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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. they were saying this on the radio yesterday, that even at such a young age, Wickham has probably made a career error by moving to Sunderland
  2. oh to be a premiership footballer
  3. Anyone else interested in the big fight at the weekend? i hope Haye batters Klitschko, and we have a proper champion for once(not 100% convinced though) not going to pay for it though, i will stream it from somewhere
  4. ABBA- they are the first letters of the names of each band member is it not?
  5. what does that fat bag of shite know about it anyway, he's just pissed he got shown up on the big stage, i was so glad when we got rid of Rooney, really don't see the hype with him, Ronaldo/Messi are leagues ahead of Rooney, and i think Messi would be able to handle the prem, he's used to being kicked off the ball all the time, and he play's at a pace anyway
  6. more interested to know where the hell Stoke are getting that kind of money from? whilst we sit here without a pot to piss in? fucking shambles things are at the moment
  7. haha, got to be a wind up lol, we don't sign people, we just sell them to others
  8. trust me, i take everything BK says with a bag full of salt rather than a pinch of salt, and like you im still waiting for the Fortress Sports Fund, Kings Dock and Many other things that Bill has thrown our way to happen
  9. it was'nt BBC actually it was this:My link so from the official site thats the Yobo transfer though lol, but it should free up transfer funds for N'Zogbia
  10. yeah i read something on BBC this morning, BK was saying that it should be sorted in the next few days
  11. we do ok as far as wages go, its just the rest of our finances that are a complete mess
  12. Hopefully that does mean us, the shite seem more interested in Downing/Lennon than him, so fingers crossed
  13. he missed something out though: anyone in, Kenwright out!!
  14. yeah i know, but he's never going to get that under the current regime, it would do now though
  15. The Wombats were at college the same time as me, when i was doing Music Tech at Liverpool College, Murph the lead singer/guitarist was in the year above and played in my mates metal band(pre wombats) nice guy, very helpful to us music tech noobs, and im glad they are doing well
  16. i agree Smeg, maybe long term we need a man city style takeover to sort the stadium out and that side of things, but at the moment Moyes only needs about £20m, abit more maybe and i think we can get 3 or 4 players who will see us right for the next couple of seasons.
  17. I don't know, she isn't someone who id pick to headline Glastonbury, but she did ok, it was a decent show she put on. must say though(Mike im interested to know what you think about this) thought the sound quality on some of the bands ive heard over the weekend was absolutly dreadful, a few things i saw, it was like the mic's were not even switched on, on some of the smaller stages it was just really poor
  18. Sorry Mike, i thought Coldplay were rubbish, they make my skin crawl they are so bad, turned back over to the Chemical Brothers(who i dont normally like) but the ight show they had going on was somthing to behold, and also saw some of Janelle Monae, who is like a female James Brown, she was really good, proper show it was.
  19. We are all aware of where the team needs to be strengthened next season, but what about Moyes, what does he need to improve as a manager for the upcoming season, this is a crucial campaign coming up i feel, and the whole club needs to be on top of its game, id say as followed: - be a bit more flexible with tactics, it would be great to see 2 upfront, especially if we can get another forward in, we are incredibly negative at times, and against teams who tbh we could thrash if we wanted, but sometimes we get a goal, then just sit back and defend - play people in the correct positons, we all know Billy needs a kick up the arse, but don't buy someone who is a central player, then play them out on the wide area all the time knowing its not their natural position. - stop with the silly substitutions all the time, he made some bizzare sub decisions last season, and a few proved to be very wrong, and for no real reason leaving us all wondering what the hell what was going on, especially when Neville had to come off a few times, when he had been playing well, and you could see he was really pissed with Moyes.
  20. U2 did'nt do it for me last night, they are way past their best now, listened to them chatting afterwards, bloody Bono thinks he's Jesus or something, not impressed, i agree Mike, its unadventurous stadium rock these days
  21. The Vaccines at Glastonbury, truely awesome, love that band!!
  22. yeah i do understand what both of you are saying, and at the end of the day its just an opinion, but surely if we are operating so badly as a business then that is just confirming that Kenwright is not fit to run the club? its a business at the end of the day and they have to make money, which we are not doing, and the people running our business don't seem to know how to make it a succesful business, so to me, they are unfit to run the club. it is possible to operate in this way, i mean look at Barca, they don't have huge pots of cash, but they are miles infront of everyone else because they know how to operate properly. My mums side of the family have associations with the club going right back to the days of St Domingo's and it just drives me INSANE to see whats happening at the moment, we have our best manager in ages and it seems the chairman just likes the idea of being a chairman without having to do any work or putting any effort into it!!!
  23. how come other chairmen and boards put money into their clubs then? but ours wont put a penny into EFC, and yes if i had a few million i would happily give it to EFC, this has all gone on far too long now, and im sick of hearing about how Bill is searching for investment all the time, yet other clubs seem to find it with no problems, even though they might not be the best owners at times, they seem to find them whereas we never do?
  24. i think they have done that for a piss take tbh, there is no way they would not have thought not to take the posts down first lol
  25. WTF!!! 4m is that the best that Kenwright can honestly do? seriously? thats a disgrace imo, an absolute disgrace, epsecially with some of the people we have on our board, i find that an insult to Moyes and the work that he's done and to the fans, the man is just a nob, he's an egotist intent on killing the club, yet he calls himself a blue, god i do hope i never come face to face with BK, it won't be pretty if i do
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