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Everything posted by Quinn31

  1. No way in hell that's true. But I'd be absolutely supportive of that deal. Lindegaard though? I would've liked to bring him in over the summer as our #2, but I don't see why we'd bring him in now. Unless it's viewed that Joel is not a suitable #2. On second thought, the Lindegaard part makes me think this is complete bullshit.
  2. Whoops. Didn't remember to finish my comment... First move we made this summer that will likely improve the starting 11. Not just a depth move.
  3. I'd really like to see McCarthy come in along with Fellaini and Baines staying. I think it would be the first move we made this summer (with the possible exception of Deulofeu.
  4. I believe you're correct. Had a good pre-season, people wanted to see him play, then he started against Leeds in the League Cup and was dreadful. To be fair, I want to say he was coming off of an injury in that match.
  5. 1-1. This will be tough. We can't finish and they know how to sit back and defend.
  6. I hear he has a really high release clause, so I think trying to sign him is a bit of a dead end.
  7. How many kids were good enough under Moyes? Only a few slipped under the cracks and ended up as Premier League regulars (ex: John Ruddy). Pete, the reality is, only a small percentage of youngsters will turn out to be of Premiership quality.
  8. Not going to happen. I think Barcelona want to hang onto this kid, and if they did let him go, the pricetag would be way too much for us.
  9. He should have many targets identified. If he didn't have 3-5+ replacements in mind for both players, I'd be appalled.
  10. Doubt we'd spend 20m on a fullback. We'd probably spend 5-8m on one I imagine.
  11. You can't find this type of love and entertainment on any other Everton board.
  12. In League 1. How impressive. Don't think he was good enough. Baxter did get some time, and the manager sees his players everyday in training. He knows his players talent better than we do.
  13. Yeah, but we don't know what Ince's basement level is,. He might not be good enough.
  14. I'm not saying that we should do that, I would be opposed to doing that, but IF we did, the club would probably be debt free by year's end I imagine, although we wouldn't be pushing for Europe. We'd be fighting for top 10 at best.
  15. We all would. But we don't know what's left in the transfer kitty. I imagine that we don't have enough to bring in a young central midfielder who is good enough (or believed to be good enough) for the Premiership.
  16. I would love to see them stay. And as much as we'd love to see loyalty, it is the exception and not the rule. These players have to do what's best for their careers sometimes, and I think it has become an accepted fact that players will move around. The only thing we can expect from them is to work as hard as they can for the club while they are here, and that when they do want/make a move, to handle themselves as professionals, and not make a giant saga out of it. Neither player has been sold yet, and it wouldn't shock me if Baines stays, as he is as professional and loyal as players come today (an opinion of him I will maintain even if he leaves for MUFC).
  17. Yeah, but those inflated figures are only good if some money-rich club wants to come in and pay way more than Fellaini is worth.. It would also probably that there would be demand from multiple clubs in the player... in which there isn't for Fellaini (Monaco, Man City, Real Madrid, Anzhi, Zenit and a few others are doing the majority of these absurd purchases)... Keep dreaming, Fellaini won't fetch that money..
  18. Fellaini will never fetch 30m or more. Delusional thinking he's worth 30-40m.
  19. I didn't say "sell Kone". I just haven't been impressed by anything I've seen from him, preseason or competitive.
  20. We can only sell a player who has suitors, and according to the rumors at the very least, Anichebe is the only one with a rumored suitor (Hull City).
  21. If wouldn't mind seeing Fellaini & Vic go, bringing in McCarthy (hopefully at a reasonable price) and bringing in a more proven/promising striking option at a higher price. Jelavic and Kone aren't doing it for us, Anichebe's work rate was great last year, but he's nothing more than a supersub or someone who can hold up a ball (not a true goal scorer), and I'm assuming Vellios won't cut it as neither Martinez or Moyes have shown an interest in giving him a run out in the past 12 months.
  22. Scare there. Onwards and upwards, let's hope Fulham aren't taking this Cup too seriously. Stevenage put up a tough battle, hats off to them. We should see more of Delly, but I wouldn't have him in the starting 11 week in week out JUST yet, give him some time to adapt and integrate him over the next month or two, he's still just 19 year old.
  23. Barkley is a youngster. Oviedo was bought by Moyes last August. Moyes wouldn't have bought Oviedo had he not thought he was good enough, comparing him with an 18 year old youngster who spent half the season in the Championship on loan isn't a proper comparison.
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