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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. aaarrrggghh, i cant watch it coz the fuckin tv out back has packed up and my mum is watching shite on the other one ive got it on sky +
  2. do you really want another season of watching Neville hoof-ball lol?
  3. i read about this the other day on fb, i am quite frankly stunned by this, considering we have a thai sponsor, its bizzare
  4. whilst i agree that we have quality now, 4 of those quality will probably not be able to continue longer than this season, Saha,Cahill,Distin,and Neville thats 4 out of what is an already theadbare squad, and they are all 1st team players, with no way of replacing them at the moment, and more outgoings looking likely as for the sponsorship deals, this is a bugbear of mine for a long time now, and i remember having an interesting conversation with our old friend "pax" about it, we can make all the record deals we want to, but when United can get someone to sponsor their training kit for more than most of our deals put together, it shows how far behind the rest we really are.
  5. awesome, thats just made me drop my spliff everywhere love it!!
  6. lets be honest its not even about the money, its the fact that Bill seems to have totally run out of ideas, and under him its gone very stale, very quickly, having fresh faces in with new skills and ideas will re-juvinate things as much as new players do when they come into the team
  7. i dont see Baines as a captain tbh, and if things dont pick up, i reckon he will be gone in the next window anyway
  8. dont even get me started on McLaren mate, i want to go out at some point today
  9. the only thing with hi tech computers is they are very tempramental, i had an Alienware Laptop for a while last year and had all sorts of problems with it, it would work for a month then break, then work, then break, but then it does originate from Dell so that probably explained a lot. i just had a quick once over of your list though, and thats a nice setup
  10. Holloway should stick to FM 2011 tbh, he is nowhere near a football manager, let alone England material
  11. ive never been hugely convinced by jags, he is great at those last minute blocks throwing himself in there, and im sure after some games his legs must be black and blue, but he makes some real school boy errors at times, and i think Lescott actually made him look better than he is(if thats possible)
  12. how do we get a new stadium though? by that i mean stadiums tend to pay for themselves over time, so money there is not a huge issue, but look at the shite, they have new owners with money and they are no further along with their stadium plans, it seems Liverpool council have a real issue with both clubs when it comes to building new grounds, thats why i think if we did get new investment, i think they would push both clubs into a shared stadium
  13. Andy Carroll only made 80apps in like 5 years at Newcastle and considering there is 38 league games and however many cup games, he was hardly proven material, he certainly did'nt play week after week, he got his move off the back of a really good season and the fact he's english
  14. Rooney is the only true world class player we have i think, Gerrard a few years ago but not now
  15. if this is true, then yes, its lunacy Kenwright has proper lost it if he thinks its worth that much, he is just showing himself not to be the worlds no1 Evertonian like he makes out, but just another greedy businessman sad,sad days for the club
  16. would rather see Poyet or Adkins from Southampton, like Mark says, id sooner have Benitez in charge before Speed, it would be cringworthy just thinking about Gary Speed in charge of Everton
  17. i heard i few years back that a part stumbling block was that the shares were valued at £2400 each and BK and the board wanted £4000 each for their shares, thats almost double the value and no wonder no one is interested in buying us, but that was probably 2-3 years ago i heard that, so probably not the same situation now
  18. is remembering the secret crush i had on Tiffany as a youngster, never expected them Playboy pics though, good morning remembering all the old stuff with some online friends and not whinging about the toffee's for a change

  19. thats what i siad back up top, if Rooney went for £27m, Carroll £35m, Henderson £20m then Barkley has to be worth £30m
  20. SimonButtle


    No, i dont even consider Wigan a football team tbh
  21. Sorry but it very much is, BK never had the money to buy the club in the first place, he mortgaged his own house and borrowed left,right and centre to buy his shares due to him having no resources of his own, so there is argument as to whether he should have got involved in the first place, why did he get invovled knowing it needed money to run yet he did'nt have any to me it stinks of the kid with his prize toy that he had to have but now wont let go of
  22. one of his main rivals is going to be Henderson
  23. good shout lol, cant see a fanta head scotsman getting the job tbh
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