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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. yeah i see you, and tbh its our only realistic way of getting numbers in at the moment, the worry we have is the constant links to Man U and that players such as Gibson and Diouf come as part of swap deals for the likes of Rodwell and Barkley, and we really dont want to be swaping Ross Barkley for the likes of Darren Gibson imo
  2. Im awaiting my conformation for registration from http://www.theshedend.com should be ok i think, just wondered if anyone had any specific questions for the Chelsea fans they wanted to ask?
  3. id love to see that lol, Coleman is a runner and not much else, no end product as of yet, and for Johnson, hell yeah
  4. this opens a slightly wider discussion i think haf, as Cahill is not much of a midfielder either his passing is dogshite for starters, what do you think?
  5. This will be good for the lad, but should he not be involved with the first team? we still have no cover for Baines, Drenthe is more of a midfielder who can play there if needed, but nevertheless i hope the experience is worthwhile for him
  6. yeah i heard it too, it was one of his better interviews tbh, but then i think him and Alan Brazil are quite friendly so he probably felt more comfortable, as when he is on talksport he usually talks on Brazil's show, thought it was interesting the way he said results were good, but performances were under par, er well Davie maybe because you line the team up to draw every game, and constantly play everyone out of position?? but one of Moyes's better interviews, without doubt
  7. not sure, ive been saying for a long time, i think the council want to push both clubs into a shared stadium tbh, now the shite have new owners with new plans it will be interesting to see what happens, but long term i think they would rather the clubs shared a stadium than have seperate ones heard as well that the spurs money, is taxpayers money??
  8. i only stated that one part of that was my view, the rest of it, some had even been mentioned on this very thread, so its not just my opinion, and what i wrote is not my opinion anyway, its just what i have picked up on from reading various things, its not about being offended, its about stating facts and some people like yourself seems to think Moyes and Kenwright can do no wrong at the end of the day, its a game of opinions, and everybody has a different one, and im sure you noticed that i do actually back Moyes at the moment, even though i may not like the man, so im not really sure why you responded to it in the first place but i cant be bothered anyway, so forget it, too much arguing on here recently
  9. yeah i know the Bonzo's, im a big fan of 60'70's music, had many long chats with Mike about old bands, id loved to have been round in the late 60's when psych was in its hey day and then moved into prog rock, and my favourite, jazz rock
  10. Incredible Bongo Band - Bongo Rock LP a ground breaking LP for those who have never heard it, possibly the most sampled record ever also, the root of modern Hip Hop, and so much more, and all by one man as well, take a bow Mr Michael Viner, we are SO not worthy
  11. resorted to Wiki in the end lol: Crabs typically walk sideways (a behaviour which gives us the word crabwise). This is because of the articulation of the legs which makes a sidelong gait more efficient. However, some crabs walk forwards or backwards, including raninids, Libinia emarginataand Mictyris platycheles. Some crabs, notably the Portunidae and Matutidae, are also capable of swimming
  12. i will finish Halflife 2 today

  13. they do it, because they cant walk forwards lol
  14. who do you think you are? some of the points i raised are highlighted by others on the same page and views have been discussed many times before and others DO hold these views, my points are that, they are just points ive noticed from reading things on forums,facebook and twitter and such like, so why have you been a prize cunt by changing everything to "my" these are not my views, apart from the substitution/selection issue, do you honestly think crowds would be down if everybody was happy with the team? its not just coz of the BK thing its because people are fed up of watching the pub football that we play, Its a common consensus that at any other club Moyes would have been sacked years ago, Me for now i think he should stay, i dont feel a new manager should have to work under the Kenwright regime, so Moyes is the man for now, Seeing as you tend to pull at most of my posts and threads, in future, this will be the last response you get from me, and id appreciate if you did'nt comment on my posts or anything anymore, i have not the time for silly arguments
  15. Moyes was fun at first but he is boring now, and people are bored of him, his negative tactics, drive everybody nuts, and like Mike said the square pegs in round holes is a big bug bare for many fans. My main grip is probably selections/substitutions, we had 3 strikers on the bench against City, how the hell must any of them feel confidence-wise when they see 2 midfielders playing in the team, in their positions, it must be very demoralising, especially for Vellios(young and hungry) and Denis(new signing, eager to impress) it drives me insane at the best of times i dont find him the most media friendly manager either at times, and the media is such a major part of the game these days, and his assistant Steve Round winds people up as well as none of us can actually see what it is he is contributing to anything, it could be that with all the Kenwright nonsense thats gone on recently, that maybe its just time to wipe the slate clean, but its all so very complicated as things with Everton usually are
  16. yes, and if we lost, we lost so be it, we lost on saturday with the tactics we employed. Id rather show intent and make a go of it, than do what we did at the weekend and become the laughing stock of the league and the topic of every radio phone in and website forum over the weekend for playing "anti-football" we have enough off-the field problems without on the field ones too.
  17. Sure if i had the cash then defo, it does work, i mean look at Barca, they are a fan run club, and look where they are? they have an amazing youth setup and an amazing first team, and can attract massive sponsorship deals, it can be done
  18. nice team haf, but based on current form id drop Coleman for Ossie tbh, more likely to score the odd goal and has more of an end product, Coleman's lost his way a bit
  19. oh jeez louise, this keeps coming up again and again, if this was to happen, it would be the final straw for me tbh, Moyes can fuck off with Kenwright then, you just know it would be as part of some insane Barkley swap deal, and we would end up with Gibson and Diouf in return
  20. agreed, he's a manc loving jock twat, cant stand him tbh, he was rubbish on sky, and now equally rubbish on talksport
  21. God Bless Gordon Freeman, You Rock!!!

  22. usual bag of saturday afternoon sewage there, what a pile of shite we are, we started so well, then it just fell to bits, think a few of the players really need to step their game up, i mean ffs Neville is the captain, he gets booked(unfairly, but not the point) then imediately jumps into a tackle with both feet and handles the ball at the same time!!! and what the hell has happened to Coleman?
  23. oh i agree, only as a helping hand, Round seems to offer very little, whereas Reid would be up there with Moyes on the side shouting instructions out, and motivating like you said
  24. 2 defensive midfielders, could it be anymore negative?
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