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Everything posted by Matt

  1. i believe the game is on ESPN, so should get a decent feed from one of the links at myp2p.eu
  2. i really dont want this game to happen! The only positives i can think of are that Seamus may get a run out (been interested in seeing him, keep hearing very good things) and King Louis is back. Possible 4-3-3/4-4-2 anyone? ............Howard Coleman Hibbert Distin Baines ......Felli Rodwell Billy ............Cahill ........Yak.......Saha not a bad line up but still brown trousers time i think. 2 last things to give us hope; 1. we are usually at our best when pressure is on and odds are against us, 2. They got beat by AEK....
  3. and to quote the great Eddies Izzard, " you say erbs whilst we say herbs, because there's a fuckin H in it"....
  4. i still like the idea of copying the plans for Barca's new stadium, that jutts out into the sea. I was thinkin we could to the same with the Mersey, and use a tidal powerplant as the foundations/co-project, but then i was dreaming too. http://www.cnplus.co.uk/news/images-barcelona-fc-stadium-at-sea-plans/5205577.article# for those who havent seen it yet. http://www.crosbyherald.co.uk/news/crosby-news/2009/09/24/mersey-tidal-power-scheme-could-power-the-region-s-homes-68459-24765449/ for my idea of support.... the proposed plans above look fantastic too, but just as unrealistic. I hope im proven wrong, one way or the other...
  5. well said MikeO. Dont forget everyone, we still have people in the team that will improve with more premiership experience; Rodwell, Billy, Johnny... When we get people back it will give us more depth too, and at least we're still in all the competitions (at least i think we are, the last 4 weeks have all blended together!). Keep the faith y'all! was only a couple of weeks ago where we went 4 games and scoring 13 goals (or something similar) without reply. So we hit a blip, so what! Stevie P is back in a couple of games and Arteta back shortly after him (fingers crossed). There is no reason why we cant improve on last years performances, we have the squad and potential. We just need (a little more) patience...
  6. its all the same; overindulgent, selfabsorbed, ripped off Queen and a few others too, just generally realy boring and repetetive. Sounds like a collection of the tracks that didnt make it to the previous album, because they werent good enough. Still, each to their own... the last one grew on me, after about 6 months, but i dont see that happening with this new one. Theres not 1 killer riff, just politcal monotany. Think ive made myself clear on where i stand on this now.... Good man, crank it up! Currently got The Specials - Ghost Town on the radio, though this will probably followed by some dire crap...
  7. the title reads like you sacked him Romey, if you look at the new threads list (recently added threads)!!!
  8. well, having finished 5th last 2 seasons arent we already there???
  9. cant get either of them workin... is there some special way of pressing the play button for the http://www.channelsu...atch-epl-3.html link? i cant believe iraqgoals.net has let me down!
  10. best player!? seriously? the only reason he was as sucessful in defense as he was is because of Jags, who when in form is actually worth most of the 22mill spent on JL, and to a lesser degree Baines. He is an average footballer, maybe good. We have some excellent players in our squad. I wouldnt have put him in my top 5. Ive no gripe with him leaving for Citeh, i think we're better for it and i wish him the best of luck, because he will need it...
  11. he is a world class player. Forget the obvious deadball genius, his influence and workrate are fantastic. he leads by example (most of the time) and inspires the players around him. sure, not as fast as he once was, but he always gave 100% and i imagine will continue to do so in order to prove his worth. I like the fact that Capello isnt afraid of dropping the big names, but he is one name i would always include, at least have on the bench. Dare i say it, i would love to see him in blue too....
  12. if its all true, and im hoping its not, i wouldnt want the club to get rid of him. he is an exciting prospect and if anyone can get him back on the straight and narrow, it would be Moyes. he is only a kid, and kids make stupid mistakes. If he doesnt learn from his mistake, then we get rid of him later on. but imagine we let him go, some other club takes a chance on him (and someone would) and he becomes the next rooney? all because he got caught with pot? come on! we had VDM on the books as an alcoholic for years! IF he is guilty, give him 1 more chance. if he screws up again, then we get rid. but lets not be quick to judge....
  13. actually, the yanks are closer to the olde english and usually phonetically closer to the real word. however, by definition, the language is English so theyre always wrong, which i love telling my fiancee and her family: "what language are you speaking? where did it originate? so who's right? Thank you". then i have to save my tea from going in the sink....
  14. "Just before he scored, he had a shot from 30 yards and drove it well wide." said Moyes. "He had big nonsense to do the same thing because the crowd here can be unforgiving at times. He has been here since he was a boy, he is part of the brickwork at Everton, but he has worked really hard to get where he is." just a snippit (where it says nonsense should say bollox), but what i want to know is, did Moyes really say that!? http://www.evertonfc.com/news/what-the-papers-say-5-october.html Fantastic goal (again) Ossie!
  15. just bought the Red Dwarf and Blackadder complete boxsets in an attempt to train my american fiancee in truely wonderful humour. plus, gave me an excuse to buy them since ive wanted them for years! oh happy days!
  16. again, i reckon he's average in a defensive position. he seems shackled when playing there, not happy, he needs to be let loose further up the field. when we do have our numbers back in midfield, it has to be Felli or Cahill in that attacking position, theyre just too similar. I would choose Cahill over Felli too, Screech needs to want his place more, he's loping about too much. I may get a slating for this, but when we have the numbers back, why not rotate? Or at least play them in different styles of game. Skippy is better in dog-fight matches, getting stuck in whereas Felli likes space and time. all i know is that Skippy needs to be further upfield, then we will see the best of him again....
  17. dare i say it, Tony Hibbert! he made some crucial challenges and blocks and worked tirelessly. is the competition for a place pushing him? well done to all the boys though for stickin together and battling on. made me proud... again...
  18. isnt Hibbert suspended for this game? I see Gosling filling the void for this game...
  19. just downloaded the original Lemmings and Theme Park! Ooooooh, the memories...
  20. thought there had to be a catch to our recent luck. this is going to be a haaaaaaaard game, unless Ol' 'arry decides to concentrate on the league. Spurs are looking good at the moment.... whats the odds on Naughton scoring?
  21. well, titles say it all really. Anyone heard anything?
  22. thanks! that puts it clearer than ive been able to!
  23. dont think its bang out of order but i understand where youre coming from. Im not sayin he is the sole reason, but it is a remarkable coinceidence. I do rate him, but he is very defensively minded. As for the being captain point, things can change... Question still remains though mate, who do you drop to have him in?
  24. I havent heard what happened in the end. Was he (and his mother i think too) ok?
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