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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. Baxter would have had his chance along time ago if he was as good as the promise he showed, another wasted talent along with Kissock
  2. im wondering if this is a pigeon racing academy, can't see what dunc is going to teach young kids about football, as much as i love him
  3. Not just Duffy, there is Mustafi aswell, he came with a high reputation when he was signed, should be given a go at some point or loaned out preferably, Distan should be no more than backup at his age, although we need to keep him, especially since that story the other day with Arsenal interested
  4. Saha not interested in a move? http://www.tribalfootball.com/articles/everton-striker-saha-not-interested-vancouver-whitecaps-move-1495301
  5. nah, he needs to stay wide, if we can't beat brum, then god help us, 2-0 Everton(i hope)
  6. http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/10-11/news/9859.html thats Nev out by the looks of things
  7. however, i do think Moyes will be gone in the summer,i don't think he will stand for another window of no money, and the prospect of having to sell one or two of an already thin squad so that he can bring in others. hence the recent stories of investment, i think are one of BK's famous smokescreens to make it look as though he is trying to back Moyes, just odd the way the story comes out at exactly the time of the season when fans are gunning for BK's head, but something tells me that this time Moyes isn't going to put up with it anymore, not sure what, we will have to wait and see i guess
  8. he's defo a goner by the looks of things, shame
  9. Pardew was on Sky Sports this morning going on about how much money Moyes has had to spend
  10. times like that when you wish we still had Grav, or Dunc still in the team, doubt Nolan would have done it then can imagine it now: Dunc would have been like "come here and try that on me you little c*nt" lol
  11. yeah i do mean Moyes lol, and yeah your right, we would get fuck all for them
  12. yeah i did see that, i do think like others have said, that this will probably be the last time we see him again
  13. nothing suprises me anymore as far as everton are concerned, especially after fantahead saying that the 2 players he would never get rid of are Osman and Hibbert
  14. screech's old man needs to shut his mouth, he's becoming rather annoying now
  15. yeah, but Bill, remember, you are not alowed to tackle in football anymore, because you might hurt someone
  16. yeah, Yak is more like the Balloon D'or
  17. thats terrible, although my mum is a teacher and some kid got suspended from her school the other day for waving one of those laser pens around
  18. Very true Mike, but another keeper is hardly the priority at the moment is it?
  19. whats the point in another GK, Mucha is already moaning about the lack of chances he has, it will just be the same thing again, complete waste of time
  20. i think we deserve the right to know why the 3 serious bids were turned down? edit: on a side note, there have been a fair few calls into talksport tonight about how much the media love BK and Moyes yet the reality with the fans is quite the opposite
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