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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. Reports of both peadophelia and bestiality are coming in from Manchester. Apparently, over 70,000 witnessed the raping of a frog and 11 kids!
  2. agreed,agreed,agreed, where i used to work, i had to suffer talk of this monstrosity every bloody day grinding my gears today is Rooneys bloody wig that he has got on, it looks like he has cut a bit from one of Coleens Mink coats and super glued it to his head, dreadful, should have just gone bald, nowt wrong with that imo
  3. i always find it funny when you are the opposing fan(me Everton) and i have been to Anfield more times than the armchair shite fan has lol
  4. why not? he can start by sorting that stupid haircut he has, died blonde lol, he looks like a spare part from Duran Duran lol
  5. Arsenals traditional tactics are out the window now though, they just need a system that works
  6. Dear London,That is how you run riot.Kind regards,Manchester

  7. the bickering comes from everybodies frustrations at the moment, soon as Moyes gets his head out of his arse, everyone will be fine again, but it is getting slightly fishy round here at the moment
  8. just watched the repeat on sky, pretty shite tbh, blackburn deserved a point, if not all 3, im really not sure what Moyes is doing at times, i can accept his tactics(i might not like them) but if you are going to play that way, then pick the players to fit the system, we cant sustain a full season of square pegs in round holes with such a small squad otherwise we really will be in the shit, he needs to make some decisions and stick to them, thought Barkley was unlucky, he did'nt play great but still tried hard, i can see what Moyes was doing, but against the likes of Blackburn, they are the games that Barkley will learn to make mistakes and rectify them, and therefore i feel he should have been left on
  9. ever since his disaster with Reyes, Wenger just wants to prove he can do everything on the cheap, he's just a dick
  10. yeah cheers, the snowboard one is good
  11. Bill, the Yeti games, on the jungle swing, there is a map showing the different events, we have jungle swing and yeti pentathlon, well it looks like there is another 2, a yeti snowboard game and a yeti freeride(surfing, i think) is it possible to get them?
  12. keep the new games coming Bill please, there were some good ones there, what else you got?
  13. look what happened to Arteta when he got a fat contract, he disapeared, do we want to chance a similar situation again? like you say haf Rodwell can slide in there as a replacement quite easily
  14. could'nt agree more, if for some reason we lose today, all hell is going to break loose
  15. 2-1 to us, i might have a sly £10 on it i think
  16. im surprised he's not been back, after all this BU stuff anyway, i thought he'd have plenty to say
  17. not really sure why he's upset, that meeting was between Kenwright and the BU, its got nothing to do with Moyes and the fact Moyes has stayed silent all summer, then speaks to condem certain fans, who are only trying to find out whats going on
  18. really? so Green has finally decided to rear his ugly head then? well its typical isn't it, right at the worst time, what a bloody mess we are in, seriously
  19. sorry, but if Moyes walks on the last day of the window because of some stupid transfer bollocks, then he's a proper cunt imo, if Moyes wants(wanted) to leave then he has had plenty of time already to do it, to leave it till the end of August is just nasty, i really hope your source is the same as the Owen one Patto, plz
  20. it wont, surely its going to go back to the bank? bloody lucky if moyes see's any of it
  21. tbh with you J, i have no idea anymore what i want, im getting so lost with all the stuff thats going on at the moment, maybe just for the fans to be united and the club to be in a healthy position and able to buy a player or 2 each transfer window, oh and a nice girl, with a nice ass and big tits on my arm would'nt go a miss either lol, ive wanted one of them for a while
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