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Everything posted by Quinn31

  1. He can also play LM, and we also even saw him used on the right a few times.
  2. He hardly played all season last year. That tells you something.
  3. Fuck it. Put Fellaini and Distin up front and just hoof it to them. Honestly, Oviedo and Kone look like horrible buys. Way too early judge Kone though in fairness, and I really hate saying that about Bryan as well, if you follow him on twitter, he seems like one of the nicest lads you could meet.
  4. Maybe we are seeing why he's hardly featured. Not sure I rate him.
  5. WOAH!!!!!! DELLLY!!! What a lethal, potent counter!
  6. Can we just score one? I'm starting to worry.
  7. Think that's the product of coming from Ajax.
  8. Because Kone is shit. I don't rate him from what I've seen so far. Too early to be too judgmental though.
  9. Not sure this side is that weakened to be honest.
  10. Nothing from 4th official, Sky Sports, Everton official... So nothing from a truly reputable source.
  11. 4% lager drinkers hahahha... That's the worst one of them!
  12. I heard that was just a rumor. To be honest, while I think that's the better business decision, Everton Football Club is above that. Honestly, I look at Everton as being one of the few clubs that still has values and honor, and I'd feel slightly ashamed if we pulled some sly move like that.
  13. It would be better if there were guns in it, or fast food pictures... Maybe a shrine to George W. Bush somewhere in the crest.
  14. Hope this will get him used to being around the national team and gives him a confidence boost. As to playing? Maybe 30-45 minutes against Moldova if England puts the game away early.
  15. I'm with you here. McCarthy is proven in the Premier League, and younger. For that, we'd have to pay more to acquire him. Bradley is definitely a good alternative, though. Something tells me neither Bradley or McCarthy will come in though. Unless Fellaini gets sold.
  16. I bet 7-10m if Roma are reasonable. To be fair, I wouldn't accept 5m for him if I were Roma. I just don't know if a big club like Roma would let one of their starting 11 go on loan-to-buy move. It's not like he is a castaway at a giant club, or a superstar at a small club. *edit- Funny that I've always rated him very highly, but it never seems he's gotten the attention/praise that Clint Dempsey, Landon Donovan, Tim Howard, and a few other Americans have. I think he's always been one of the best players in a USMNT shirt.
  17. @TheKrow - I really like that. I like the shield a lot for badges, but I'd like to see other concepts. Honestly, I'd really love it if Everton narrowed it down to 3-5 choices, and then let us vote on it. It would really reiterate that we are "the people's club". Doubt it would happen, but just an idea.
  18. I honestly think Bradley would do well here. He has a great passing game, and a good shot on him. Similar to Gibson, but less injury prone. Price/value would be key here, I doubt we can get him for the price we'd want.
  19. If he were English, he'd have a 20m pricetag and every Toffeetalk member drooling.
  20. This pisses me off as an American. I really wish he would've challenged himself at SOME POINT in his career with a permanent, longer spell abroad. While it was nice to have a top American in MLS like him for awhile, he really should've gone abroad as well to showcase his skills. Think his talent was wasted by spending over a decade in America.
  21. This. No way in hell Fellaini would go for more than 30m.
  22. I don't want to put 11 inexperienced/non-regular players put out there having no chemistry with each other. I've seen too many big teams (including us) put out a weak 11 and get beat. We always complain about never winning a trophy, but we always manage to fuck up the League Cup early against a lower division team. I mean, this is one of only two trophies we can realistically win each year. I think we only paid 500k for Stones, but with add-ons that can be up to 3m.
  23. Got to be honest, I really like what I've seen from some of the big German teams (Dortmund, Munich, etc), they combine good passing and good runs with physical elements of the game. Barca's version of Tiki Taki is boring to me, so one dimensional. Passing is a key part of the game, but there is more to football than 5-7 yard passes.
  24. Can I just add one more time how much I would've liked Capoue. What a destroyer he looked like in Spurs match on Sunday.
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