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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. im not sure BK is a liar though, i just think he's abit out of his depth thats all, i have read alot on here the last few days and been thinking about it all, and ive slightly changed my view on BK, like i said i just think he's out of his depth now, but i don't think he is at fault for everything like some people seem to think.
  2. i heard the guy from the peoples group on the radio last night, he was very good, they just want answers at the end of the day same as we all do to those questions that come around time and time again
  3. Kenwright should not hand it over to anyone i will agree on that, you say you hav'nt got any answers? well i would have thought there was one staring most of us in the face tbh, he needs someone onboard who has experience within the sports industry, and can help him make the most of EFC as a sports based business, his background is in show business, not sports, now im sure there are some similarities, but im sure there are also some vast canyons between the two which Kenwright has never been able to bridge, especially when it comes to marketing and the like. For example, and THESE ARE ONLY EXAMPLES: kit manufacturers are Le Coq Sportif, who on the grand scheme has heard of them? they are an old school brand i remember from when i was a kid, we should be looking to have a kit by Nike or Addidas, a big name well known across the globe to millions of people and a brand people instantly recognise. shirt sponsor is Chang, some piss poor Beer company from the back end of nowhere, that was a poor attemt to crack the aisan market, if they want to crack the aisan market then why not Tiger Beer or Cobra Beer, brands people have actually heard of and brands people know and buy already, even better(and this is a massive long shot) what about RedBull, they have involvment in certain smaller leagues like the MLS and they sponsor Salzburg in Austria, but they seem very keen on sports promotion, why hav'nt we approached a company like that offering their brand on our shirts in the biggest league in the world, the exposure for them and us would be huge, they are a marketing machine to behold, the sums of money invovled with a company like that would be quite large i reckon and the renaming of stadiums.....a touchy subject i know, and not something im keen on myself, but we are stuck at GP for at least another 5-10 years i reckon, which is not that long tbh, so why the hell not just go do it and get some cash in to settle the books and keep everybody happy, we won't be there forever so it would'nt be a permanent thing, just temporary and would boost the cash flow quite considerably these are just a few of the things i can think of op the top of my head, im not saying we have to make these changes, they are just my personal thoughts
  4. yeah but surely the the situation now, he must take some of the blame, Kenwright has sucked every resource we have to cover various debts left by the previous regime(of which he was a part) because he never really had the money in the first place to help the club, i don't hate Bill, but he needs to sharpen his act up bigtime, because he makes himself look very amateur at times, he could be considered the saviour, or he could end up the egotist who destroyed the club, its up to him? personally i hope its the former as deep down we know he's an evertonian and has the club at heart, he just seems out of his depth abit
  5. nah still dont quite get it, it works sometimes and not the others, strange game anyway
  6. the reason i said that was that no one has shown a proper interest in Rodwell or Arteta, probably the 2 players who we could let go if needed, Fellani will hopefully stay, as i do think he could be a world class player within a season or two, creativity does not have to come from the middle, it can come from out wide, so if Gueye gets a good chance then we might have something going on there, also, word is that Yak is looking very trim and sharp at the moment, if he could find any kind of form like we all know he has, then he can score the goals needed, then as mentioned Vellios's has not had a proper run in the team yet, he could turn out to be a decent player, we don't know yet, also there is still Silva in the background who must be nearly ready for first team action soon? but we do need to freshen up abit, its always a good thing, we have a few players who are getting on now, and it would help to bring in a new face or two, not just to provide options but also just to give the squad a bit of a boost, surely the players get as pissed off as we do when they see that nowt is going on all the time, and other teams are making changes all the time
  7. don't see we have any choice if its a serious bid, and imo its a decent offer, Fellani is far from the finished article that people keep saying he is, he has the potential to be a truely world class player, but not at the moment he aint
  8. just seen this on facebook, we would be stupid not accept the way things are going at the moment, as much as it pains me to say so.
  9. yes i would like to know this, it does'nt seem to make sense to me
  10. exactly, to keep churning out bargin signings, we would need a scout in every country in the world, and thats never going to happen, and someone would have to co-ordinate what would essentially be a huge operation, Moyes has'nt got the time to do that.
  11. they probably already have more money than we do
  12. can things get any worse, who else will want Yobo?
  13. ahh you tell them Mike, bloody royals drive me nuts aswell
  14. nah the bundesliga is the place to be these days, its catching up with La Liga and the Prem, its going to become the best league soon, La Liga has had its day tbh, and i feel the Prem is running on empty these days
  15. So would you be if you played for the shite lol
  16. best thread for ages this, yesterday was such a laugh lol
  17. replace the dog with Marks local shite fan, would be more suitable
  18. No, but rather than get fans hopes up, would it not be better if he had just kept quiet till the deal was done? thats why i said it was "classic" BK
  19. oh don't get me wrong i do see where they are coming from, but i just think we are heading for a very large fall at the moment, football is a game of opinions, and yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion i do agree
  20. no, just because i know im not the only person that can see through BK pantomine antics that he puts on, its not bloody Joseph ffs, its our club EFC classic BK: last week he said Yobo would be gone in a few days freeing some money up? well correct me if im wrong, but is Yobo not still there?
  21. thankyou, another realist who sees the bigger picture
  22. we are all fully aware that you are on BK's payroll Mike i just don't see how a club can be run with no money, but then Moyes seems to put up with it, so maybe the fans should
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