that Robbie Keane was seen at EFC today, can anyone confirm this?
  9. i do hope you guys are wrong but i think your right though, i saw something the other day that was about the next 6 big talents coming through, the likes of Duffy, Bidwell, Baxter, Gueye, ? ? and so things look good i suppose, but it does seem as if the...lets call it Cahill/Arteta era is over now
  10. The Polotics Of Ecstasy by Dr Timothy Leary + Deadly Decisions by Kathy Reichs
  11. http://www.caughtoffside.com/2011/01/17/arsenal-to-make-desperate-15m-bid-for-england-international/ its been around before, and back it comes again, how boring
  12. just hearing reports coming through that Bent has asked sunderland for a transfer, and Villa are prepared to pay £18m!!! OMG not worth that whatsoever
  13. all i know is that someone at Everton seems to have loose pockets as money just seems to disapear at times when does that self-sufficent thing come in to play, next few years? so he will have to sell up sooner or later anyway
  14. no me neither, but there is something i don't trust about our friend Mr Kenwright, i would personally assasinate him with a prawn sandwich if this where ever to be true
  15. yeah, but Fellani is just starting to come good now though, look at what happened when he first arrvied, he was getting sent off and booked all the time and gave the ball away far too easy, he has made a huge improvement, but i still think for the money we paid for him £15m, especially when you think Spurs only paid £8m for Van Der Vaart who is a class act, i would expect the finished article, which Fellani is not, but he is looking a bit good at the moment, can we keep hold though?? i think he could be something to build a team around, and he plays in the middle aswell
  16. where does all the money go, hmm...id have thought probably into kenwrights latest production of Joseph or something like that
  17. sorry but Arteta is not in the same class as Torres,Rooney or Giggs, how about replace him with Moutinho, or someone like that, im thinking of someone else tbh, but just can't remember the lads name at the moment
  18. could'nt agree more Bill, even with Fellani, he cost a fair old £££, we have spent alot in the last year or two, and don't really have alot to show for it, in terms of players, its the same old faces who end up pulling us through, look at Billy, he hardly ever starts and when he does play its never for more than 15mins at the most
  19. those ratings are hilarious, Neville,6...er he was Shocking yesterday, id say 5 at best, and Victor an 8, er yeah..must be a different Victor to the one we have, he certainly did not put an 8 rating in yesterday
  20. http://www.nsno.co.uk/everton-news/2011/01/eagles-set-to-become-pienaar-replacement/ looks like he could be the replacement then, he is alright i suppose nothing special though
  21. yeah, i never wanted him to go to Spurs, they are big headed and are starting to act like City and think they can have whoever, they tried to get Pip all because he is the only person who seems to be able to play Bale, they did'nt need him whatsoever! just the sooner its done the better
  22. Screech did seem to be doing a two-man job out there today at times, you're right
  23. he just does'nt seem the same too me, but i do agree with you, he needs a serious kick up the arse, because he might aswell not bother at the moment, he just seems to have lost his spirit like you said
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