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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. for starters he is 17 and is already playing for the U-21's how long before he gets in the seniors? Lampard,Gerrard, Barry, Milner, all shite and ready for the chop imo
  2. thought BK borrowed from the Greggs to buy his shares not Green? tbh the fact he had to borrow money in the first place is bad enough, i dont feel he should ever have been allowed to get involved with the club when it became clear he was borrowing left,right, and centre because he had no money himself to buy in
  3. im unsure about the answer to England, give it too Redknapp and the players will feel happy and start wanting to play for the shirt, and he will get the best out of them, but then Spurs will come chasing after Moyes, and i think Moyes would take it tbh
  4. tbh i thought £10m was right for Arteta though, i mean his age, injury prone, no real international pedigree, Barkley is worth way more than £15m imo
  5. you reckon? Carroll got sold for £35m and is still really only potential, he is hardly a proven striker, and even Rooney, was not really proven, although there was never any doubt with him
  6. its very confusing now, the BU is supposed to be a coming together of the other groups, but they are all saying different things, they want an interim board to sell the club, which is fine, its possibly a very good idea, the mob we have at the moment cant sell shit, but what the BU seem to forget is that these new interim people will not work for free, so who is going to pay them? TPG seem to just be an anti-BK group and nothing more, very few people on their FB site have anything worth noting, there was a guy on there the other day who wanted to bomb BK's house ffs. its no different to the more established groups either im not seeing much of any worthy note from any of them either. fact is we all know BK and cronies can't take us any further, but i do believe he is trying to sell the club, im not sure he is the best person to do that, but we are stuck with him and i dont see it changing at the moment, so we just need to get used to it, and some of these people just need to accept that we have made mistakes but we are trying to sort it out, very very slowly.
  7. £15m? wtf, anything less than £30m and that would be the final straw for me, but manure have been interested in Barkley for about a year now according to my man u mate, so its old news tbh, i agree Louis, its a poor article
  8. not overweight just bloody solid, see the size of his arms
  9. had to be Baines, if he keeps this run of form up, fuck knows how we will keep hold of him, and there was one moment were Drenthe slipped a backheel overlap into Baines and he got to it but the cross was'nt great, looks like the 2 of them will work well together
  10. COYB lets finish the Villa off

  11. bloody hell what was going on there
  12. penalty, wow about bloody time too
  13. oh for gods sake, bloody free kick on the edge of the box now falling apart in the second half as usual now
  14. fair do's good goal Villa, cracking strike
  15. COYB lets finish the Villa off in the second half (although Given is in my fantasy team which does'nt bode well )
  16. http://real-tv-sport.com/channel-2.php
  17. strange line up imo, lets just see what pans out then
  18. not at all, i do think Bill needs to be applauded for the fact he took onboard the recommendations of an outgoing manager against his own judgment and made the appointment
  19. my point is that BK has made some good decisions like taking the advice and signing Moyes, but its the rest thats let him down
  20. dont ever forget though, that Kenwright wanted Megson as manager, it was Smith who suggested Moyes, but BK has backed Moyes to an extent, so yes, thankful for that
  21. ive got a good feeling about Denis, saying this too my old boy yesterday, not sure why, think we may have a gem here, wait and see
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