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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. see he is throwing a tantrum now to get a move, don't want this guy, he aint even that good in the first place, Holtby is a far better player for the same position, can we not just close this thread its becoming a pain now
  2. Hackers have always there, its just with the advent of Facebook and Twitter, their exploits get more exposure to mass media and the public, and because so many people have facebook and twitter, alot of it is people after other peoples details, but not always for fraud. alot of hackers will take peoples details(like the PS3 thing) and use the details to make a new profile for themselves, so to keep under the radar, but when Anonymous hacked Mastercard, well that was for fraudulant purposes, probably to get resources for whatever their next campaign is
  3. Agreed at least £25-30m for him he's ready to walk into the boots of Terry or Ferdinand, Utd paid £30m for Rio?
  4. haha, i actually think the players they brought in are decent, but with Bruce in charge it wont make a difference, he's such a shit manager its not true
  5. this is Antisec that did this, they are NOT Anonymous lol, despite whats said there. Anonymous started out from 4chan, then after a few years they died and some anons formed Lulzsec, these are the guys who hacked PS3 and various other things in the news recently, the Lulz guys have recently changed their name to Antisec although they do still have some Lulz based media pages like FB and Twitter, Anonymous is a very complicated thing, and difficult to explain as its not just about hacking, they are more about handing back power to the people and all that shit, and there are seperate Anonymous groups for each country, making them very hard to track down, Antisec is the latest project thats running at the moment and they have BIG plans, these guys know there shit, and there NOT kids, that 19 year old that got arrested a few weeks back was nothing to do with the Lulz boys and the police were just putting 2 + 2 = 5 as they do due to media pressure. what the media and government need to understand is that these are not groups, they are projects, anyone can be involved if you got the skills. incase you wonder how i know all this, well i was part of the original Anonymous, and i still follow the scene, and have contacts within although i don't class myself as a hacker anymore
  6. Beckford has no bloody option but to step it up loads tbh, the only other option will be Vic or Yak, unless Saha can somehow stay fit for the season which is very doubtful. Beckford looks as though he will be the main striker, which i find disturbing tbh
  7. Same for me, although born on merseyside, i grew up just outside of Aberdeen, the club was my first experience of pro football, have always been a Dons fan
  8. good player, but likewise, not really sure if we need him, and we already have a few players in that age group and above
  9. did anyone see the picture of the bench last night? they all looked so fed up and pissed off, you think they might have raised a slight smile, Fellani looked half asleep
  10. ahh you beat me too it, i was literaly about to post that lol its taken a red supporting journolist to start the ball rolling, it will be interesting to see if the club respond or not
  11. Very true dunc, re-birth of the Yak? hope so
  12. who in the right mind is going to pay to watch it though at the moment? the least they could do is offer this one for free!!!
  13. thats almost the full asking price, we can't even get the £2m down payment together
  14. sorry pax, but unless you are part of the Peoples Group, how do you know what they have, and what evidence they have to back it up or not to back it up, you have no idea what they have, you just don't agree with what they are doing thats all, let them do their media thing and then we can see what happens, if its the same old stuff that has been repeated before, then we know they are clutching at straws, otherwise you are making some serious judgments with no real substance, and only because you think your right, and they are wrong. lets just wait and see what happens
  15. From the Peoples Group Facebook Page: Next step for us is to keep working with the media. We are being told, without naming names, that there is a story here and they are willing to run with it, but we have to remain professional and get our issues accross otherwise they will just ignore us. If we get the media on our side then its more than half the battle won, the momentum will build and create big pressure not sure how much i believe this but if they have got the media onside and ready to run a story, it would interesting to know who, and what they are going to run
  16. exactly, take Carrol for instance, £35m thats more than Rooney, i know who the better player is, also the recent opening bid for Tevez was £35m and Tevez is a far better player than Carrol Henderson: look at Nasri, they have been talking at £22m for him to go to City, Nasri is light years ahead of Henderson, again i know who id rather have in my team what is it with english players? its not as though england are even that good!! then it might make some sort of sense, england are rubbish at the moment, no wonder none of the players ever go and play in any of the foreign leagues at the prices banded around
  17. yeah £20m, mixed views on Downing, not sure he is a £20m player but the stats show he is worth having, and he will prove more worthwhile than the £16m manure wasted on Young.
  18. fair do's i have been reading up abit more about Red Bull and they do tend to own things rather than sponsor, but my original thought was that we should be having a company of that size as a sponsor, i think thats what we should be aiming for, but thats where a sports business expert would come in and sort that sort of stuff out
  19. its good to know the Tesco thing Mike i will have a look the next time i go past there, the kit thing is just because we would get a bigger deal with Nike or Addidas, but Mark mentioned something the other day that, Nike are going to be our next kit manufacturer apparently?
  20. 1. i cant agree that we have good marketing at everton lol, USA and AUS are hardly hotbeds of football interest are they, well ok the USA is much better now, i also had a friend who worked in the marketing dept at everton and he left after 6 months to go work for the fa, because he said they did'nt have scooby doo what they were doing, he said it was all over the place, this was 2 years ago so things might be different now. 2.as for the kit manufacturers well you give stoke as an example, nobody knows who they are, they are minnows, a deal with Nike or Addidas would surely be worth more money than one with LCS? 3.from what i can see Chang are not a growing brand? where can you buy it? i live down south and ive never even seen Chang beer even in the local thai resturant they don't sell it, and certainly not in any of the shops down here you don't see it, whereas Tiger and Cobra beer is something you see everywhere, and like i said RedBull are already involved in football in the smaller leagues it would be a chance to break into the big leagues, they sponsor everything from F1 to cliff diving!!! 4.the renaming of the stadium i do agree with you on that tbh, but it would be a chance for a big company to get their name on Sky beamed into the livingrooms and pubs in many countries around the world these were only examples at the end of the day
  21. the guy last night was just saying stuff like, they would like to know where the money has gone from certain transfers, why we seem to be so skint compared to smaller teams in the prem and championship leagues and as talking alot about their letter they have made up and about how he have a great manager in Moyes who will walk soon if things don't show any sign of changing, he never said anything about wanting BK out or anything like that Im on their FB page, and they are saying today that they will have their own forum/site up in the next few days
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