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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. he gets kicked all over the place and just gets back up again. cant help feeling this is a bit of a generalisation of spanish football as a whole rather than just Barca
  2. this is old news tbh, a Man U fan told me about 1 year ago that Fergie was after Barkley, everyone thought it was Rodwell that United were after, but its been Barkley all the time its lazy journolism
  3. would rather stick Cahill back up front than have Beattie back in the team, i do hope this is just some sort of a transfer hangover
  4. crab football is soooooo boring and it just gives Moyes an excuse to play one up front, would much rather see Barkley in the Arteta role and Rodwell at CB
  5. yeah, a couple of players are going to really have to step up the gas as well, Rodwell NEEDS to show this season what he's made of, Neville needs a real captains performance and keep the spirits up and make sure everyone is out there 100% commited, week in, week out, Saha and Cahill are both going to have to get stuck in this year, in particular Saha and hopefully some of the youngsters can show their worth and we will be ok
  6. its in most papers, i read it in the Express, never buy the Sun mate i agree
  7. i know i read this in the newspaper had a good old
  8. sounds like their meeting today is packed out, people waiting outside because they cant get in, apparently SSN are there
  9. still, he will be remembered as one of the highlights of the site, things were fun with pax, even if he was a tit
  10. and to believe you lot accuse me of talking to myself lol, this place is hilarious and i would'nt want it any other way
  11. Kenwright apparently ringfenced money from transfers for Moyes to spend in January, "ringfenced" just where have we heard that old chestnut before
  12. Really?? wow thats fucking hilarious i wonder who the BR manager was back then?
  13. oh i know its buying a ready pre built desktop, but they are great gaming computers, i know a few people who have them
  14. all depends on what you spend tbh, for gaming though you want one of these : http://www.acer.co.u...ries/predatorg7 http://www.acer.co.uk/ac/en/GB/content/series/predatorg5
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd6LBvf2NDM&sns=em a legend before he has even kicked a ball, snapping and having a go at Stevie G,
  16. haha, nah i just keep forgetting to edit stuff its all this time in a 6 x 6 room with no window, makes your head go a bit funny, let alone EFC on top of that
  17. yeah but we have these youngsters chomping at the bit to get a game and each time Victor will always get the nod before one of them
  18. its like he has evidence of Moyes banging the tea lady in the dressing room and is threatening to show the press unless he gets picked each week or something
  19. not just that, he is always in the team each week, when he should be nowhere near it
  20. Why is Victor so untouchable? does anybody know? im being deadly serious guys. yesterday we lost Beckford and Yak, personally im not arsed about Beckford but i would have liked Yak to stay, but why is it that Victor always stays each window even though his performances show, he should'nt even be cleaning the boots of the first team, let alone playing in it, and i can just seen now, him out on the left and Drenthe sitting on the bench what is it about Moyes and Vic, please someone tell me, i got too know
  21. ive been saying for ages now that Moyes knows exactly whats going on, but everyone is so wound up with Kenwright, that Moyes goes unnoticed at the moment, but Moyes and BK have always said that its Moyes who decides the squad, and he will have sanctioned the departures of those players, if Moyes leaves the club it will be for other reasons, not cause we let a player(s) go
  22. from whats all been said about him, he sounds a bit, like a poor mans Tevez?
  23. aaaarrrrgggghhhh i HATE this new facebook, horrid!!!

  24. cant blame Arteta for wanting to move on, and we have seen his best days imo, not sure why everyone is making such a fuss over Beckford though, so he scored a few in his first season, but the amount he missed and his overall effort, dont see it as a big loss tbh, not when we have already bought someone else in, more pissed off to see the Yak go, a far better player than Beckford
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