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Everything posted by Quinn31

  1. I think we'd have to take 25m for him, he's at the peak of his value. It would leave a big hole in our midfield though, too bad Spurs bought Capoue, because I would've sold Fellaini and then spent 10-12 on Capoue.
  2. Put a strong team out, but with Stones or Alcaraz in, Robles and Oviedo as well. Put Vic and/or Kone up top, put Vellios, Garbutt, Lundstram on the bench, and maybe we can give a few of them a half or 30 minutes if we get ahead early. Funny that no one is calling to see Duffy play, appears we've given up hope on him.
  3. I understand you're point, and I expected Martinez to bring in a few ex-Wigan players, but it seems as if that's all he's looked at/gone for. We have a scouting network at Everton beyond the areas of Wigan, Manchester, and Liverpool.
  4. I want McCarthy, but at the right price. I want to complain about bringing in another Wigan player, but McCarthy is one of the few I know can play at a top level in the Premiership. To be fair, Alcaraz and Robles were good signings at their prices (Free + 1-2m)
  5. Wish him the best, but I don't see a 21 year old who only has 2 late sub appearances to his name and recent leg fracture to break through the ranks here. I feel like he was in a "last chance/now or never" season to impress here.
  6. To counter your point, was it really a good career move for Scott Sinclair to go to City? There is a balance of going somewhere to challenge yourself, but not going somewhere where you'll never see a game.
  7. Shut up. Both of you. We're all Blues here.
  8. That will just about kill any chance of him ever playing here assuming this will be a long-term injury.
  9. Shithouse result. We had a bunch of attempts on goal, hit the post a few times, but couldn't get a home win against fucking West Brom. Yes, they did a nice job of breaking up our play, but we should've found a winner. First thing we can do is send that moaning bitch Jelavic to play with the Everton ladies, they could teach him a few things about toughness, finishing, and resilience.
  10. 0-0 draw at home to a side we should beat, and have multiple shots go off the post? Some things never change, I guess.
  11. Naismith's first contribution: A stupidly late foul.
  12. Super Naismith on to score a winner!
  13. A bit Moyes-esque, waiting until 67th minute and we need a sub, and he still hasn't brought one on.
  14. Surprised. Taylor is dreadful. He reffed us vs WBA a few years ago, wrongly sent off Bilyaletdinov for a challenge on James Morrison, Morrison later said Bilyaletdinov didn't even touch him. Remember against West Ham last year? Sent Carlton Cole and Gibson off for nothing. THe guy can't ref.
  15. Get a real #9 on. Jelavic couldn't score in a brothel.
  16. I love how easy you just made it for any American to understand how horrible the Daily Mail is.
  17. Moyes has probably been listening to Fergie too much. Fergie is the ultimate bellend.
  18. Did you know he broke his leg in a Cup Final?
  19. He couldn't get in over Keith Andrews that tournament. What a joke.
  20. Scholes has picked up his share of stupid red cards, but not because he causes trouble, but because he can't tackle to save his life. Always prone to making an accidental horror tackle.
  21. I just hope IF Fellaini goes, that it happens sometime this week, so we still have time to get deals done for replacements.
  22. Honestly agree with this 100%. We are one short at Centermid. Would love to get money for Fellaini, then get McCarthy or another highly-rated Central mid who will cost us a pretty penny, along with either an up and comer, or a veteran to come in as cover. Osman has been poor for awhile now, and while he still possesses great technical ability, he's been poor for awhile now and may be past it. Felli should go, he's too lazy, and can't be arsed most of the time. Gibson is waay too injury prone, and Barkley wouldn't work as a holding midfielder, and Lundstram either won't make it or at least isn't ready just yet (should go on loan to Doncaster).
  23. I don't get how a 4-1 thrashing is MOTD, but then again, any match with Manchester United will have the media drooling. I watched the Arsenal/Villa match on my television and Everton on my computer simultaneously, both were great matches.
  24. Wish we would've bought Redmond. He looks like a really tidy player for his age.
  25. I'd take Moyes. Leave Tiki Taki for joke leagues like La Liga and Ligue 1.
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