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Everything posted by SimonButtle

  1. that combined with a distinctly card-happy referee(4 reds in 7 games so far this season) disaster was destined to happen
  2. its a team game though, and each player needs to contribute for 90mins, im just fed up of seeing Hibbert hoof the ball every time it comes to his feet, he cant pass it 6 yards across the ground!! its a hoof upfront usually towards the opponents corner flag every time, its very sunday league imo but yes not really his fault fro the goal, more Jags/ Neville, dont know what the pair of them were doing tbh
  3. that seems a tad harsh there Rom, he has hardly played more than 1/2hr in the games he has come on in.
  4. agreed, imo its Hibbert who needs dropping, also Moyes will never leave Cahill out, and Drenthe should be in the starting lineup and Coleman is not a winger imo
  5. tbh, as much as Jags has not been the best surely a more appropriate debate would be, should Hibbert be dropped? that game on saturday showed how little he offers the team, just mindless hoof balls up the field because he can't pass it properly, and the fact he could have been sent off when we were already down to 10 men, he has long had is day imo, he will cost us big time one of these days
  6. my view is simple really, since when was it the Liverpool way to get a fellow pro sent off? Suarez is a disgrace, and i can understand why everyone was so wound up, does'nt mean that what they did was right though, its that scally mentality coming into play again, and i hate to see it
  7. yeah i would say Nev was, and he gets benched, Hibbert, Anichebe, Cahill, but thats a whole other debate, that has been discussed before on here as for your post, well i hav'nt been to a game this season, as i live down south, but to me its Howard that does the shouting and pointing not Jags, and i just think he needs a few games out, and let Heitinga have a go, nothing wrong with that is there, its called rotating the squad, prior to moving down here a few years ago, i went home and away when i could and was still based in Liverpool, its just to far now, trains are way to expenisve
  8. so was your post before IMO, so i guess that makes us even then
  9. yes Louis, and he's bloody brilliant in it, go and see it this week if you can
  10. have to agree, he looks like he needs a wake up call, he cant be untouchable, but then we all know Moyes has his favourites
  11. cheating red shite scumbag Suarez, get up you nancy boy, cant believe the ref, shocking, but we can win this i think, Howards save from the pen is the luck we need, Vellios to save the day in the last 10 mins
  12. Cahill and Saha will be looking for the same bloody space all the time, and where the hell is Drenthe?
  13. cmon the Scots, even though im English, i grew up in Scotland, much rather see the jocks win, 9-3 up at half time :)

  14. for us i think it very much depends on who Moyes picks, this could be one of his biggest team selections ever
  15. i think Drenthe has to play today, due to the lack of a proper right back for them, then we might have a slight chance, otherwise i don't hold much hope for us, id like to see Barkley play, but Moyes will never do that i dont think
  16. http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Everton-defender-Leighton-Baines-says-he-could-never-play-for-Liverpool-article806564.html so whilst he might never play for the shite, Bainesy wants Champions League though by the sounds of things
  17. just been to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, first time i been to the cinema in years, really good film even if it was a tad complicated

  18. answering your own question? it is his best position, anywhere else and yes, he does look like a fish out of water
  19. just been to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy at the cinema tonight, cracking film it was, complicated but very good nevertheless, its like a who's who of the british acting community
  20. thanks for all the questions guys, im now fully signed up and have chatted to a few members on there, all have wished us luck in battering the "red shite" tomorrow
  21. me neither, poor bastard was crying his eyes out when he got taken off the other night, i think its Dean Ashton all over again, bags of talent but no one will ever see it because the player is always injured
  22. been playing this again this week, just finished it at 2am this morning, love Half Life games, they are awesome, F.E.A.R. is good if anyone has never played that
  23. it could also be due to the speculation that as a whole, the club is said to be valued at £30-40m and reports are that BK wants closer to £100m + £40m debt, total aprx £140+m, if that is all true the man is living in cuckoo land. the stadium is a whole other debate entirely, it might be our home but these days personally im glad i live far away and cant get to games anymore as i think the stadium is a mess, and it kills me to have to say that
  24. Nobody defeats Gordon Freeman, hahaha

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