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Everything posted by Matt

  1. aaaaaaaah! ok! sorry. problem sorted. sorry for the hassle!
  2. just seen a few names i recognised from the BlueRoom. Anyone else nicely settled here now? makes a change from the abuse hurling doesnt it!
  3. yo! an ex-blue roomer right?

  4. Jeffers is 29?! And played for England?! Good lord, where have the years gone...
  5. Im not going to argue with this BK stuff and a selling club. Personally i think its all nonsense and the man does everything he can for Everton. That may not be much but at he does what he can. its a fact of football that players move from one club to the next and it was a fantastic bit of business from BK, DM and the board to get 3 times the worth of Lescott in a deal, of which nearly all went back into the squad, which is now stronger for it. Also, Citeh wouldve bid for Jags too if he was fit, who in my opinion is a much better player than JL, defence is not one of their strongest areas. Arteta, in the form he was in before his injury, would grace any teams midfield, no matter how full. I wouldnt be suprised if DM asked specifically for a clause in his contract that stipulated that he soley was in charge of transfer dealsins, which is why is so adament. If BK was going to sell him behind his back, which i doubt, Moyes wouldve resigned.
  6. as nice as an idea as that is (managed to get 'as' into the same sentence 3 times there!), the revenue from the reserves and ladies games simply wouldnt cover the costs of keeping it open. Any renevation to turn it into an events field or whatever simply wouldnt be funded, at least not by Everton. Just take down the stands and leave it as a pitch for the local kids to play on if we move...
  7. would be nice to follow Arsenals example but dont see it happening....
  8. probably just my crappy computer, but ive attached 2 printscreens to show what i mean. its a quite day again. want to look busy on here as the other site im supposed to go to for support has just had its first case of swine flu! dont want to be going there then... one other suggestion as a possible improvement. The blue room had a little animation next to the post when some replied in the same post you had written in. could it be possible to add something like this to keep track on which threads youve made a comment in? just an idea and like i said, im very very bored...
  9. very well said mate. good to see im not the only one who can see this. now, im going to get slated for this, but nearly 50 million for 2 players is too good to turn down. i do NOT want to see them go, just so we're clear, and we should be building towards the future. but think of the people we could get for 50million, even in these overly inflated transfer times. Mouhinto (20mill), Defour (15mill) + 15mill on top of anything thats already there for the defence. This is also assuming Moyes would spend it all on big names, we all know he can find worthy gems in the lower leagues. i expect a backlash to some degree, but as much as i would hate to see them go, the prospect of brining in younger players who have just as much experience is very tempting and i dont think i would be 100% against them leaving...
  10. er? contradicting yourself there mate.
  11. if the top 4 were after him they wouldve signed him already. agree with bentley, a waste of space...
  12. further into debt was my point mate. i understand the arguements that we should have more money as youve pointed out, but last time i read the club was still in debt and i like the fact that were working towards getting rid of that debt whilst bringin in quality players.. Also, theres been a big move in wage structure if what the papers are saying is true with Johnny boys wages surpassing Artetas. I wouldnt be surprised if we see signings in January (last day of course), so dont despair!
  13. im very happy that were not going further into debt and still bringing in quality players! how is going into debt a good tihng, especially id UEFA manage to bring in this proposed punishment for clubs spending beyond their means?
  14. if youre asking me mate (and im going to assume you are as this is FAR more interesting than my job at the moment)... trying to keep track of the topics that ive commented in (assuming that ive not got the email notification on, if i understood that correctly). also, the smilies on the right of the screen cover the edge of the text box (but that could be my crap work computer!) i think its just a matter of getting used to things. the best thing about this forum though, there is no abuse hurling (that ive seen) and people seem to respect opinions (to a degree!). i dont want to complain, ive just arrived and im enjoying it. but im that bored and this was the only thread i think i hadnt got to !
  15. thanks guys, couldnt have put it better myself!
  16. depending on whether or not we just ran out of time in the window, not sure we will have to. Either way, reckon if Van der Vaart doesnt get his games then we could have him on a Moysie load-then-buy deal. Also depends on how well we are doing in the league and if we are still in Europe. if we have qualified in Europe by christmas, should be a bit cash in the kitty...
  17. its taken me a while to get used to this forum because ive come from the blueroom, which was very simple. the only thing i dont like is the size of the signatures can take up half a page. other than that, nice site!
  18. i agree there mate, 44 goals in 77 games shouldnt be ignored. he has been disappointing so far, but as you say he is a man that requires good service. i think this lack of service has come from the midfield being far too deep because we knew our defence was shakey. no that the defence has been strengthened with 2 potential captains (Heitinga and Distin), and the possibility of having a real winger down the right (either Billy or Pienaar), we should be able to play the ball further up the field and give him more chances. I think we need to play 442 or 352 personally (i know this is never going to happen) because we do need 2 strikers up front and now have the midfield and defencive depth to accomodate these formations. to be fair to Jo, and same goes here for Felli too, they were very good impact subs...
  19. i finally got to see the "dive" yesterday. it wasnt a penalty but for me not a dive either, it was a lad whos come back from a horrific injury and doesnt want to get hurt again, mixed with him realising hes not going to get the ball and giving up the chase . This is the referees fault in my eyes, there was never a penalty claim as Eduardo had lost control of the ball and even if he hadnt, was never going to get an advantage from that tight an angle.. he shouldnt have gone down but he didnt role around screaming. Rooneys penalty against Arsenal was nearly identical, going down before the keeper took him out. the CL games are going to be somewhat boring in the latter stages if UEFA continue with this decision of listening to any club that feels hard done to. Real will be starting with their reserve squad if they make it past the group stages! i feel for Arsenal and Eduardo, disgraceful decision.
  20. Thank the gods! there was me thinking im alone and crazy for being happy with what has happened. would i have like 1-2 more players? sure. but do i think we have a good squad with some very handy addidtions. Definately. I also like the fact that each of the 3 players bought have been captains at some point, which means we could drop Nev, which could be good considering the number of games we have coming up. all in all, well done BK, board and Moyes. Not as many faces as we wouldve liked, but the quality not quantity approach has certainly worked. cant wait to see what happens at Fulham...
  21. probably wanted someone to pay his booze and bail money and noone would... Good riddance, he is immensely overrated and up his own arse....
  22. thats not always the most reliable of sources now is it?
  23. nothin on SSN website and BBC says theres only rumours. has he signed boys n girls? its on the official site! PARTY!
  24. you cant be complaining. really?! Baines and Billy on the left, Jonny and Peanuts on the right? sounds very nice to me!
  25. well a rumour just popped up on the bbc site saying David Silva just arrivede at Old Trafford. Maybe if Manure stump up a large sum o cash then they will be happier to let him go. oh, and if that rumour is true too...
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