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Everything posted by Quinn31

  1. I'm not sure in today's football world this is possible. Too much money being thrown around and too many superstars playing for single teams makes it difficult for anyone to compete for a European place, and impossible to win the league unless you're one of the financial big boys.
  2. Hibbert & Distin not on the list? Must be an error or injuries we don't know about.
  3. "He's rubbish. His name isn't Barkley, and he isn't English, so he's rubbish!"- average Toffeetalk member
  4. Part of me says I don't want to bring in another young striker until its determined whether Vellios or McAleny have a future here, but he's a bit younger, so I wouldn't mind bringing him on a nominal fee.
  5. That's what I meant... Didn't really make that clear, I just can't be super positive about him if a Championship club doesn't want him. He's 21, not 18, his future has to be decided soon. Best case scenario is that he comes back after a short, successful loan period and then goes toa Championship club, or breaks through with us.
  6. If we hadn't signed Joel, I would've taken Lindegaard. After that, I hate Nani, but I think he's a talented player, and maybe Anderson if the price & wages were low.
  7. I'm slightly concerned. 21 years old and being loaned to a League 1 club (albeit a very good one), I feel like he'd be going on loan to the Championship if we truly rated him. Then again, he missed a lot of last year with injury, and he scored a lot for the reserves.
  8. He'd be a good signing for someone like Palace or Hull, but not here.
  9. The fact that Ince was hired in the first place was ridiculous... He's a horrid manager... They'd be better off without Tom Ince but with a capable manager.
  10. Sell Barkley to fund a move for a more proven player like Donovan?
  11. True. It's crazy, Paul Ince says they need to bring in 8 or 9 players... Got to think they'll go down... Blackpool, Yeovil Town look almost certain for relegation in that league.
  12. I hope he comes just so tenj explodes. USA! USA!
  13. Disagree strongly. Almost no academy puts out large amounts of Premier League players each year. Not every promising youngster will continue to develop to be a Premiership caliber player. That's an overly glass half full outlook you have there. Just because someone is established in the lower leagues doesn't mean they are good enough for the Premier League.
  14. I may agree with you about Baxter... He lit up League 1 last year with a poor team, I think he'll settle in the Championship at a minimum, and may make it at a lower half Premiership club one day.
  15. Just hope some of the lads are good enough to play. It takes something special to make it as a Premier League player. James Vaughan, Dan Gosling, Adam Forshaw, Jose Baxter, James Wallace, and others were all highly highly rated prospects and none of em have cut it in the Premier League. Good to see Martinez is at least giving the youth as much attention as he can.
  16. More bullshit slating against Moyes with no proven results from Martinez yet. But it was funny as hell.
  17. For my national team's sake on a pre-World Cup year, I hope Howard holds down the number one spot or leaves in January. He needs to be playing.
  18. I know. I just don't like people slating Moyes. He did a good job here, I hope Martinez can bring even greater success, but the jury is still out on Martinez.
  19. We'll see how much love there is for Martinez's pretty football and playing the youngsters when we start finishing 12th, 10th, 9th etc consistently.
  20. That's just what people who don't watch Everton say. He's quite a capable defender, he's just even better at going forward.
  21. Brazilian leftback playing in Spain, so I can assume he can't defend for shit?
  22. 18m for a 28 year old fullback is a good deal on our part. The bottom line is that fullbacks don't fetch the same prices that forwards do, and if Baines wants to leave, and we can get 16-18m for him, I tihnk we have to take it. As for spending 20m on McCarthy? NO thanks. He's a good player, but not worth 20m.
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